
At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

Today's parents will give priority to the popular children's electric toothbrush when choosing oral cleaning tools for their babies, children and children, as a star product, the popularity of children's electric toothbrushes far exceeds that of manual toothbrushes. However, as a children's dental blogger, I found that many parents do not know how old a children's electric toothbrush is suitable for. In order to let everyone step on the pit less, today I have specially compiled an article to do a good science popularization with you, so that parents can choose the right products for their children.

The picture below is the children's electric toothbrush I have reviewed:

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

1. How old is a children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Don't look at most of the children's electric toothbrushes that say that the effect of children's electric toothbrushes is good, but if you want to use this kind of smart product, the oral cavity must have a certain tolerance. So don't rush to use an electric toothbrush for your child, let's see what kind of oral cleaning methods are suitable for children of different ages:

1. 6 months to 1 year old: At this stage, the child's baby teeth have just erupted, although the oral cavity needs to be cleaned, but there is no need to use a toothbrush or toothpaste, just wipe the teeth and gums with a damp cotton cloth.

2. 2-3 years old: The vast majority of children have baby teeth at this stage, and the teeth initially establish tolerance, at this time, you can choose a toothbrush made of silicone to brush your child's teeth, and by the way, let your child start to learn to brush his teeth.

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

3. Over 4 years old:

At this stage, children's teeth are more stable, they can eat more and more food, and they can brush their teeth independently. Most dentists recommend using a children's electric toothbrush for children over 4 years old, which can clean the mouth more effectively!

2. What are the benefits of letting children use children's electric toothbrushes?

How old is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for? The above analysis can be known that the children's electric toothbrush is suitable for children over 4 years old. Then there must be parents who want to ask, where is the electric toothbrush, so that dentists can also recommend it, and its price is not low, the following will give you an analysis: at present, the oral quality of children in the mainland is not very high, and there are many children with dental diseases, so it can be seen that oral cleaning is very important. Compared with manual toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes have these advantages and are more suitable for children:

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Advantage 1: Super cleaning power, effective prevention of tooth decay

In terms of cleaning power, children's electric toothbrushes perform very well, which can remove plaque through vibration frequency, and thoroughly clean the high-incidence areas of dental diseases such as tooth pits and grooves, tooth gaps, gingival sulcus, and back of teeth that are often not brushed by manual toothbrushes, and the effect of preventing tooth decay is more obvious.

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Advantage 2: The vibration is uniform and stable, and the strength is accurate

The children's manual toothbrush is not very stable in the control of the strength, and the tooth injury rate is quite high, but the vibration frequency of the children's electric toothbrush is stable and uniform, which can control the strength well and protect the teeth stronger!

Advantage 3: Save time and effort

Children use manual toothbrushes for a long time to brush their teeth, and basically have no patience to complete it seriously, which is easy to carry out perfunctory and has no cleaning effect. But it only takes 3 minutes to use a children's electric toothbrush, which saves a lot of time, and children will love to use it.

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Advantage 4: It is more interesting, and children are more motivated to brush their teeth

Children's electric toothbrushes are very functional, with sound, will vibrate, will not be as boring as manual toothbrushes, children will be more interested in using them, and their enthusiasm for brushing will also improve a lot.

Advantage 5: The brushing threshold is low, and the child can better grasp it

Most children under the age of 10 have inflexible hand muscles, and it is difficult to learn to brush their teeth correctly in a short period of time because they need to pay attention to many details with a manual toothbrush. Using a children's electric toothbrush is easy to operate, making it easier to learn to brush your teeth correctly.

3. Strictly prevent the three major disadvantages of inferior products!

What age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?The children's electric toothbrush is suitable for children over 4 years old. However, don't look at the product has so many benefits to rush to the child to use, the current children's tooth decay rate is high, the oral sensitivity is high, if you do not use professional products or do not use the children's electric toothbrush correctly, are hidden these tooth damages:

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Disadvantage 1: Cause toothache and bleeding of teeth and gums

Children's oral cavity itself is very sensitive, and the performance of those unprofessional products is unstable and the quality is poor, and there will be problems such as hard toothbrush bristles, unstable vibration frequency, and mismatched brush heads, which are easy to irritate children's mouths, resulting in toothache and bleeding teeth and gums when children brush their teeth!

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?
At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Disadvantage 2: Aggravate the child's original dental problems

Many children have oral problems, if you use an inferior children's electric toothbrush and then overstimulate the child's teeth, it will aggravate the disease, if it affects the root of the tooth, the subsequent development of permanent teeth is also abnormal!

Disadvantage 3: Hidden chronic tooth injury

Most unprofessional products will not have problems just after use, basically chronic tooth injury, and after a long time, problems will begin to appear, such as children's teeth becoming more and more sensitive, frequent toothache, and even loose teeth, gum recession, it cannot be completely cured!

4. Summarize the common causes of tooth injury.

What age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?The children's electric toothbrush is suitable for children over 4 years old. However, as mentioned above, not all products are safe, if you want to let your child brush his teeth with this kind of product, you still need to know why the problem of tooth damage occurs, so as to prevent it. In order to save your research time, the following is a statistical chart of the causes of toothbrush injuries in children's toothbrushes that I found from authoritative institutions, and the network disk will summarize several common causes for your reference based on these objective data:

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Reason 1: Children's teeth are not tolerant

If you use an unreliable electric toothbrush and overstimulate your mouth, it is easy to hurt your teeth!

Reason 2: Choose products that lack age-specific design

Children's oral cavity is in the development stage, the oral environment changes greatly, if the choice of children's electric toothbrush does not have an age-specific design, matching brush head types, narrow frequency range, it is easy to mismatch the oral cavity and hurt teeth!

