
How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

No. 4069 Cultural Industry Review

As a "city business card" and "traffic password", the music festival has become the "standard-bearer" of stimulating the local cultural and tourism economy. In the first half of the year, affected by various factors such as the support of the government's performance policies, the development of the local cultural and tourism economy, the recovery of consumption after the epidemic, and the continuous entry of the capital market, the supply and demand of the music festival market were booming, and the number of performances, scale, ticket prices, and audiences began to reverse and blow out, playing the biggest dark horse of "retaliatory recovery" in the consumer field. However, the rapid "soaring" market has also exposed some chaos in the second half of the year.


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(Author of Cultural Industry Review, Researcher of Sanchuan Huiwen Cultural Tourism and Sports Research Institute)


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Edit | peninsula

Source | Cultural Industries Review

According to data from the China Performance Industry Association, Lighthouse Professional Edition, platform, etc., in the first half of the year, there were 506 concerts and music festivals (accounting for about 85% in the second quarter), and the box office revenue was 2.497 billion yuan (accounting for about 89% in the second quarter). The box office of the summer performance market exceeded 2.4 billion yuan (concerts and music festivals accounted for more than 90%), and the number of music festivals increased by nearly 2 times compared with 2019, and the weight of the performance market has increased significantly. Although the scale of the music festival track is huge, due to problems such as low thresholds, many market participants, and homogeneous lineups, the industry has been seriously involuted and its reputation has gradually declined.

Industry status: homogeneous competition, non-long-term calculation

At present, the homogenization of music festival projects, fast food, high ticket prices and low experience cannot be ignored.

According to incomplete statistics, only from March 17 to July 30 this year, in the 108 music festivals, at least 777 artists/bands appeared, and popular bands and singers such as "Second-hand Roses" and "Landlord's Cat" appeared repeatedly.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ Lineup of 108 music festival performances in the past six months (statistics on the number of performances)

At the same time, ticket prices are rising.

According to relevant statistics, the average ticket price of this year's music festival is about 100 yuan higher than in previous years. One of the reasons for the organizer's price increase is that the artist's appearance fee has risen sharply, accounting for the majority of the cost of the performance. It is reported that after a band participated in the variety show "Summer of the Band", its value increased by 10 times, and the price of its band also increased by 3 times after the song became popular on Douyin. The industry as a whole will see an average increase of 30-40% in artist fees in 2023.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ Artist fees account for about half of the total cost of the festival (according to public information)

According to statistics, about 60% of the festival's revenue comes from the box office (the ratio of the box office, sponsorship, and derivatives of the midi music festival in 2021 is roughly 6:3:1). The increase in costs caused by the rise in the value of artists is reflected in the fact that the high ticket prices are passed on to music fans, which has become a natural choice for the organizers.

And the higher price of the ticket does not bring a better experience to the music fans.

When high ticket prices and homogeneous performance lineups are superimposed, the trend of music fans waiting and choosing the best performances is becoming more and more obvious. From early March to mid-May, nearly a dozen festivals that could not sell tickets have been postponed or cancelled due to "force majeure". As of early November, more than 70 music festivals had been canceled in the second half of the year. Among them, ticket sales are lower than expected, and it is difficult to return on investment, or one of the main reasons for this situation.

In the face of the performance market of fast food, high ticket prices and low experience, Cultural Industry Review (ID: whcypl) knows that music fans need a fresh, affordable and high-quality music festival to experience diverse music culture and meet diversified needs, rather than innocently becoming leeks harvested by capital to make quick money. Organizers and brands also need a music festival with good popularity and reputation to break through the low-level "involution" competition and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

Market reshuffle: it is a challenge and an opportunity

As a cultural practitioner, Cultural Industry Review (ID: whcypl) hopes that the industry will return to healthy competition as soon as possible. It is also rationally realized that although the competition in the music festival market in 2023 is fierce and challenging, it is still difficult to find a ticket for the top high-quality music festival, and there is no shortage of opportunities in the field of offline performances, but high-quality players. "Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet", for the market situation of music festival performances, the market players have the most sensitive sense of smell and the fastest response. In the face of new trends and changes, a large number of new entrants have emerged, but some novices and the organizers of the "grass stage team" have entered the market with various problems in the early preparations, on-site order maintenance and online and offline operations, making some music festivals with brand titles or strong ties to the city unfortunately become "invalid music festivals", and there is almost no splash.

