
AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

In the world of football, people like to use some "rhetorical devices" to comment on the game, such as comparison.

Now that AC Milan has a poor record and continues to suffer injuries, the Rossoneri fans and the Italian media are engaged in a vigorous storm of "catching the culprit", and the physical trainer Osti has been portrayed as a villain and a devil. At the same time, the Italian media praised and praised Inter Milan's physical trainers, in fact, it was a kind of "contrast". The Inter staff can also be regarded as a kind of "lying gun".

But this is not a bad thing, because it means that Inter's physical trainers finally have a chance to get out of the "shadow left by Pintus".

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

In this era, when a large number of accusations are directed at a certain individual, it can be described as "messy sticks and mud and sand".

Case in point: Klassen.

After Inter's 3-3 draw with Benfica, Dutch player Klaassen was ridiculed all over the world - whether it was Twitter, INS, Weibo, Tieba, all kinds of spoofs, tons appeared. I won't turn around here, if you are interested, you can search for it yourself.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

Some of the criticisms are justified, such as Klassen's lack of integration into the system.

There are also some criticisms that are pure nonsense, such as Klaassen not running - people who watched the game know that it is okay to say that he does not know how to run in the right place, but to say that Inter's "running king" in this game is too lazy, and it is purely to follow the trend.

However, when accusations become trendy, not everyone can respect the facts. This is also a phenomenon that is prevalent in the sport.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

AC Milan are not doing well right now, with 25 different injuries to the Rossoneri so far this season – 18 of which are muscle injuries.

Kalulu, Pellegrino, Kjaer, Caldara... Now, Jiafu's injury has made the situation worse. According to medical sources, Jiafu may have to recuperate from the injury for 10-12 weeks, and even in extreme cases, it is not ruled out that he may be reimbursed early for the season.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

So the Italian media began to analyze this matter. Some media are more objective, such as Sky Channel, pointing out that the frequent problems are due to many reasons, such as the summer training arrangement, the current tactics, and the evaluation before the transfer of reinforcements There are areas for improvement.

Some of the media, as well as the leaders of the fan organizations in the South Stand, pay attention to a simple and rude - catch a scapegoat and kill the sacrificial flag, and everything will be fine! Therefore, this is not a natural disaster, this is a man-made disaster, purely because the team's physical trainer Osti is a parallel import, a villain, and a devil, and the culprit can be easily dealt with!

According to Milan Sport: AC Milan also experienced a similar injury crisis in 2017, which ended in the team sacking fitness trainer Emanuele Mara, and this time, Osti may follow in his footsteps.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

While the Italian media reported a lot on Osti, based on the necessity of rhetorical devices, they frantically praised the physical trainer Fabio Ripelt of American Milan - this has been a member of Inter Milan for more than 2 years, replacing the staff of Pintus, and in the first two years, he was always dismissed as a parallel import. He may not have imagined that now, he will be praised for "peer foil" - a reputation that he has never had in his career so far.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

So, take the opportunity to introduce the Inter gymnasticist, nicknamed "Prof 480". I don't usually have a chance to talk about him.

The Roma, who has worked with Inzaghi Jr. for 14 years, has been in charge of the team's fitness reserves, muscle injury recovery, post-match physiotherapy and more.

When he and Inzaghi were in charge of the Lazio Academy, they played four games with extra time in 10 days in the Devils' schedule, and at that time, Inzaghi Jr.'s players were often able to run around the pitch in the final stages of extra time. After the race, the physical trainer pointed out that this was because he was "physically prepared for a 480-minute fight". Thus, "Mr. 480" became his nickname.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

After Conte left, Inter's world-class physicist Pintus also left, and Ripelt joined the team.

In the past two seasons, Inter have exposed a lot of problems in terms of endurance, and in the 2021-22 season, the Nerazzurri fell into a fitness crisis in February-April and lost the title. Last season, the Nerazzurri had a strong Champions League record, but lost 12 league games, also because of the continuity crisis.

In essence, Inter Milan is a team with "physical strength and 3 points", and when it can't run, it pulls its hips. Therefore, in the past 2 years, there have been many voices that miss Pintus, and there are not a few voices that say that "Mr. 480" is not worthy of Pintus carrying shoes.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

But as we've repeatedly emphasized, it's not necessary to disparage someone by disparaging another person.

Pintus' greatness is undeniable, and it's properly world-class.

But to say that Ripert is garbage is not necessarily appropriate. Over the past two years, the Nerazzurri have been in a series of endurance crises for a number of reasons – such as relying too much on Dzeko and not doing a good job in rotation.

In fact, Ripelt did a good job. At least in the past two years, except for the "phenomenal" exception of the "two major priests", most of Inter's players with muscle injuries have been able to recover as scheduled under his care, and there have been no tragedies such as delayed returns, misdiagnoses, and recurrences of old injuries like other strong teams, which proves that Ripelt is still very solid.

AC Milan Ghost Hunt Storm Spreads to Inter Milan The Nerazzurri "Mr. 480" walked out of the shadow of the giant

Over the past few months, Inter CEO Marotta has pointed out several times about the injury crisis of AC Milan, Roma and other teams: "In this regard, Inter Milan is in a better situation, and this is due to the hard work of the coaching staff".

This season, with Inzaghi Jr. promoting big rotation in 4 of the 5 games in the Champions League, there is reason to expect that in the second half of the season, the team's performance in terms of endurance will improve compared to the previous two years. This can be regarded as the progress and perception after paying the tuition fees in the previous two years.

At this time, Inter's physical trainer "Mr. 480" was praised, although for another reason, but it is also a good thing, if he can take advantage of this to get out of the "shadow left by Pintus" and work more calmly, I believe Inter will also benefit from this.

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