
Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Introduction: Light snow is the 20th solar term in the 24 solar terms, and it is also the second solar term in winter, which occurs on November 22 or 23 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Many people think that when it comes to light snow, it will snow on this day, in fact, light snow is a solar term that reflects rain and temperature, in the light snow season, the rain will be more, and the temperature will be further reduced, at this time we will feel colder, so in the light snow season, we must pay attention to cold prevention, and at the same time, middle-aged and elderly people should also pay attention to falling. In the light snow season, we should also eat some food that "nourishes yin and latent yang" in accordance with the season, because when the weather is cold, yin deficiency and fire are easy to cause symptoms such as upset, palpitations, dreams, dizziness, tinnitus, etc., and eat more food that nourishes yin, which is better for the body. For example, in the light snow every year, the folk are spread to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", these 3 treasures have the ability to nourish yin and latent yang, conform to the season and make up, can make us survive the cold winter!

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

The first treasure: the duck

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

In winter, the most important meat to eat is duck meat, and mutton, beef and other red meat can be eaten less, because the colder the weather, the drier the climate, if it is dry for a long time, the human body is easy to catch fire, so eat more ducks in winter, not only to raise yin and latent yang, but also to relieve dryness.

[Recommended way to eat]: Braised duck in an earthen pot

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

[Ingredients preparation]: 1 duck, 3 grams of star anise, 2 grams of bay leaves, 2 grams of angelica, 2 grams of white cardamom, 2 grams of licorice, 2 grams of galangal, 5 grams of Sichuan pepper, 15 grams of ginger, 250ml of beer, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, rock sugar, chicken essence, shredded green onions, minced red pepper, appropriate amount of cooking oil.

【Clay pot stewed duck】:

Step 1: First of all, the duck is cleaned, especially the internal organs of the duck, all of which must be completely removed, which are the main source of fishy smell, and then the duck is chopped into small pieces and rinsed.

Step 2: Put a spoonful of rapeseed oil in the pot, burn the oil until it smokes, put the ginger slices into the pot and stir-fry until fragrant, then put the duck into the pot and continue to fry for 6-8 minutes until the surface of the duck is dry.

Step 3: Put all the rinsed spices into the pot, continue to fry over low heat for 2 minutes, then put the rock sugar, dark soy sauce and light soy sauce into the pot and stir well, and finally put the prepared beer and a large pot of water into the pot, cover the pot, and simmer for 45 minutes on medium and high heat.

Step 4: After 45 minutes, put the salt, chicken essence and oyster sauce into the pot, continue to simmer for 5 minutes, and finally sprinkle a little red pepper and shredded green onion to serve.

The second treasure: blood glutinous rice

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

When the weather is cold, we have to eat more food that nourishes qi and blood, because we are full of qi and blood, we will be more energetic in what we do, for example, in the blood glutinous rice is the rice we should eat the most. Because blood glutinous rice not only has the effect of nourishing blood and invigorating qi, but also can nourish yin and latent yang, especially women, eating blood glutinous rice every other day is particularly good for the body!

[Recommended way to eat]: blood glutinous rice porridge

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

[Ingredients preparation]: 80 grams of blood glutinous rice, 30 grams of black rice, 30 grams of yellow rock sugar, appropriate amount of water.

[How to make blood glutinous rice porridge]: Mix blood glutinous rice and black rice together, then rinse them and put them in the rice cooker, add an appropriate amount of water at the same time, cook them for about 35 minutes, until the porridge is particularly viscous, then put the yellow rock sugar into the pot, continue to cook for 10 minutes before eating.

The third treasure: fresh lilies

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

In winter, it is the time when a large number of fresh lilies in Lanzhou are on the market, because when the weather is cold, eating more lilies can not only prevent coughing, but also play a role in nourishing yin. Compared with the dried lilies we bought, Lanzhou fresh lilies are very sweet to eat, the first time I ate them, I like this kind of fresh lilies, I like to eat, you can eat more in the light snow season.

[Recommended way to eat]: Garlic lily

Tomorrow's light snow, the folk popular to eat "Xiaoxue 3 treasures", nourish yin and latent yang, and survive the cold winter in peace!

[Ingredients preparation]: 6-8 lilies, 10 grams of XO sauce, 15 grams of minced garlic, appropriate amount of coriander.

【Preparation of garlic lily】:

Step 1: First cut the bottom of the lily, then break off the lily piece by piece, then put the lily into clean water and soak it, while rinsing all the soil on each lily, then take out the washed soil, and then rinse it with running water once.

Step 2: Put an appropriate amount of water and 3 drops of oil in the pot, then boil the water over high heat, then put the lily into the pot, blanch the lily for 40 seconds on high heat to take it out, and the lily must not be boiled for a long time, otherwise the taste will be much worse.

Step 3: After heating the pan, add a spoonful of oil to the pan, then put the chopped garlic into the pan, and then continue to stir-fry the minced garlic over medium heat until the minced garlic is golden brown.

Step 4: Pour the fried minced garlic on the lily, then scoop a spoonful of XO sauce and sprinkle a little coriander to eat.

Tomorrow is a light snow, we must pay attention to the cold, and at the same time to eat more "duck, red glutinous rice, lily" these three kinds of yin and latent yang food, if you have time, you can also exercise more every day, so that we can spend the whole winter more healthily, and finally Lao Hu wishes everyone a smooth and smooth passage of the whole snow! If today's article is helpful to you, please click a follow, a like, this is my greatest support. In the follow-up, Chef Hu will explain more cooking tips and health maintenance skills to everyone, and finally thank you for watching.

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