
What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

author:Mufan Entertainment YL

Playing mobile phones before going to bed is also the living habits of young people now, extending the saying that the whole body is uncomfortable without playing mobile phones, and the day of not playing mobile phones before going to bed is not over.

According to the latest data on young people playing mobile phones in China, more than 90% of interviewers must use their mobile phones before going to bed. Less than an hour accounts for 13%, and the rest is more than an hour.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

Although mobile phones have brought a lot of convenience to our life and work, and we also like mobile phones very much, if we look at mobile phones for a long time, it will bring the following harm to our body.

1. Cause cervical spondylosis

Before going to bed, we often sit in one position for a long time because our concentration is too high, which puts a lot of pressure on our cervical spine.

Since the neck has a normal physiological curvature, staring at the phone for a long time causes the physiological curvature of the body to develop in the opposite direction, the so-called "back of the head".

Cervical crossbow can cause abnormal pain and seriously affect the normal life of the patient. Therefore, in order to better protect the cervical spine, we should change this habit in our daily life.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

2. Increased likelihood of dementia.

Some studies have found that looking at your phone for two hours before bed reduces melatonin secretion levels by 22%, leading to sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakenings.

In addition, if you play with your mobile phone before going to bed, it will lead to sleeping late, which will greatly shorten your sleep time and easily lead to lack of sleep.

However, chronic sleep deprivation can affect our memory and mental state. Long-term exposure to these factors can also lead to brain cell death, increasing the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

3. Induce eye disease

If you play with your phone in the dark, it can disrupt the normal adaptation of our eyes. Bright light stimulation can make our eyes feel uncomfortable.

Such as dry eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, etc., and even acute glaucoma and cataract are found.

When the lights go out, we play with our phones to damage the eye's vision because the screen of the phone emits a retina that damages the sensor, which is blue light. Our pupils dilate, which allows blue light to enter our eyes more, harming our vision health.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

4. Accelerate the aging of the body

Playing with your phone before going to bed has a significant effect on your body and may accelerate aging. Everyone has a love for beauty, and the body will gradually age as we age, but some people's aging is caused by bad lifestyle habits.

Playing with your phone often before going to bed will shorten your sleep duration, and sleep deprivation will make your body age faster, and spots and wrinkles will increase. Dark circles around the eyes are becoming more and more noticeable, giving a dull feeling.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

5. Disrupting normal work and rest time

According to our daily life and rest habits, we should sleep at a certain time so that each organ of the body can get enough rest.

Nowadays, most people have the habit of staying up late to play with their phones. Before you know it, a few hours have passed. At this time, they seriously delay their sleep time, disrupt the body's biological clock, and slowly even indulge in playing with their mobile phones.

In fact, this practice seriously delays sleep time, and over time you will overdraft your health

, sleep quality deteriorates, biological clock is disrupted, so can your life still be normal?

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

6. Unsafe

Playing with your phone before bed not only has a big impact on your health, but it is also a very unsafe practice. Many people like to plug in a charger when playing with their phones at night. In fact, this practice is very dangerous.

It is easy to cause a fever in a mobile phone, and buying a low-quality mobile phone can also cause an explosion. So when charging your phone at night, try to put it farther away.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

It can be seen that playing with mobile phones before going to bed still has a great impact on health, but in fact, as long as we use mobile phones correctly, the harm of mobile phones to our health can be avoided as much as possible.

People who love to play with mobile phones, it is best not to play for three time periods to prevent the kidneys from being "unbearable"

One: Don't play with your phone before eating

We know from a young age that washing our hands before and after meals is more hygienic. But nowadays, many people like to play with their mobile phones while eating, or swipe their moments and play games before eating.

But you should know that there are a lot of germs on your phone. If you eat it without washing your hands after playing with your phone, bacteria may also enter your body.

Moreover, bacteria and viruses in the body need to pass through the kidneys first, which can easily cause damage to the kidneys.

Second, don't look at your phone before going to bed

Because modern people's lives are very stressful and they may not have time to play with their phones during the day, they often choose to swipe their phones at night before going to bed. But doing this often is likely to lead to sleep disturbances, that is, feeling tired and unable to fall asleep.

Playing with your mobile phone often before going to bed will not only affect the quality of sleep, but also affect the body's endocrine system and indirectly affect the mental state of the body. The kidneys need to metabolize and clean themselves at night. If you stay up late a lot, your kidneys may be affected.

Three: during bowel movements

The action of going to the toilet will compress the blood vessels of the whole body, so everyone's bowel movement process should be as smooth as possible and the defecation time should be shorter, so as to reduce the damage to the blood vessels.

Playing with your phone while going to the toilet makes everyone lose sight of time and unknowingly prolong bowel movements, which not only increases the risk of blood vessel rupture. It also puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys, which increases the likelihood of kidney disease.

What is the cost to someone who plays on their phone for a long time before bedtime?

If you can't help but want to play with your phone before going to bed, it is recommended to do these three things!

1. Adjust the screen brightness

If you turn off all the lights in the room and lie in bed looking at your phone, you need to pay attention to adjusting the brightness of your phone screen to night mode.

Avoid looking directly at the screen for a long time, and at the same time don't play with your neck to look at your phone, which is not good for the cervical spine.

It will be very uncomfortable to stress the neck for a long time, and it is recommended to adjust the screen to the appropriate brightness so as not to remove the eyes and cervical spine.

2. Don't swipe your phone on your side or stomach

Lying horizontally on the left and right eyes has the greatest pressure on the left and right eyes, which is easy to cause vision deviation of the left and right eyes. Try to look at the phone as much as possible, reduce the number of times you look down and play with the phone, and protect your eyes and cervical spine!

3. Adjust the font size

Nowadays, many mobile phones have a night mode setting, which reduces the harm of light to the eyes by reducing the brightness of the mobile phone screen.

However, while reducing the brightness of the phone, you also need to adjust the font, if the font is too small, it is also easy to affect the eyes.

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