
Tomorrow Xiaoxue, just eat these four delicacies, warm the stomach and nourish, husband and children love to eat

author:Ah Ping's Food Diary

Lamb and radish soup

Tomorrow Xiaoxue, just eat these four delicacies, warm the stomach and nourish, husband and children love to eat

Ingredients: lamb chops, radish, coriander, goji berries

1. Clean the lamb chops, add green onions, ginger slices, peppercorns, and cooking wine to the pot under cold water

2. Transfer the blanched mutton to the casserole, add green onions, ginger, peppercorns, add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for an hour

3. Add the radish cubes and an appropriate amount of salt, and continue to simmer for 20 minutes

4. Finally, add the wolfberries and the coriander after cooking

Spicy pork rind

Tomorrow Xiaoxue, just eat these four delicacies, warm the stomach and nourish, husband and children love to eat

Ingredients: pork skin, green and red peppers, minced green onion, ginger and garlic

1. Wash the pork skin, pot it under cold water, put the green onion and ginger cooking wine, and boil the peppercorns until the chopsticks can be easily inserted, remove and cut into strips

2. Put oil in the pot and fry the peppercorns until fragrant, put in half a spoon of bean paste, fry the red oil over low heat, fry the bean paste until fragrant, add minced garlic and ginger until fragrant, pour in the pork skin, and stir-fry over high heat

3. Put a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of balsamic vinegar, a little salt and chicken essence, put the green and red peppers into the pot, and stir-fry until they are broken

Sweet potato ginger soup

Tomorrow Xiaoxue, just eat these four delicacies, warm the stomach and nourish, husband and children love to eat

Ingredients: sweet potato, ginger, wolfberry, brown sugar

1. Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into pieces, put them in the pot, cut the ginger into large pieces, pat them flat and put them in the pot

2. Add enough water to the pot and boil for 30 minutes, then add brown sugar wolfberries

Homemade fried mushrooms

Tomorrow Xiaoxue, just eat these four delicacies, warm the stomach and nourish, husband and children love to eat

Ingredients: mushrooms, chives, garlic

1. Clean the mushrooms, break off the roots of the mushrooms, and cut the mushrooms into slices

2. Boil water in a pot, blanch the mushrooms for one minute, remove and drain the water for later use (the mushrooms contain oxalic acid, be sure to blanch)

3. Sauce: a spoonful of light soy sauce, a little salt, a little sugar, half a spoon of starch and water, stir well

4. Put oil in the pot, put in the garlic granules and fry the fire after the oil is hot, slowly fry the garlic until it is slightly yellow, then pour the mushrooms, turn on the high heat and stir-fry a few times, pour the seasoned sauce into it, continue to stir-fry for two minutes, and finally sprinkle the green onion to get out of the pot

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