Of course, there are also some organizers who have been brewing for a long time and then attacking accurately, opening up new ways and stabilizing the old, relying on their own brand advantages, in the production process, the band invitation, stage construction, venue cooperation, business linkage and other combination of punches to the fullest, for the Chinese music festival market output distinctive characteristics and even typical benchmark cases, cultural industry review (ID: whcypl) after research, sorted out typical cases, such as Haikou Midi Music Festival, Guiyang Strawberry Music Festival, MTA Tianmo Music Festival, Aranya · Xiami Music Festival, Tianjin Bubble Island Music Festival, Chongqing Galaxy Ark Music Festival, Huzhou Offside Music Festival, etc. They either maintain the brand standard as always, or suddenly raise the industry standard, or hit the precise customer group alone, which is particularly precious in a group of music festivals that "platter circle money" and "lie flat and rotten".

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△Overview of some typical music festival cases in 2023 (compiled based on public information)

In addition, to create a music festival, some people are good at commercial operations and choose to "stir up", especially Internet brands, such as the "TME live" brand made by Tencent Music in 2022, taking the route of big coffee and big market, and quickly opening up the market for the brand. Some people stick to the artistic background and patiently "simmer", which is mostly seen in music labels, such as the midi team that produces offside music festivals, and Xiami Music Entertainment, which has moved from online music players to the offline performance market to carefully polish brand music festivals.

It is difficult to judge which model is more correct, although the number of actions is different, but the underlying logic is the same, based on satisfying the needs of the audience and music fans, to achieve higher artistic pursuit goals, commercial value goals, and local development goals. In other words, only a people-oriented art festival can turn into a crisis and win the market in the fierce competition.

Good festival characteristics: focus on demand, differential development

Behind the organizers' efforts to create a high-quality music festival is to treat the festival as a business. "Survival in need, mind in demand, called business". The demand is hierarchical, and the main body is different, so the characteristics of the festival should be to focus on respecting the needs of the audience and music fans to achieve differentiated development. In response to the different needs proposed by Maslow's "hierarchy of needs", Cultural Industry Review (ID: whcypl) concludes that high-quality music festivals should achieve the following five content or services:

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ The five levels of demand and the content or services provided by the festival

Among them, the need for self-realization depends more on the intensity, initiative, and subjective feelings of the audience and music fans' own needs. The satisfaction of the other four levels of needs can be achieved to a large extent by the joint efforts of the organizers, organizers, performers, and sponsors. In this regard, the Cultural Industry Review (ID: whcypl) has distilled and reorganized the following 5 characteristics of high-quality music festivals to provide our thoughts for friends:

First, there must be unique performance content

The presentation of high-quality performance content is the embodiment of the core attraction of a music festival. In addition to the standard movements, by providing differentiated venues, lineups, and productions, to create a unique music festival, in order to gain the respect of every audience and music fan who comes to the scene.

First, the rich and varied venues:

Music festivals, especially outdoor music festivals, are fascinated by much more than just "having music", but also the sunshine, dancing, shouting, camping, and carnival on the spot. Under the premise of satisfying the relatively flat and open basic conditions, many organizers have begun to break through the outdoor lawn and go to the beach, seaside, valley, desert, mine and other venues, and the absolutely unique elements have become the key to meeting the differentiation. Netizen "Jeff_JP" posted "Bubble Island: The Least Tired Music Festival" on his social platform: "A music festival by the sea, there is a beach, a sea breeze, a pergola, and a grass, you can sit down and rest anytime and anywhere!

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ Netizens praised the seaside location of the Tianjin Bubble Island Music Festival (source: Xiaohongshu)

The second is a strong lineup:

The music festival should first have a clear positioning, and then invite a performance lineup that matches its temperament based on the positioning, such as the Midi Music Festival and the Strawberry Music Festival, as a comprehensive music festival, pay more attention to inviting top musicians in various artistic styles; As the first vertical music festival with the theme of backward rocking, the offside music festival mainly invites domestic and foreign back-swing benchmarking teams.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?
How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ Poster of some music festival artist lineups (source: Weibo)

The third is the production of creative and unique:

