
The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children

author:Xiaoye Fenghe loves to listen to songs

Having children is a big event in every family, and it would be even more of a miracle if you could give birth to 5 children. But for a pregnant woman in Hunan, giving birth to quintuplets was a mixture of accident and embarrassment.

The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children

The pregnant woman's name is Ms. Zhang, she is 38 years old and already has a 6-year-old son. She and her husband have been married for 10 years and have been living an ordinary life. Last year, she was surprised to find out she was pregnant again. She thought she was too old to have any more children. When she went to the hospital for an ultrasound examination, she was told that she was pregnant with quintuplets.

Ms. Zhang and her husband were shocked, they did not expect such an outcome. They asked the doctor if they could reduce the fetus, but the doctor told them that doing so would be very risky for both mother and baby, and advised them to keep all the fetuses.

Although Ms. Zhang and her husband were a little worried, they also felt that this was a gift from God and decided to accept the challenge. They began to prepare for the arrival of the quintuplets and bought a lot of clothes, diapers, milk powder and other supplies. Their families and relatives have also given them a lot of support and encouragement to help them share some of the stress.

Ms. Zhang's pregnancy did not go well, she often experienced abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms, and once showed signs of premature labor and almost miscarried. The doctor told her that the walls of her uterus were too thin to bear the weight of the quintuplets and that she needed bed rest and no strenuous exercise. Ms. Zhang could only follow the doctor's advice and lie in bed every day, waiting for the babies to be born.

Finally, on June 15 this year, Ms. Zhang entered the labor period. Her husband immediately accompanied her to the hospital, and their family and relatives also arrived, a total of 80 people, and the scene was spectacular. They all wanted to witness this rare moment, and they were all curious about the gender of the quintuplets.

The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children

Ms. Zhang was admitted to the delivery room, where the doctors and nurses were fully prepared and performed a caesarean section on her. After an hour of hard work, all 5 babies were successfully delivered, namely 5 daughters. When the nurse took the babies out one by one, it attracted many onlookers and amazements in the hospital.

The nurse walked out of the delivery room with the quintuplets in her arms and reported the good news to Ms. Zhang's husband and family: "Congratulations, the quintuplets daughters, mother and daughter are safe!"

The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children

The nurse and others were surprised and wondered why Ms. Zhang's husband and family members reacted the way. When they asked them why, they learned that Ms. Zhang's husband and family members were very traditional people, and they thought that it was better to have a son than a daughter, and that having a daughter was a loss. They originally hoped that Ms. Zhang could give birth to a son and add incense to their family, but they did not expect to give birth to 5 daughters, which made them feel very defeated and helpless. Their laughter is actually a manifestation of self-deprecation and helplessness, as well as a kind of disrespect and disrespect for Ms. Zhang.

Ms. Zhang has been crying since she was transferred from the delivery room to the ward, feeling sorry for her husband and family, and worried about what they would do to her and her daughter. Some of her friends and colleagues also came to visit her, and they were very angry, feeling that Ms. Zhang's husband and family were too irresponsible, too disrespectful to women, and too little cherishing of their daughter, and they all advised Ms. Zhang to divorce and not live with such a family again.

Personal opinion

In my opinion, the behavior of Ms. Zhang's husband and family members is very undesirable, and they have not only harmed Ms. Zhang and her daughter, but also themselves. They should be grateful to Ms. Zhang for giving birth to 5 babies for them, which is not an easy task in itself, instead of being disappointed and ridiculed because of the sex of the babies. They should love Ms. Zhang and her daughter, this is their family, instead of superstitious about those backward concepts, thinking that only sons can inherit the family business and reflect the value of men. They should be brave enough to face the changes in society, instead of clinging to old ideas, and they should work hard for their own families, not for the eyes of others.

The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children

I also think that we should abandon those outdated ideas, stop taking the gender of children as an important criterion, and stop having the idea that it is good to have a son and a bad to have a daughter. Both boys and girls, as long as they are their own flesh and blood, should be treated equally, and given equal care and education. A child's gender does not determine their future, their future depends on their personality, abilities, and dreams.

The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children

Dear readers, what do you think of this story? Do you think it is a lucky thing to have quintuplets? What are your preferences or expectations for the gender of the children? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your thoughts and feelings. If you like this article, please also like and retweet it so that more people can know this touching story. Thank you for reading and supporting!

The pregnant mother was pregnant with 5 twins, and 80 family members accompanied the delivery during childbirth, and the whole family laughed when they learned the gender of the children