
The bad news came, the starship exploded in the air again, Musk congratulated!

author:Beacon front station

SpaceX conducted another Starship test launch on November 18, and SpaceX had previously conducted Starship test flights, and like the first test flight, the test flight on November 18 was also carried out through a combination of boosters and Starship hulls. Now the bad news came, the Starship of SpaceX exploded in the air again, but compared with the first test flight, the test launch on November 18 achieved the separation of the first stage of the rocket, in the last test launch, the first stage of the rocket did not work properly, and finally failed to achieve the separation of the Starship and the first stage of the rocket, so the test launch ended in failure. The starship itself is 50 meters high, and the first stage rocket connected to it is also 50 meters high, so the starship complex is the largest spacecraft in human history.

The bad news came, the starship exploded in the air again, Musk congratulated!

The SpaceX Starship Complex was launched in Texas, USA, at the same launch site as the first test launch. Judging from the test launch on the 18th, the work of the first-stage rocket was quite normal, and all 31 engines worked until the separation of the first-stage rocket was completed, but the starship itself accidentally exploded during flight. For the Starship explosion in the air on the 18th, Musk, CEO of SpaceX, publicly congratulated, and Musk congratulated the team of SpaceX through social platforms. According to information released by the United States, the Starship suddenly exploded 10 minutes after the launch of the assembly, and the Federal Aviation Administration has already given a conclusion about the failure of the launch on November 18.

The bad news came, the starship exploded in the air again, Musk congratulated!

According to US media reports, the US official announced that the launch failed on the 18th due to the accident of the starship itself, but the Federal Security Administration did not release the specific details of the starship accident. According to the original plan, the starship hull would go into space, then fly around the Earth and enter the atmosphere, and the original splash area was in the Gulf of Mexico, but before it entered the intended orbit, the starship had already been reduced to ashes in the explosion. The Starship project is the most important project of the US Taiwan Space Exploration Corporation, which is not only to participate in the United States' return to the moon, but also to explore Mars, for which the Space Exploration Corporation has invested heavily in the development of the Starship project.

The bad news came, the starship exploded in the air again, Musk congratulated!

Starship is different from the space shuttle before the United States, which itself is underpowered, while the starship itself carries multiple engines, which gives it the ability to travel interstellarly. In the U.S. plan to return to the moon, SpaceX plans to use Starship to land on the moon, for which it has the ability to dock with the lunar orbital station. In the Mars exploration program, Starship also relayed through the lunar orbital station, so as to start the journey to Mars, and the failure of the test launch on November 18 once again hit SpaceX, because the construction of Starship itself has already cost a lot of money.

The bad news came, the starship exploded in the air again, Musk congratulated!

In fact, all the test flights of Starship prototypes ended in failure, not just two consecutive Starship Combination launches, SpaceX obtained Starship development funds through public investment, and now SpaceX is stubbornly promoting the Starship project, so even if it is known that the launch will fail, SpaceX is also insisting on launching, for which Musk publicly congratulates the SpaceX team, because only through the launch can we obtain funds to continue to develop the starship, and insisting on launching is an action that reflects the determination to develop the starship。

The bad news came, the starship exploded in the air again, Musk congratulated!

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