
6-4! Ding Junhui is happy to come to the door: overtaking Murphy and eliminating Trump and meeting O'Sullivan

6-4! Ding Junhui is happy to come to the door: overtaking Murphy and eliminating Trump and meeting O'Sullivan

On December 3, 2023, Beijing time, the Snooker British Championship ended the semi-final competition, and after O'Sullivan took the lead in advancing to the finals, Ding Junhui also came with good news, he eliminated the fiery Trump 6-4, reached the final of the British Championship for the fifth time, and will attack the fourth British Championship championship in his career. In addition, Ding Junhui hit another shot to break 100, and the total number of career 100 breaks reached 640, surpassing Shaun Murphy and ranking seventh in history alone.

6-4! Ding Junhui is happy to come to the door: overtaking Murphy and eliminating Trump and meeting O'Sullivan

The British Championships is Ding Junhui's favorite event, and it is also Ding Junhui's best event, after breaking through from the qualifying round, Ding Junhui successively eliminated Mark Allen, Tom Forde, and Mark Williams to advance to the semifinals. Mark Allen is the defending champion, Mark Williams is the world champion, and it should be said that Ding Junhui has won a very valuable place in the semifinals. However, Ding Junhui's goal is to break the championship drought in ranking tournaments, and competing for the championship is his only goal in the British Championships.

In the semifinals, Ding Junhui faced Trump, who was the hottest player and the most outstanding player this season. Before the start of the match between Ding Junhui and Trump, O'Sullivan defeated Hussein Wafei 6-2 and advanced to the final first. Ding Junhui did not disappoint the fans, and once again dedicated a wonderful game, once again let us see him swinging his fists to celebrate, and once again let us see the shadow of the peak Ding Junhui.

6-4! Ding Junhui is happy to come to the door: overtaking Murphy and eliminating Trump and meeting O'Sullivan

In the case of falling behind 2-3, Ding Junhui won two games in a row, and scored 110 points in a single stroke in the 7th game, which was the 640th stroke in his career to break 100, surpassing Shaun Murphy in one fell swoop, ranking seventh in history. During this time, Sean Murphy made a lot of controversial remarks, which also involved Ding Junhui, and now Ding Junhui responded to Sean Murphy with practical actions, which was very relieved. Subsequently, Trump returned with one shot to break 100 and chased the score to 4 draws.

6-4! Ding Junhui is happy to come to the door: overtaking Murphy and eliminating Trump and meeting O'Sullivan

However, at the critical moment, Ding Junhui showed great courage and attacked very accurately, which can be described as brave and strategic, and with a resolute attitude. scored 88 points in a single stroke in the ninth game and 84 points in a single stroke in the tenth game, just like that, Ding Junhui won two games in a row again, eliminated Trump 6-4, and reached the final of the British Championship for the fifth time. In the first four finals, Ding Junhui won 3-1, and it can be said that his winning rate in the finals of the British Championships is extremely high, and the opportunity to break the championship drought is close at hand.

6-4! Ding Junhui is happy to come to the door: overtaking Murphy and eliminating Trump and meeting O'Sullivan

Ding Junhui surpassed Murphy in a single stroke to break 100 totals, and advanced to the final of the British Championship after eliminating Trump, this final seat allowed Ding Junhui to further consolidate the world's top 16 rankings, and the single-season ranking has also been greatly improved. Next is the championship battle with O'Sullivan, this is the 32nd time the two have met, this may be the most watched game this season, I hope Ding Junhui will unload his burden, show his best condition, and win the championship!