
What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

author:Zhao Zhao's expectation


Since ancient times, people's quest for longevity and energy has seemed endless. However, history has proved that blindly taking some so-called "complement" or "aphrodisiac" drugs often hides unpredictable dangers.

Why did those famous emperors in ancient times still plant on these "longevity medicines"?

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

In the early morning of the birds, a youthful tragedy was staged in the depths of the drapery

The cool morning breeze blew through the splendid palace and blew the light gauze curtains. The curtain is resplendent with gold, and the ground is scattered with colorful clothes and jade shoes. The painting is sleeping in the princess's arms, and his face still has the blush of last night's joy. What a beautiful and moving picture, but it hides an irreparable sadness

Feiyan opened her sleepy eyes and looked out the window at the clear blue sky. The tiredness of a night of spring supper did not dissipate, but was infinitely magnified in this quiet morning. She lightly stroked the warm face of the person in her arms, and her heart was full of mixed feelings. This was the sweet moment she had dreamed of, but now it has become the most unbearable pain in her life.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

It turned out that this good-looking person was Emperor Liu Biao of the Han Dynasty in the Western Han Dynasty. And Feiyan, who hugged him and cried, was a confidant and confidant who made him sink, let him abandon the government, and finally had a heart with him, and depended on him for life and death. However, this eternal snuggle was torn apart in the most tragic way. Because, last night was the last night when these two people sang and chanted, and it was also the moment when the young emperor Liu Biao died.

A spring night with beauties, so that the heroic Emperor Han Cheng has been sleeping in the depths of the curtain since then. Now, listening to the birds and flowers in the morning, Feiyan tears like rain, and regret it in my heart. How many concubines in the deep palace have dreamed that they can accompany the king, but they never thought that behind this glory there was such a painful price

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

Encountering the flying swallow dance, the emperor sought joy and started a wasteless sinking

Feiyan, who was full of thoughts, couldn't help but recall the bits and pieces of her acquaintance with Liu Biao. Back then, she was just a little-known dancer in her girlhood, learning to dance at random in the princess's mansion to cheer up. It was the height of summer that year, and she wore a light plain dance dress and danced in the courtyard as she pleased.

Inadvertently, her figure was fully seen by Emperor Liu Biao of the Han Dynasty who was passing by. I saw Feiyan's skirt flying, and her pace was staggering, like a shock in the air. Her graceful figure and beautiful face made Liu Biao instantly fascinated. At present, when the beauty is young and frivolous, the merry emperor immediately invited Feiyan into the palace as a special favorite.

A whim invitation started the entanglement between Liu Biao and Feiyan for several years. Two really fiery hearts collided together at this moment. Feiyan is frank by nature, and her attachment to Liu Biao comes quickly. Liu Biao was moved by Feiyan's sincerity, and since then he has been immersed in this private and gentle township, unable to extricate himself.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

The Hede sisters flew into the palace, and the emperor was even more happy, but he didn't know how to control it

Gradually, Liu Biao fell in love with Feiyan's sister Zhao Hede again. Hede is bright and moving, and it is also a generation of national color and fragrance. Liu Biao immediately let the two sisters sleep together and enjoy themselves in fish and water. Since then, Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Hede have become confidants by his side, and have spent countless eternity with him.

The three of you and I are nong, turning the clouds and rain, and they are in love. The morning sun rises in the east, and then to the sunset in the west mountain, the evening breeze blows, and the willow tips on the moon outside the curtain. This is a lot of romances in life, and it is a picturesque beauty for a long time. However, the good times did not last long, and after a long night, Liu Biao gradually felt a great loss of vitality. His body could no longer withstand the exertion and exertion.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

In order to save his life, he dispelled the clouds of sorrow, but swallowed poison that could not be redeemed

Liu Biao, who was becoming more and more emaciated and weak, knew that something was wrong. He came to Tai Hospital for medical treatment, hoping to find some medicine to replenish his vitality. A middle-aged man who claimed to be a miracle doctor quickly walked into the hall with small steps, and when he saw the emperor with a haggard face, he immediately put on a look of pity.

"The emperor's dragon body is weak and haggard, and his vitality is damaged by excessive manipulation. There is a treasure called Xingqingsan, which is said to come from the overseas immortal fairyland, and the results are immediate when taken, injecting the true power of the human body and prolonging life. This is the emperor's nutritional medicine!"

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

As soon as he heard that there was such a great benefit as prolonging life, Liu Biao immediately couldn't help but be overjoyed. He hurriedly asked for this sobering dispersal taste. When the jasper-like medicine bottle was handed to him, Liu Biao seemed to see a new hope. He looked at the doctor with hope, and then stroked the bottle and walked to his bedroom.

That night, Liu Biao hugged Feiyan's delicate body and poured her jade liquid elixir. The two eyebrows flickered, and they blended together. Just as the moment when Feiyan thought about it came, Liu Biao hurriedly took out the awakening emotion and swallowed it in one go. Soon, he felt his blood pounding and his mind refreshed. I saw his eyes glow, and he suddenly rolled over Feiyan's slender body, and whispered in her ear. It didn't take long for the two bodies to merge at a negative distance between the layers of drapery

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

The medicinal power was refreshed at a glance, and he was full of joy and frequently asked for it

The miraculous effect of waking up and dispersing was immediate, and Liu Biao was full of energy all night, and he and Feiyan turned the clouds and rain until dawn. The wolf fire in his body seemed to never be extinguished, and Feiyan Jiao was able to breathe after gasping. When the morning sun sprinkled into the palace wall and the morning light illuminated the faces of the two snuggling, Liu Biao gradually calmed down his desire.

