
Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

Recently, the Brazilian media "Globo" published an article about Argentine star Messi, saying that Messi and his wife Antonella have a marriage crisis, and the two are currently separated. And ESPN reporter Sophia has an extraordinary relationship with the vein, and she is also the initiator of all this. As soon as the news was issued, it was immediately reprinted by more than 20 media such as "Telecinco" and "ABC", and Messi's original good image was also subverted.

Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

For the group of football stars, there must be more temptations in life than ordinary people, and there are many "negative men" in world football. Messi was exposed to a marriage crisis this time, which is not incomprehensible. But if you dig deeper into this matter, it is not difficult to find that the Messi "derailment incident" reported by the media is somewhat untenable. For now, at least, there is a lack of conclusive evidence. This Messi's suspected derailment incident is more like a collective revenge by the Brazilian media. Although more than 20 media outlets have reprinted the story, most of them are from Brazil. This also inevitably made fans link this incident with the previous match clashes between Brazil and Argentina.

Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

If you look at the source news that exposed this incident, you can find that the so-called three evidences of Messi's derailment are almost smear and child's play. The three pieces of evidence are: Antonella did not come to the stage at the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, Messi did not like or comment on Antonella's previous news posted on social media, and Messi replaced the original family photo social media avatar with his own head picture holding the Ballon d'Or trophy. Therefore, if "Globo" can only come up with these so-called "evidence", it can basically be a rumor and deliberately smear Messi.

Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

First of all, the reason why Antonella did not take the stage at the time of the Golden Globe Awards was itself an arrangement of the organizers. Because when the Golden Globe Awards were presented in 2021, Antonella had the experience of being asked off the stage by the organizers. Secondly, although Messi did not like Antonella's dynamics, in the next news released by Antonella, Messi showed his love to Antonella directly in the comment area. And talking about Messi's changing his avatar is somewhat child's play.

Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

As for the so-called female journalist Sofia Martinez, the relationship with Messi is not ordinary, but it stems from Messi's conjecture that he has a kind expression when he is interviewed in public. This summer, Sophia and Messi have already suffered a wave of unwarranted rumors. With the exception of his wife Antonella, Messi rarely has women around him. Taking Sophia, one of the few female journalists who can interview Messi at close range, may also be the only option for Brazilian media to spread rumors. If the rumors are true, it is not only Sophia and Messi who are hurt, but also thousands of professional women.

Are the three major evidences of Messi's derailment tenable? Is it the original form exposed, or is the media unscrupulous

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