
Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

author:Big stupid melon talks about sports and entertainment


Recently, there was a shocking group assault incident in the Chinese basketball community, involving 20 players, which attracted widespread attention and heated discussions. After the investigation and ruling of the relevant departments, the fine was finally officially released, and the players and clubs involved were severely punished. This article will sort out the process of the incident and the content of the ticket in detail, and take you to understand the women's basketball group assault incident that caused an uproar.

Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

Cause of the incident

The women's basketball group assault occurred in a game of the WCBA (China Women's Basketball Professional League), and the two teams were Daqing Anruida team and Fujian Panpan Food team. In the last 40 seconds of the game, the referee made a controversial decision, which caused dissatisfaction among the coach and foreign aid of the Daqing Anruida team. After the coach was ejected, the players' emotions began to spiral out of control, which eventually led to a fierce group fight between the players on both sides.

Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

The ticket is out

After the investigation and ruling of the relevant departments, the Chinese basketball community has made an unprecedented severe punishment for this serious group assault incident. The following are the specific fines for the players and clubs involved:

Head coach of Daqing Anruida team

  • a fine of 10,000 yuan;
  • 2-game suspension;
  • Disqualification from all awards for the season.

Two clubs

  • a fine of $50,000 per club;
  • Disqualification from this season's awards.

6 players

  • 2-game suspension;
  • a fine of 10,000 yuan;
  • You are not allowed to participate in any of the awards this season.

13 players

  • 1 game suspension;
  • a fine of 5,000 yuan;
  • Including foreign players and domestic players.

The impact of the ticket

The impact of this women's basketball group assault incident is not limited to 20 players and two clubs, and has had a huge impact and reflection on the entire Chinese basketball community. First of all, the suspended players were unable to participate in the following games, which had a direct impact on the team's combat effectiveness. Secondly, the high penalty of the fine amount has also put some pressure on the club's economy. In addition, disqualification from this season's awards also deprives players and clubs of the opportunity to compete for honours, causing them great regret and frustration.

Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

Reflection and improvement

The occurrence of this women's basketball group assault incident has sounded the alarm bell for the Chinese basketball community, and also forced the relevant departments to put forward higher requirements for the management and regulation of professional leagues. In order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, it is necessary to reflect and improve from the following aspects:

Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

Impartiality and fairness of the referees

Referees should be more impartial and fair in their decisions during the game, reduce controversial decisions, and avoid situations that cause players to lose control of their emotions.

Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

Management and education of the club

Clubs should strengthen the management and education of players, cultivate their correct sense of competition and professional ethics, and improve their quality and self-discipline.

Crazy! 20 people are suspended, all fines are paid! The women's basketball group assault incident is over, and Yao Ming's heavy punches will not be tolerated

Cultivation of sportsmanship

It is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of sportsmanship among athletes, emphasize the importance of teamwork, fair competition, and respect for opponents, and establish a correct concept of competition.

The severity of the punishment is fair and transparent

When dealing with similar incidents, the relevant departments should uphold the principles of fairness and transparency, handle them in accordance with laws and regulations, and give the public a reasonable explanation.

Discipline and ethics in athletic competition

The gang assault exposed some athletes' problems of losing control during the competition, which led to undesirable consequences. Discipline and ethics in sports are the basis for maintaining fairness and order in the game. Athletes should have good moral concepts and self-discipline, abide by the rules of the game, respect referees and opponents, and aim for fair competition. At the same time, sports organizations and coaching teams should also strengthen the moral education of athletes and improve their moral awareness and behavioral norms. In addition, it is essential to establish a sound disciplinary management system and supervision mechanism in order to detect and deal with violations in a timely manner and prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Management and supervision of sporting events

The incident sparked a debate about the management and oversight of sporting events. In order to ensure the fairness and order of the competition, sports events need to have effective management and supervision mechanisms. This includes setting strict rules and regulations, clarifying the standards and requirements of the competition, and establishing a professional organization and management team. At the same time, the monitoring mechanism should also be sound, including the supervision and evaluation of referees, athletes and other relevant personnel. Only through strict management and supervision can the fairness and transparency of the competition be ensured, and the credibility and image of the sports event can be maintained.

Mental qualities and emotional management of athletes

In this incident, some athletes lost control of their emotions because of the referee's dissatisfaction with the penalty, which led to the occurrence of a group fight. An athlete's psychological quality and emotional management have a significant impact on the outcome of the competition and their personal image. Athletes need to have good mental qualities, including self-confidence, stress tolerance and adaptability, and be able to stay calm and focused during the game. In addition, athletes also need to learn to manage their emotions effectively and avoid getting out of control due to external factors. Sports organizations and coaching teams should provide psychological counseling and training to athletes to help them build a healthy mental state and emotional management skills, so as to improve the competitiveness and personal quality of the competition.

Fan culture and sporting events

The behavior of fans in sports matches is also an important topic. The behavior of the fans has a direct impact on the atmosphere and order of the game. A positive fan culture enhances the experience and spectacle of the game, and inspires the motivation and passion of the athletes. However, some fan misconduct, such as name-calling, fighting, and vandalism of the field, not only disrupted the order of the game but also affected the image of the sporting event. Therefore, it is important to guide the fans to actively participate and maintain the order of the game. Sports organizations and law enforcement agencies should take measures to strengthen the management and supervision of fan behavior, severely punish violations of laws and regulations, and actively promote and promote a positive and healthy fan culture to create a good competition environment.


The end of the women's basketball group assault incident does not mean that the problem is solved, on the contrary, it should become an alarm bell for the Chinese basketball community to ring the alarm and an opportunity for improvement. Through the reflection and improvement of this incident, it is believed that the Chinese basketball community will be able to develop in a healthier and orderly manner, and bring a better basketball experience to players and fans.


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