The successful and effective experience made Liu Biao more trusting of this awakening emotion. Since then, he has been taking such miracle drugs from time to time, and he has been in trouble with his sweetheart. As soon as he swallowed this medicine, he was refreshed and hugged the beauty. It seems that there will always be inexhaustible energy to linger with him, what has been cultivated for a hundred years in the same boat, and countless peerless beauties in the world are extremely readily available.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

The day after day sheng song was overindulged, and the emperor was finally killed by the effect of medicine

A month passed quickly, and Liu Biao indulged in the energetic and gentle countryside brought by the awakening and dispersion, and could not extricate himself. He took a large number of these forbidden drugs and lived a happy life with beautiful women. It is difficult for him to be distracted by any major affairs of the court and politics, and he just wants to immerse himself in this eternal spring night forever.

Until late one night, Liu Biao and Feiyan snuggled together. The two bodies overlapped again in close proximity. Just as Feiyan was moaning again and again, and Liu Biao's desire was rising, he suddenly shuddered, his eyelids rolled up, and he fell backwards! Feiyan exclaimed in surprise and hurriedly hugged Liu Biao's body, which had lost its temperature. When the imperial doctor heard the news, he could only sigh helplessly. It turned out that the accumulated drug poison had eroded his internal organs. This moment is the moment to wake up and dissipate and die

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

Feiyan couldn't cry silently, and the beauty of the deep palace was powerless to return to heaven and knew the fate of the medicine

Since then, Liu Biao, who has no vital signs, has passed away lightly. The news of his death due to excessive drug dependence quickly spread in the palace, and all the beauties mourned and wept. Feiyan couldn't cry even more, she hugged Liu Biao's already stiff body all day long and cried bitterly.

How many beauties in the deep palace have envied the blessing of Feiyan, but they didn't expect that such a cruel price was hidden behind this glory. I didn't expect that this suave emperor would finally lose his life in such a tragic way. Feiyan's heart is like a knife, she killed her most beloved, this kind of self-blame and heartache makes her worse than death.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

Zhu Changluo lost his life in the Spring Festival by mistake

is the same as Liu Biao, as well as Zhu Changluo of Guangzong of the Ming Dynasty. After the emperor succeeded to the throne, his biological mother sent eight palace maids to serve him. Zhu Changluo was young and vigorous, and his early life was depressed, once he tasted the stimulation brought by power and beauty, he couldn't stop and lingered with these palace maids day and night for fun.

When the body could not bear it, the minister sent red pill medicine. At the beginning, Zhu Changluo was indeed happy and full of vitality after taking it. After many times, the effect of the medicine is not effective, but the body is getting weaker and weaker. One day, when he was in the clouds and rain with a beauty, Zhu Changluo died suddenly and passed away in the screams of the palace maid. It turns out that behind the great replenishment of vitality of this red pill, there is a huge toxicity of side effects, and long-term use will lead to the tragedy of losing the Spring Festival

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

Can we rely on common foods to really replace such medicines?

The lessons of Liu Biao and Zhu Changluo are enough to warn future generations that we cannot rely on those drugs that work so quickly to nourish or stimulate the body, which often hides unpredictable risks. But what foods or herbs can be substituted in our lives, and how can we properly face the needs of our bodies?

In fact, among the common ingredients in daily life, there are also some mild tonic effects. For example, the delicious leek, which has a good effect of replenishing yang and clearing heat, can also have a certain effect of prolonging life.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

It is often eaten in combination with meat or processed into a variety of delicacies. Eating in moderation is undoubtedly beneficial to the body.

In addition, there are also some health foods on the market that have a slight kidney tonic effect. For example, we often see a variety of products containing wolfberry in the supermarket, which can play a good role in nourishing blood and invigorating blood, nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs. Lychee, ginger, and garlic are all common edible ingredients that also have certain medicinal effects. However, compared with banned drugs, the effect of these things is relatively light, so be careful to take them in moderation.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you

Scientific diagnosis and treatment, drug abstinence and dependence are the way of today

But even with their tempting tastes, you can't expect these common ingredients to completely replace those miraculous medicinal powers. More importantly, we need to establish a scientific and rational attitude. Once you find any discomfort or hidden danger in your body, the first priority is to seek medical attention as soon as possible, and do not look for so-called alternative drugs or rely on drugs by yourself.

Doctors can help us analyze the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment plan based on the symptoms. This controlled, scientific treatment is safer than the random application of unknown drugs by yourself. In addition, we need to be self-disciplined, not to overindulge, and to develop good habits. Moderate exercise, regular physical examination and monitoring, this is the most scientific and efficient way to maintain the body in our time.

What exactly did the ancients say about "aphrodisiac"? It makes people shy to say it, but in fact, you have it all around you


Liu Biao and Zhu Changluo both met beautiful women unexpectedly, and they even had to find troubles for themselves, such opportunities were originally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But after all, he couldn't take a long-term view, only blindly overindulged, and misbelieved in the power of medicine, and finally died. In the future, if we fail to quit drug dependence, we will eventually repeat their mistakes and make the wrong payment of irreparable drug lives.

Is there any elixir of rejuvenation and life-saving in this world? It is definitely not as miraculous as the legend has been, but has hidden murderous intentions. Only we see our bodies as our lives