
The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

author:Sister Jin plays a game

After 6 years, the case has finally made new progress.

A French civil court ruled on November 24 that French authorities were found guilty of "gross negligence" and that they were required to pay 138,000 euros to the family of the victim, Liu Shaoyao.

Liu Shaoyao, a Chinese citizen, lives with his wife and five children in this residential building in the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

On March 26, 2017, Liu Shaoyao was shot dead at his home by police officers from the "Anti-Crime Brigade". After the incident, the police claimed that Liu was shot dead when he attacked the police with scissors.

But his two children denied the police claims.

It is reported that he was killing fish with scissors at home at the time, and was reported by a neighbor that the noise was too loud, so the police came to check on him.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

The child, who witnessed the whole incident at the time, said, "Around 8 o'clock, my sister heard a knock on the door. Through the cat's eye, she saw two men and a woman standing outside the door, armed with weapons. My dad was cooking dinner and walked to the door with scissors to kill fish. The knocking was getting louder and louder, and I yelled 'be quiet, stop making noise', but nothing changed, and they started banging on the door. ”

Liu Shaoyao, who was standing behind the door against the door, was knocked down by the door panel, and the first police officer to rush in shot Liu Shaoyao without warning. One daughter said that the whole process from the time the door was slammed open to the time her father was hit took less than two seconds, and Liu Shaoyao had no time to clash with the police. ”

The police then let the family into one of the rooms of the house and wait, while the ambulance crew began to rescue Liu Shaoyao, and at 10 o'clock in the evening, Liu Shaoyao's wife and children were told that Liu Shaoyao had died.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

After the case was exposed, it immediately aroused the attention of the Chinese community in France, questioning the police's violent law enforcement.

Subsequently, 6,000 Chinese protested in the streets of Paris, believing that the police were using excessive force. Under the statue in the middle of the Place de la République in Paris hangs a banner reading "The police are murderers, we want justice" and a portrait of Liu Shaoyao, where protesters held a moment of silence in honor of Liu Shaoyao.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated
The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

The Chinese government also publicly demanded clarification of the facts at the time of the incident, and when meeting with the Chinese ambassador to France at the time, the chief of the Paris police stressed that the safety of the Asian community would be "a priority". The case was subsequently investigated by the French National Police Inspectorate.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

However, the subsequent direction was unacceptable to the Chinese.

At the first trial in July 2019, the police officer was ruled not to be prosecuted.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

In November 2020, an appellate court found that the police shooting was justified and again ruled against prosecution.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

After that, Liu Shaoyao's family appealed to the French Supreme Court. On February 16, the Supreme Court decided not to accept the appeal of Liu Shaoyao's family.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated
The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

The Supreme Court's decision stated that "after examining admissibility and after examining the pleadings, the Court of Appeal finds that there are no grounds for admissibility at this time".

In the end, hopeless family members had no choice but to sue the civil court.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

The case was ultimately won in the civil courts.

Pierre Lembrorousseau, the lawyer representing Liu's family, said: "This verdict sets a precedent in the history of French justice, when the police were dismissed for malfeasance, and the civil court still found the authorities guilty of gross negligence."

The verdict said that the police of the "anti-crime brigade" "could only be called upon to intervene in daily conflicts and deal with crimes of moderate risk" and should have carried non-lethal weapons with them. In addition, the court found that at the time of the incident, the French authorities did not take good care of Liu's two children, allowing them to witness their father's death, and were left in the apartment by the police for two hours without providing any assistance, and finally asked them to inform their mother of their father's death, "which shows that the public justice is not capable of fulfilling its obligations".

As a result, the court ruled that the state should pay 138,000 euros in civil compensation to Liu Shaoyao's wife and children.

The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated
The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated
The verdict was pronounced: Serious negligence! The Chinese were shot dead by the police while killing fish at home, and their families were compensated

Now that Liu's children have grown up, and many of the people who participated in the march have long since left Paris, it has been a long and painful process for the victims, and now the court has finally pronounced the verdict, and I hope that the family can get some comfort and comfort.