
Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Original | Pregnancy

There are thousands of roads, safety first!

Parents, please take the baby in the car must be the first consideration of safety, if you have a car, prepare a safety seat for your child, and if you don't have a car, you must take your child to sit in the back seat.

The co-pilot, not a place for the child to sit.

A few days ago, the traffic police corps of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau released a live video of a traffic accident, which really hurts people.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

The accident occurred in an urban area, and the speed was not fast at that time.

A white minibus changed lanes to the right near the intersection and collided with a yellow minibus driving normally in the lane, causing the yellow minibus to roll over.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

(Image source: @看看新闻)

Unfortunately, there was a toddler in the yellow minibus who was being held by his parents and sitting in the passenger seat at the time of the incident.

When the vehicle rolls over, the child is thrown out of the car by a huge centrifugal force and is injured.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Although he was rushed to the hospital for rescue, the child eventually died due to his injuries.

The driver and passenger in the car, who were wearing seat belts, were not injured.

This result is really heart-wrenching, parents, please be sure not to take your child in the co-pilot, and children must sit in a safety seat when riding in the car.

Don't say that the child is unwilling to sit in the safety seat, don't say that the car is not driving fast and it's okay, don't say that you can hold the child, when the accident happens, the adult can't hold it at all, let alone protect it!

Many netizens watched the news and were heartbroken:

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

"Even if the other party is fully responsible, no matter how much money is lost, it will not be able to get back the child's life!"

"Make sure you let your child sit in a car seat. ”

"Families with cars really please give their children a safety seat, don't be so confident that you can hold it. ”

"My baby has been sitting in a safety seat since she was a child, and every time she gets on the bus, she consciously climbs into her seat, and no one can shake her and me. ”

"It's really not fast, and it's absolutely fine for a child to sit in a safety chair. ”

The reminder of netizens is right, parents, the alarm bell rings: children's car safety really can't be ignored!

Dad holds his 3-year-old daughter in the passenger seat

A child with a sudden brake was strangled and broken!

The safety of children's rides really can't be left to chance.

You feel safer to hold your child in your arms – no, your hands can't protect your child when an accident happens.

You think it's easier to have a child sit in the passenger seat with an adult – no, the co-pilot is the most dangerous.

You think that the co-pilot has a seat belt, an airbag, and a double insurance - no, these are lethal weapons for children in the event of an accident.

There was such a news before: In Ningde, Fujian, Mr. Lin's family drove out, and Mr. Lin sat in the passenger seat with his 3-year-old daughter Wenwen in his arms, and the two shared a seat belt.

As a result, a sudden braking on the way caused her daughter to be strangled and her intestines ruptured.

In fact, it was just a small car accident, but because of the wrong way to ride, it led to such serious consequences.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

In Zhengzhou, Henan Province, a car crashed into a guardrail, and twin babies sitting in the passenger seat both died.

At the time of the incident, the mother was sitting in the passenger seat with the child in her arms.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

There was also a rear-end collision on the G60 Shanghai-Kunming Expressway, the front car braked sharply and the rear car could not avoid it, and the adults in the car were only slightly injured.

Only a 4-month-old baby girl, because of the huge impact of the crash, flew directly out of her mother's arms and hit the hollow board, resulting in severe intracranial hemorrhage.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

There are many, many more such examples to list...

There have been traffic reminders that if there is a safety seat, children will not be injured so badly in an accident.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

(Image source: @都市快报)

Therefore, don't think that your arms can protect the child, let alone think that with a seat belt can be foolproof, in the event of an accident, the only way to protect the child and reduce the injury is to use the safety seat correctly.

At a critical moment

Only a car seat can save a child's life!

When there are children in the car, parents must be cautious and cautious when they are happy.

But sometimes with all the precautions and care, accidents still happen.

Parents, do you know what role the car seat plays in the event of an accident?

It's safe to say - it's life-saving!

