
The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

author:Enthusiastic citizen Ali

One day, I sat down in a café at the airport with a few thick blueprints on a table next to me, and I was busy chatting with a young pilot. "You know what? When people mention the word 'speed,' they rarely realize what it really means in the sky," he said. I nodded, thinking, this is the story I want to share with you.

The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

Then again, in the early 20th century, when those daring pilots began using airplanes for all sorts of missions – from reconnaissance to mail transport – who would have thought that we would develop fighter jets that were so fast that time would be lazy?

The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

Let's start with the SR71 Blackbird in the United States. It is not only a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, but also the embodiment of speed and elegance. Every time it shuttles through the clouds, it's like telling gravity, "Sorry, man, I'm in a hurry today." Blackbirds soar high in the sky at three times the speed of sound! Imagine flying so fast that the air molecules don't even have time to greet each other.

The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

Then there were the MiG-25 flying foxes of Soviet times. It's like a superhero in the sky – just without a cape. When the flying fox flapps its wings and flies high, everything else looks like it's strolling through the park. This fighter has demonstrated unmatched speed and power in high-altitude reconnaissance and interception missions.

The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

Finally, let's look at the J-20, which China makes itself. While it's a little more laid-back than the SR71 and MiG-25 (if you call Mach 2.0 "laid-back"), don't underestimate it! The J-20 is like a ninja in aviation – silently gliding across enemy radar screens while completing complex maneuvers and carrying a full toy box – and I mean the most sophisticated weapon systems.

The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

So, in this story, we see how three countries have taken the word "fast" to the extreme, and in doing so, established their position in the aviation sector that should not be underestimated. Each time these fighters take to the skies, they are a testament to technological innovation, design ingenuity and the never-ending quest for pushing the limit.

The fastest speed of fighters: 4,100 kilometers for the American "Blackbird", 3,980 for the Russian "Flying Fox", and how much for China

Now you might be asking, "So why go for speed?" Haha! Imagine having a piece in a military strategy game that can span the entire board in the blink of an eye and be almost elusive... Pretty cool, right?

Of course, there's a deeper story behind these machines: about courage, ingenuity, and crossing borders. Because every aircraft goes from blueprint to steel dragon, from first test flight to legendary history, it takes countless engineers, test pilots, and support teams to work quietly for a long time.

The young pilot in the café said to me, "You know the coolest part, no matter how advanced or fast, it will ultimately take a human like me, whose body and soul coexists in the cockpit, to master it." He added with a laugh, "Unless one day the AI learns to joke." ”

So the next time you look up at the stars or hear the faint sound of distant engines, remember those who travel through the clouds, push the envelope, write the chapter of history, and occasionally have to deal with traffic jams to get home for dinner (well...). Maybe you don't have to deal with traffic jams) warriors.

There may not be Superman or The Flash in real life, but we have the SR71 Blackbird, the MiG-25 Flying Fox and the J-20, and I've heard that they all love to participate in the "who's the fastest" competition... Just don't take it too seriously!

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