
Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read


Wen Duan Honggang

The world often uses mountains as a metaphor for fathers, because fathers are a symbol of greatness, tenacity, and calmness, and an unbreakable backer for their children, silently supporting their children's growth.

Some people also use the sea to describe their father, because the father is as tolerant and broad as the sea, and will always treat his children as treasures in his palm, and nourish his children into people with a capital letter by words and deeds.

There are also people who use light to depict their fathers, who are as bright and warm as light, and are indispensable guides in their children's lives, illuminating the way forward for their children, so that their children can embark on the journey of life with confidence and courage.

In the autumn of 1992, Jia Yanchun, the father of the famous writer Mr. Jia Pingwa, passed away due to illness.

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

A few years ago, Jia Qianqian, a contemporary female poet and Jia Pingwa's daughter, wrote a symbolic new poem "Father" from a feminine perspective in order to express her reverence for her father.

Next, let's appreciate and interpret it together. The full poem is as follows:


Poetry Jia shallow

Whipping the whip of silence and being blamed for himself

Hold it firmly in your hand. The hourglass is silent

Like every seed that sprouts, it is often overlooked

The presence of roots

In this earthly world full of smoke and fire

We are untying ourselves every day

Trying to live back to one self after another in time

Come back to the body where words and words overlap

It's like the word "Father" -

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

Jia Pingwa has been working hard for decades, spending a lot of time on writing every day, often choosing to write hard in the quiet night. For as long as he can remember, Jia Qianqian has often seen his father sitting at his desk at night, writing alone in front of the lamp, and the rustling sound of the pen tip and the paper due to friction sounds particularly clear at night.

The image of her father forgetting to sleep and eat has long been engraved in Jia Qianqian's mind, because she feels sorry for her father, the first two sentences wrote: Whipping the silent whip, being firmly held in her hand by self-blame.

She wanted to go over and remind her father to pay attention to his body and that it was time to rest, but she was worried that doing so would disturb his work, so she would fall into a deep self-blame, and she would be in a dilemma no matter what she did. Self-reproach whipped her silence like a whip, not so much to beat her silence as to her conscience.

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

Father's love is like a mountain, and while the father supports the family, he also has to share his energy to take care of his children and care about the growth of the next generation. The woman seems to take these things for granted, and only knows how to take them from her father, but does not know how to repay them, and often turns a blind eye to the hard work of her parents. When the children finally understand this one day, and see their father carrying the burden of life forward, their conscience will ache faintly.

Then, Jia Qianqian wrote: The hourglass is silent, like every germinating seed, often ignoring the existence of roots.

The two poems use metaphors, the hourglass symbolizes time and time, roots and seeds, and alludes to the father-daughter relationship, which is inherently related.

In the silent time, children only care about their own growth, often ignoring the existence of roots. The process of a person's growth is like a seed taking root and sprouting, growing from a seedling to a towering tree, it seems that he is growing, but in fact, all the nutrients he needs come from the support of his parents. When it becomes a habit to make offerings, parents are asked to give everything for granted, so much so that they ignore their parents' efforts and feelings.

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

In real life, many people are forced by various pressures to live separately from their parents, and the two generations are separated. At this time, they can often only revolve around themselves and their children, and ignore the care and love of their parents.

Traditional culture has given us the responsibility to respect the old and love the young, and to support and honor our parents while raising and nurturing our children, but in the contemporary social environment, how many people can take care of both?

I have to say that this is the sadness of most people in contemporary times, and it is also a true portrayal of the vast majority of contemporary families. In the face of the pressure of life, family affection has been washed and blurred.

Then, Jia Qianqian wrote: In this earthly world full of fireworks, we are untying ourselves every day, trying to live back to one self after another in time.

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

The pursuit of a free and easy life is everyone's dream, however, in this complicated world, everyone has to deal with many things every day, and life is very tiring, so everyone wants to loosen themselves, hoping to escape from this oppressive life and find the self that was once lost. Isn't that the same self that was wrapped up in carefree as a child? I don't have to take on so many responsibilities at all.

But can it be recovered? The answer is no. Life or life is like a one-way train that will one day carry us to the end, leaving more or less regrets, and we will never be able to return to our former selves.

From another point of view, whether from the perspective of traditional concepts or social division of labor, society assigns too many responsibilities to the role of a father, and it is difficult to be a competent father.

Jia Qianqian knows that the burden on the shoulders of a man's father is too heavy, and he wants to share some of it with his father, but from the perspective of physiological structure and social division of labor, if a woman assumes the role and responsibility of a man, it is indeed powerless.

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

Therefore, Jia Qianqian used a shout to appeal to "We are loosening our ties every day, trying to live back to one self after another". The "we" here refers not only to every living being in the earthly world, but also to the father, because of the responsibility and mission, they have to be like a tightened clockwork, turning in the earthly world full of fireworks, there is no possibility of stopping to take a breath.

The meaning that Jia Qianqian wants to express in these two lines of poetry is the same as the song "It's not a sin for a man to cry" sung by Andy Lau.

In the last two sentences, Jia Qianqian wrote: Living back in the body where words and words overlap, just like living back to the word father-

It can be said that these two sentences are like the finishing touch, enhancing the style and artistic conception of the whole poem.

Jia Qianqian's poem "Father" is written with ingenuity and is thought-provoking to read

Everyone in the world has their own choices about how to live. But in order for a person to live out his self-worth and style, he must find a reference.

This reference is undoubtedly the father, because the word father contains too deep and broad meaning, he is both an identity and a role given by society, and for children, the father is the root, the idol and the guide.

No matter how a person lives, as long as he lives like his father and continues the excellent qualities in his bloodline, he can live a real life and live this life in vain.

The dash is very interesting at the end of the sentence, expressing the continuation of the respect for the father, and calling on people to cherish family affection and know how to be grateful to their father.

It can be seen that Jia Qianqian can understand his father with his heart in order to write this excellent poem.