The planning of the performance and the production of the performance stage will directly affect the audience's perception and experience. This year's Aranya Xiami Music Festival has innovated in the way of exhibition and performance, and has built an outdoor music festival model with the "2+1" multi-unit presentation method of "Eve Party", "Sunrise Special" and "Single-day Music Festival", among which the Rumor Band and the "Sunrise Special" The combination has become a magical match, the music is progressive, the emotions are superimposed, full of power but not too noisy, vigorous and with some restraint, giving the audience and music fans a unique surprise in 2023, and the final long shot design was blown up by netizens. On the other hand, the Dongjiang Bubble Island Music Festival is ingenious on the performance stage, setting up two stages at both ends of the beach, with 42 groups of domestic and foreign musicians singing on two stages in turn, with a distance of 5-10 minutes between each group of artists, and the organizers test in advance to ensure that the performance time of the two stages does not overlap. In this regard, some audience members complained that they were tired of running around and walked 20,000 steps a day, and more music fans said that they could see more performances than on a single stage and could enjoy them to the fullest. Although there are mixed reviews, at least we can see the sincerity and intentions of the organizers, and dare to break through and innovate, so as to bring more positive energy to the industry.

△ Shrimp Music Festival "Sunrise Special" Rumor Band Performance (Source: Little Red Book)

Second, there must be an immersive experience of the on-site atmosphere

"Only by immersing yourself in yourself can we encounter beauty". In an immersive atmosphere, audiences and fans can immerse themselves in the action. Cultural Industry Review (ID: whcypl) believes that a good music festival should have at least two experiences:

The first is the physical environment immersion experience of music + tourism:

Different physical environments bring people different visual and musical experiences. Therefore, more and more music festivals in lower-tier markets are expanding their competitiveness beyond the music repertoire and performance lineup by exploring geographical and regional characteristics and adhering to the concept of "music +". Aranya Shrimp Music Festival is held on the seaside, the sunrise or sunset, the beach, the sea breeze, the sky and the music are integrated, the audience follows the beating rhythm in the embrace of nature, and feels the immersive art feast;

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ The seaside atmosphere of the Aranya Shrimp Music Festival (source: Xiaohongshu)

The second is the immersive experience of the virtual environment of music + technology:

"Art challenges technology, and technology inspires art". The MTA Tianmu Music Festival combines music with "black technology", embellishes music time and space with VR/AR experience and robots, and creates a galaxy paradise composed of sci-fi starry sky camping, colorful nebula and alien creatures jellyfish, mysterious snake valley, and an interstellar gate to the unknown, which has become the biggest attraction of the music festival, bringing shocking visual enjoyment to the majority of music fans and immersing them in the virtual dream park created by science and technology.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ A virtual galaxy paradise created by a large-scale art installation at the MTA Music Festival (source: Internet)

Third, we must have the spiritual value of group resonance

A good music festival can return to music, resonate with the audience and music fans, realize the spiritual value of music, and connect people's hearts to feel love and warmth.

One is to arouse emotional resonance.

At the Xiami Music Festival, the veteran British rock band Suede, which came to China again after many years, brought an ultimate rock performance, and the lead singer Brett Anderson (Brett Anderson) reproduced the iconic microphone throwing action, accompanied by high-fives, head shakes, twisting, singing and dancing, 100% into the performance, even kneeling, Lying down, one classic song after another, wave after wave to drive the enthusiasm of the audience, in the collective chorus to meet the emotional resonance, in the sea of music to feel the power of music. This scene set off the climax of this Aranya Xiami Music Festival, contributing to the most boiling scene of the entire 2023 music festival market. 

△ Goatskin lead singer Brett Anderson sang live (source: Xiaohongshu)

The second is to realize spiritual values. A good music festival not only allows music fans to be healed in music and live,

For example, the Huzhou Offside Music Festival, as a vertical "post-rock" music festival, has no singing at the performance site, only pure instrumental performance, and pays more attention to the expressiveness and emotional transmission of the music itself. In pure "instrumental resonance", the emotional resonance is stimulated to the greatest extent. "It's as if we've gone through an emotional journey, from disappointment to pain, to introspection, realization, awakening, and rebirth. "It's the biggest affirmation of the festival from music fans. It also allows the audience to be relieved in sincere emotions, such as the Midi Music Festival in Yantai, Shandong, where several unusual scenes appeared: the entrance and exit of the performance site were full of private cars that were parked outside the entrance and exit of strange music fans for free, and people outside the mobile toilet took the initiative to turn on the mobile phone flashlight for the music fans who went to the toilet inside. It's hard not to be moved by the genuine affection between strangers, like the opening day of Woodstock.