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

There was a news report that my mother's car was rear-ended and overturned, and the whole car reversed.

In such a dangerous situation, the car seat protects the child.

If the child is not in the safety seat, it is really impossible to estimate what damage will be caused by the car flipped over.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

There is also a mother in the United States who shared her own personal experience.

She has two children, the eldest is 2 years old and the younger is only 6 weeks old.

Another car crashed into her car at high speed while driving, and the whole car was completely destroyed, but she and her two children miraculously came out unscathed.

After the crash, she posted photos of the crash online, reminding people:

"Be sure to equip your child with a quality car seat and install it correctly, because only a car seat can save your child's life when it matters most. ”

Look at the picture of the scene, it was really tragic, when the accident happened, it was the safety seat that protected the child.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the correct use of child safety seats in the event of an accident can significantly reduce the mortality rate of children in the car, especially for infants under 1 year old, up to 71%.

Without a child safety seat in the car, the child traffic accident rate is eight times higher than that of the child who is installed, and the child who sits in the rear seat has a 96% higher chance of survival.

Therefore, please be sure to prepare a safety seat for your child when you take the car, because the child is unwilling to sit, too hot, has no money, has trouble to install, etc., etc., can not be a reason not to sit in a safety seat.

All parents are asked to remember that safety comes first at all times.

3 major misunderstandings about taking children in the car

One is more dangerous than the other

Many parents think that they have good driving skills, drive slowly, and everything is fine, but when an accident happens, everything will get out of control.

Pregnant mothers list the 3 most common dangerous riding behaviors that parents must avoid.

First: Holding a child in the passenger seat?

Do you think your hands can protect your child?

For example, if a car collides at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, the impact force of gravitational acceleration will be 30 times greater under the action of inertia, and the impact force is close to 300 kilograms for a toddler who is only 10 kilograms.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

If you sit in the back row, the child will be thrown out.

If the mother is holding the child and sitting in the co-pilot, the danger is greater, I have seen a test, using a watermelon to simulate the child's head, demonstrating the situation of airbag opening, that scene, too tragic...

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Second: Is it safe to fasten your child's seatbelt?

You should know that the seat belt in the car has requirements for height and weight, and only those who are more than 140cm tall and weigh more than 36kg can use it. According to the average development of our children, it is at least after the age of 12.

Use a seat belt for a very small baby, and if there is a collision, if the seat belt gets stuck in the child's neck, then the seat belt becomes a throat lock.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

If the seat belt is entangled in the baby's abdomen, the huge force can squeeze the child's internal organs, resulting in very serious injuries.

Third: Don't use a safety seat for fear of trouble?

Too expensive, fear of trouble, fear of children are not reasons not to sit in a safety seat.

A mother shared her personal experience of not sitting in a safety seat once because she was troublesome and encountered an accident.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Really, a safety seat can save lives when it is critical, don't let your baby ride in the car without a safety seat.

According to statistics, there are more than 18,500 children under the age of 14 in the mainland every year, and the death rate due to traffic accidents is 2.5 times that of Europe and 2.6 times that of the United States.

Failure to configure or properly use a safety seat is one of the biggest causes of death.

All parents are reminded that safety is a top priority and that no one should abandon the car seat for any reason.

Choose the right car seat for children of different ages

You can protect your child as much as possible

In order to protect the safety of children, be sure to prepare a safety seat for your child and use it correctly.

First: Use the car seat as early as possible

If you are worried about the baby's rejection of the safety seat, you can let the baby sit as soon as possible, and if the baby is born in the seat, there will not be such a strong rejection.

If the baby is not sitting from an early age, you can put the safety seat at home for a period of time, so that the baby can see it often, and sit like a toy, and the baby will be easier to adapt.

Second: Choose the right car seat for your child of different ages

Choosing the right car seat for your baby is also an important lesson, and parents of the brand can do their own homework.

