
The flu hit the Chinese women's football team, and the two generals had a fever and were likely to miss the first warm-up match between China and the United States

The flu hit the Chinese women's football team, and the two generals had a fever and were likely to miss the first warm-up match between China and the United States

The flu hit the Chinese women's football team, and the two generals had a fever and were likely to miss the first warm-up match between China and the United States

The Chinese women's football team will challenge the world powerhouse U.S. women's football team at 3 p.m. local time on December 2 (4 a.m. Beijing time on the 3rd) at Rackhardt Stadium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. However, before the start of the game, the team was plagued by serious injury problems. After Yang Lina, Wu Chengshu, Chen Qiaozhu and other main players missed the trip to the United States due to injury, Wang Aifang and Gao Jingyao, two young newcomers, were affected by the flu and had fever symptoms after arriving in the United States with the team, which means that only 18 players of the Chinese women's football team can play in the first warm-up match between China and the United States.

The Chinese women's football team flew to Miami, the United States at 5 p.m. local time on November 29 (6 a.m. Beijing time on November 30), and then prepared for two international A-level warm-up matches with the U.S. women's football team on the afternoon of December 2 (early morning of the 3rd Beijing time) and the evening of December 5 (the morning of the 6th Beijing time).

The flu hit the Chinese women's football team, and the two generals had a fever and were likely to miss the first warm-up match between China and the United States

In fact, the Chinese women's football team suffered a series of injuries before leaving for the United States. Among them, Yang Lina was absent from the team's early Xianghe training camp due to fever, Wu Chengshu was injured in the French Ligue 1 match on November 20 and was also unable to participate in the Chinese women's football team's overseas training and warm-up match, and Chen Qiaozhu unfortunately suffered a ligament injury during the Xianghe training camp and had to withdraw from the training camp. For this reason, the coaching staff of the Chinese women's football team decided to temporarily recruit Shen Menglu, a player of the Celtic Club of the Soviet Super League, and Liu Yanqiu, a defender of the women's Super League Wuhan Jiangda women's football team, to join the team.

In fact, from the arrival in Miami to the start of the first warm-up match of the Chinese and American women's football teams, the Chinese women's football team only had two opportunities to practice outdoors. In the training on the 1st local time, as absolute newcomers to the team, Wang Aifang and Gao Jingyao, the main players of the current U20 national youth women's football team, were both affected by the influenza and had fever symptoms. At present, it is a high probability that the two of them will miss the first warm-up match between China and the United States.

The flu hit the Chinese women's football team, and the two generals had a fever and were likely to miss the first warm-up match between China and the United States

The interim coaching staff of the Chinese women's football team, with the current national youth women's football coach Wang Jun as the main member, originally planned to arrange Wang Haifang as the main midfielder to participate in the Sino-US warm-up match, but when the players were sick, the coaching staff had to adjust the personnel arrangement plan. Shen Mengyu may join hands with Yao Wei in the back.

Although the Chinese women's football team is currently suffering from serious injuries, the coaching staff has always encouraged the players, especially the young players, to put down their mental baggage and go all out to show their talents during this trip.

Text/Beiqing Sports Xiao Yun

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