
Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

Recently, Huawei released a series of important software updates and new product announcements. One of the most eye-catching is the update to HarmonyOS version for the HUAWEI MatePad Pro series. This update focuses on optimizing the interface and bringing users a better visual experience. However, we need to take a deeper look at this update and add some insightful professional advice and commentary.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

First of all, while the optimization of the interface display is an improvement that users can look forward to, it should be noted that the data space required for the update is at least 8GB. This can be frustrating for users with limited storage space, especially if they're already full of apps and files. Therefore, before users decide to make an update, they should weigh in on whether it is worth paying so much for this relatively small improvement.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

Second, the update may cause some third-party apps to be incompatible with HarmonyOS, which may affect normal use. This is an issue that requires our great attention, as third-party apps play a very important role in our daily lives. If you find that some popular third-party apps aren't working properly after an update, you may have to find a replacement app. This can be a challenge for users who rely on specific apps for work or play.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

In addition, Huawei has also pushed an update to HarmonyOS version for the Mate 60 phone, while the MatePad/Pro 10.8-inch tablet has also released an update for version In addition to the UI improvements, this update also focuses on optimizing shooting effects, and enhancing the system's compatibility and stability with third-party apps. This is undoubtedly exciting news for those who love photography and use third-party apps. These improvements have resulted in a better experience for users to enjoy a great shooting experience and to be able to use a variety of third-party applications more smoothly.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

Huawei's upcoming vertical folding screen phones and nova 12 series new products have some improvements in camera and design, bringing anticipation to users who are looking for mobile phone shooting and innovative design. The vertical folding screen mobile phone adopts the design of dual large circle camera modules, which improves the recognition of the camera and provides users with a better shooting experience. Not only does this design record moments with greater clarity and accurate color reproduction, but it also provides more creative space for users to be creative while shooting. For users who love photography, this innovation is undoubtedly a very attractive highlight.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

On the other hand, Huawei's nova 12 series has also been improved in terms of cameras, and will adopt a new camera module design to bring better shooting results. This further reflects Huawei's emphasis on and pursuit of shooting technology. Huawei has always excelled in mobile photography, and this improvement will further solidify its leading position in this field and bring users a more satisfying shooting experience.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

In addition to camera improvements, both new products are equipped with high-performance Kirin 5G chips, providing users with faster network connections and a smoother operating experience. With the popularity of 5G networks, high-speed and stable network connectivity is essential for modern mobile phones. Huawei's investment and innovation in this area once again demonstrate its leading awareness of technological development and provide users with a better network experience.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

However, it is important to note that due to limited availability, mid-range 5G phones are not expected to fully return to the market until next year. This means that users may have to wait longer to get their hands on these new products. With this in mind, users should weigh their needs against the timing of their purchase and make an informed decision. Nevertheless, as a company committed to technological innovation and user experience improvement, the launch of these new products is undoubtedly a reflection of its continuous efforts and is worth looking forward to.

Huawei Mate60 pushes HarmonyOS version, and the new folding screen is exposed

In summary, Huawei's recent software update focused on optimizing the interface display and shooting experience, and enhancing the system's compatibility and stability with third-party applications. However, before making the update, users need to be aware of the storage space required for the new version and the third-party app compatibility issues that may occur. For those who focus on filming and the use of third-party apps, these updates are certainly worth looking forward to. However, there is a need to balance the specific needs of each user against the realities of the situation to ensure that the update actually leads to a better user experience.

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