
Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

AC Milan midfielder Ben Nassr, who is still recovering from injury, said in an interview with foreign video media InstantFoot: He loves AC Milan too much, no matter how much money he is given, he will never join Inter Milan. As soon as this interview came out, it immediately triggered a war of words between Inter fans and Milan fans abroad.

Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

Truth be told, it's fairly common for a player to show loyalty to their home team, but it's quite surprising to mention another team in addition to showing loyalty. However, considering the transfer dispute between Inter Milan and AC Milan, Ben Nassar's statement is actually understandable.

In recent times, there have been three more influential transfer disputes between AC Milan and Inter Milan.

Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

The first time was in 2005, when Inter striker Vieri, because he was 32 years old, the team wanted him to accept a salary cut to renew his contract, and he was once the king of Meazza arrogantly rejected the contract renewal request, but at the end of the season, joined the city rival AC Milan. To put it bluntly, this is a pure gamble move, but this transfer did meet his expectations, Italy's Inter fans burned his jersey angrily, and booed the whole audience during the league match, but only from the transfer itself, after arriving at AC Milan, Vieri played averagely, only played 14 times, scored 2 goals, and in less than half a year, he took the initiative to terminate the contract and joined Monaco in Ligue 1, and hastily ended this journey.

Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

The second time, two years after Vieri's transfer, Ronaldo, the former darling of Inter Milan, transferred to AC Milan.

This transfer, because it happened between Real Madrid and AC Milan, it stands to reason that there is nothing to do with Inter. However, Ronaldo was transferred from Inter Milan to Real Madrid under the name of Judas, so now he is actually going to the same city as a sworn enemy, which has also caused disappointment among many Inter fans.

However, after this transfer, Inter President Moratti admitted that before Ronaldo left Real Madrid, he asked him if he could return to Inter, but Inter himself refused, which calmed the anger of Inter fans, and in that season, Inter Milan also successfully defended the Serie A title, laying a solid foundation for the next five consecutive league championships, so the turmoil caused by this transfer was far less sustainable than Vieri.

The third time, in 2020, AC Milan midfielder Calhanoglu joined Inter Milan on a free visa, and this transfer was also the root cause of Ben Nasser's speech.

Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

The 27-year-old Calhanoglu was faced with the issue of renewing his contract with AC Milan, but AC Milan rejected his request at that time, giving an offer that did not meet his expectations for the sake of financial balance, and finally the contract expired without an agreement between the two parties. It was at this time that the noted 'Eriksen fainted' incident occurred in the European Championship, and after that accident, the 'Eros', who was equipped with a defibrillation device in his body, could not continue to play in Italy, and Inter immediately contacted Calhanoglu and the two sides hit it off.

Provocation: The AC Milan general said that he would not go to Inter Milan if he died, leading to three dusty grievances between the two sides

Finding that something was wrong, AC Milan also updated the contract offer, and the final amount was on par with Inter, but Calhanoglu finally joined Inter Milan because of the shirk of the previous contract renewal and the conflict with Ibrahimovic on the field the previous season.

Amazingly, when Vieri and Ronaldo moved to AC Milan, the final title of that season went to Inter. Calhanoglu moved to Inter Milan, but the title of the season was won by AC Milan.

There is an old saying in China, it is called again and again, and the sensational transfer between Inter and A-Mi can bring the other party the crown, and there have been three incidents, which is really a wonderful and interesting thing in football.

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