It can be seen that mobilizing the most primitive impulses of human beings, such as the ultimate yearning for peace, freedom, equality and love, has always been the spiritual core pursued by high-quality music festivals.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ Offside Music Festival "Be Yourself" commemorative and "Great Stamina" praise (source: Xiaohongshu)

Fourth, there must be diversified and integrated consumption scenarios

The consumption scene is an extension of the music content of the organizer, a way for the brand to implant and integrate commercial sponsorship, and an effective channel to meet the basic needs of the audience and music fans such as food, housing, entertainment, and health, and is a win-win choice for multi-party cooperation. Therefore, a high-quality music festival can create a "music +" diversified consumption scene through sponsorship, naming, hosting, customization, etc., and in addition to normalized and personalized commercial services such as catering and wine, cultural and creative markets, sand camping, leisure and entertainment, other special services and experiences can enhance the differentiated characteristics of the music festival.

The first is to meet the needs of users:

For example, the Xiami Music Festival and Beijing Tong Ren Tang have set up a Shengmai Drink Medical Station to provide music fans with well-known experts to provide consultation services, and Dan Bisi has launched a separate toilet for women and a special area for women to check in and touch up makeup at the festival to take care of women's needs. The Strawberry Music Festival cooperated with Tong Ren Tang to set up a Shengmai Drink Vitality Supply Station to meet the needs of young people who participate in the music festival and bring energy to them.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△ Strawberry Music Festival cooperated with Tong Ren Tang to set up a Shengmai Drink Vitality Supply Station (source: Internet)

The second is to match the spiritual life type scene:

For example, the Galaxy Ark Music Festival combines Chongqing's hot pot, light rail through buildings, music atmosphere, automobile industry base and other urban landmark elements to organically combine the city's local life with the theme of the music festival, and shape the brand theme of "life is boiling all the way". In order to match this theme and related urban elements, the music festival is equipped with 5 offline theme exhibition areas, 17 brand booths, more than 30,000 square meters of "4S store" offline auto show, catering market and other interesting gameplay, so that the audience, music fans, and users can experience the joy of visiting the auto show, eating food, and watching performances, and experience the life of "boiling all the way".

△ Galaxy Ark Music Festival car display (source: Xiaohongshu)

Fifth, we must have complete basic supporting services

Supporting services such as transportation, network information, and public health are important guarantees related to the physiological needs and safety needs of the audience and fans at the festival. When a more than 10-year-old music festival still fails to operate, it is more challenging for brands with less experience. The organizer's intentions, dedication, and concerted efforts to solve the problem are the best sincerity to the audience and music fans.

Taking Tianjin Bubble Island as an example this year, it has been widely praised in terms of basic supporting services:

First, in terms of long-distance transportation,

The festival has adopted a combination of measures such as "Beijing-Tianjin music fan bus + road-rail connection + exclusive voucher for online car-hailing + special parking lot for spectators" to provide music fans with access and parking convenience.

How to create a high-quality and unique music festival?

△Tianjin Bubble Island Music Festival off-site and local transportation convenience policy (source: Xiaohongshu)

Second, in terms of network signals,

Tianjin Dongjiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone organized and operated and stationed at the site, laying 33 kilometers of optical fiber link access in 7 days, and adding 13 communication base stations, 12 ticket gates, and 17 WiFi in the venue, which generally guaranteed the communication needs of about 80,000 people at the event site and the surrounding area, and better met the sharing needs of young people for taking photos and short video platforms.

The third is public health cleaning,

300 mobile toilets were set up at the festival site, including 100 women-only toilets, which solved the toilet problem. "There is almost no queue in the toilet" has also become an unexpected surprise for many music fans.

In addition, the safety issues that music fans are very concerned about, first, the on-site safety, which needs to be coordinated and solved by the organizer and the local government, and give full attention to the theft of the Nanyang Midi Music Festival; At the same time, it is also necessary for the industry to improve after-sales policies such as stepped refund rules as soon as possible, and relax the fault tolerance of ticketing policies.


For the industry as a whole, the short-term upsurge in compensatory consumption will eventually become rational. The development of music festivals has also begun to enter the stage of development from more to fine, so high quality has become the key. A good music festival should start from the needs and go to the people, and meet people's ultimate yearning for peace, freedom, equality and love. For the music festival market that is gradually entering the big reshuffle, it is necessary to provide music festival lovers with unique performance content, immersive experience of the on-site atmosphere, the spiritual value of group resonance, diversified and integrated consumption scenes, and perfect basic supporting services, so as to form a core competitive advantage and truly establish a long-term and stable development of the music festival brand.

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