Parents should be reminded that babies weighing less than 13 kg or less than 9 months old need to choose a rear-facing car seat. If a forward-facing car seat is used too early, your child's head and neck may be injured by the seat belt.

Last year, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also updated its recommendations on the use of child safety seats. The AAP recommends that babies should be seated in a rear-facing car seat or car seat from birth until their height and weight exceed the factory design standards for the seat.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

(Image source:

According to Dr. Hoffman, an expert at AAP, most rear-facing car seats on the market allow children weighing up to 40 pounds (about 18 kilograms), and a significant number of children do not reach that weight by the age of two.

Third: The baby safety seat should be installed in the back seat

The U.S. Department of Transportation found that if the driver's position was set to a hazard factor of 10, the hazard factor behind the driver's seat was 7.3 and the rear of the passenger was 7.4.

Therefore, it is recommended to install the car seat behind the driver's seat.

Fourth: Avoid the mistakes of safety seats

● Do not wear a down jacket and sit in a safety seat

Down jackets are fluffy and have a lot of air filling in them, and thick and smooth clothing in the event of a collision will cause the seat belt to suddenly loosen and be more likely to be thrown out under strong inertia.

NBC, for example, has done anthropomorphic impact experiments with wearing down jackets and underwear.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

In the event of a collision, the dummy doll in a down jacket was thrown out directly. Those who wore intimate clothing were unharmed.

●It is not recommended to buy a second-hand car seat

Because the service life of the safety seat is generally 6 years, second-hand products will affect the product performance due to factors such as aging components, and the protection performance will be greatly reduced, and the protection may not play a protective role at critical moments.

●Do not attach the safety seat to the passenger seat

The child cannot be the co-pilot, and the safety seat cannot be installed on the co-pilot, either in the forward or reverse direction.

In the event of a collision, the inflated airbag can tip the rear-facing car seat over, which is very dangerous.

The same goes for positive mounting, where once detonated, the airbag can cause a severe impact on the child's head and chest. As you can see from the graph below, a dummy sitting in a car seat vibrates more than a dummy wearing a seat belt.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

● Do not buy non-original accessories for the car seat

The child's safety seat can only use the original accessories provided by the manufacturer, and the others can be said no.

Invest in additional accessories, such as seat cushions, which will affect the protective effect of the car seat and make it easier for your child to slide out of the car seat.

Fifth: Let your baby accept to sit in a safety seat

The baby does not like to be a safety seat is a lot of parents' troubles, but the safety seat is a must, not the child can cry can not sit, if the child resists, parents can take the following methods, let the baby slowly accept the safety seat:

● Choose the right time to go out. Try to travel safely for short trips when your baby is happy and awake, and for longer trips, try to schedule your trip out during nap time, and sleeping during the trip can reduce your baby's crying.

● Bring your child's favorite toy. Prepare your child with her favorite blanket and stuffed animal to help calm him down.

●Talk to your child while driving. Let the person taking care of the child talk to the child, and any soothing sound or conversation will make the baby happy.

● Read picture books to your baby. You can read picture books, tell stories, or watch animations about the importance of the car seat, and then create a sense of ritual for the car seat according to your child's preferences.

Finally, I would like to remind all parents of the words of the mothers of Weibo fans of pregnancy: It is a rule for children to sit in safety seats in the car, and they cannot give up because their children are unwilling.

Parents holding their babies in the passenger seat and being thrown out of the car accident were thrown to death: 3 major misunderstandings of children in the car, one is more dangerous than the other

Every parent should be aware that when danger comes:

Millions of luxury cars can't protect children in the face of accidents,

Mother's arm can't protect the child under the violent impact,

No matter how advanced the medical technology is, it may not save the child.

can be a safety seat, but it can reduce the injury of the child,

Therefore, please be sure to prepare a safety seat for your child.

It's not a multiple-choice question, it's a required one!

We hope all parents and children are doing well!

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