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Reason 3: Choose low-cost products

In fact, many parents like to be greedy for cheap, or choose low-cost products, but ignore the low cost of these products, lack of investment in professional technology research and development, not only the cleaning effect is not good, but also the rate of tooth damage is particularly high.

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Reason 4: Follow the trend to start with Internet celebrity products

The popularity of Internet celebrity products is very high, and there are many publicity tricks, which will inevitably attract parents' attention to choose, but don't think it's easy to use, most Internet celebrity products are OEM, and they don't have their own R&D team, the quality is unreliable, and there are a lot of problems that hurt teeth.

In addition, there are still many businesses on the market that have false publicity, which are obviously not professional enough but also advertise that the cleaning effect is remarkable, the tooth protection is strong, and the problem of children hurting their teeth is frequent, so parents must be cautious in purchasing products. It is recommended that you can also refer to the data evaluation chart of cleaning power and tooth protection between different brands of children's electric toothbrushes released by professional institutions, and choose better quality products for children.

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

Among the large number of children's electric toothbrush brands evaluated in the past, the professional old brand Huile is recognized as the originator of the field of "no tooth damage", is the most professional brand, and it is also a rare brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., so that its cleaning power performance is very good, and the tooth injury rate is the lowest in China, by the national authoritative testing agency testing strong cleaning power and reduce 90% of brushing damage, rare to obtain the European Union and other countries certification! The tooth injury rate is certified, the non-toxic and corrosion-resistant bristles are increased by 98.3%, which is safer and non-toxic! The reason why the comprehensive performance is super strong is to focus! Professional! No redundant functions, no large number of models, just a product for several years, iteration of more than 20 versions! Optimize more than 300 details!

Its strength lies in several aspects: (1) the first for 3-15 years old children's teeth at different stages of strict definition of "six types of segmented care", not simply distinguish the age of children to sell, this piece is very professional! (2) cleaning power, do not hurt teeth and other performance is very strong! (3) they have a number of "do not hurt teeth" technology, for motor, vibration frequency and other more than 100 parameters have many years of technical adjustment, in more than 6 years of comprehensive performance deviation value is not higher than 0.1%.

Huile never advertises, but because of the strong recommendation of many dentists, the sales of offline channels have skyrocketed, and they are often sold out. Compared with many brands to fight for appearance, compared to low prices, Huile rigorous, focused, safe brand characteristics, the electric toothbrush as a rigorous medical research and development is highly recognized! This also makes many celebrities and celebrities choose their products for their babies, and the majority of dentists generally believe that it is super good for oral protection!

In addition, Philips can also, as a European and American brand, designed for European and American children's dental characteristics. In terms of after-sales, Philips does not support trials, and it costs about 150 yuan for brushing the head a year. Huile not only supports trial, but also gives away 5-year brush heads for a limited time, saving hundreds of yuan in total.

If you pursue cost performance, you can take a look at Bayer in low-priced products, the basic configuration parameters and functions are quite passable, and the brush head is about 20 yuan.

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

5. 8 tips to buy high-quality products!

Children's electric toothbrushes are suitable for children over 4 years old, but like manual toothbrushes, improper purchase of electric toothbrushes can easily bring the risk of tooth damage. Therefore, in order to allow parents to buy high-quality electric toothbrushes for their children more accurately, here are a few practical selection tips to share with you, and there will be no big problem in choosing them:

1. The softness of the bristles should be suitable

The child's mouth is very sensitive, the bristles are too hard will wear the teeth, too soft will affect the cleaning power, it is recommended that the young baby choose a softer bristles, and when the child is older, then use moderate and soft bristles!

2. The size of the brush head should be appropriate

Many people mistakenly think that the cleaning area of the brush head is larger, the effect is better, but in fact, it is very wrong, the large brush head is easy to ignore the cleaning of the details, but the cleaning rate is lower. The size is appropriate to use, generally choose the width of the brush head to clean 2-3 teeth, and the height of the bristles does not exceed the height of the teeth.

3. The roundness needs to be more than 80%

We should pay attention to the roundness of the bristles, the product with high roundness has strong tooth protection, and the selection criterion is that the roundness rate is higher than 80% is more reliable!

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

4. Refuse U-shaped electric toothbrushes

Don't think that this kind of product is easy to use, the design can't fit all children's teeth, plus there is no vibration frequency, swing, basically no cleaning effect!

5. Products with age-specific design are more reliable.

It is best to choose a children's electric toothbrush with age-specific design, which can match the appropriate brush head, vibration frequency, gear, etc., to ensure cleaning power and tooth protection!

6. Choose a brand with strong professional strength

For example, the brand has many years of experience in oral care, can optimize and adjust for swing, power and other related parameters, and has a high compatibility with the child's mouth, so as to clean safely and effectively. You can't do that with influencer products!

At what age is the children's electric toothbrush suitable for?

7. The battery life should be strong

Products with strong battery life do not need to be charged frequently and are more worry-free, in addition, the battery quality will be better, more reliable, it is recommended to choose a product that can last 30 days, it is more worth choosing.

8. Professional and reliable after-sales service

After all, the price of children's electric toothbrushes is not cheap, and you must choose reliable products from the after-sales team, such as those that can support unpacking and trial, and the warranty period is more than one year, etc., and if there is a problem, you can solve it in time without taking the risk yourself.

In general, it is very appropriate to use children's electric toothbrushes for babies over 4 years old, children, and children, with high cleaning efficiency and good effect on preventing dental disease. Therefore, we must carefully choose products, avoid following the trend to start popular Internet celebrity products, low-cost products, only products with high professionalism and age-specific design, in order to maintain children's oral health!

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