
After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

"Fearless", which has 4 episodes left to finale, has three questions that have not been answered:

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Wen Li Liu Ming's fate.

Can Chen Shuo catch up with Luo Yingzi.

Who framed Mei Daliang and his wife?

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

The first two questions are close to the truth, and Luo Yingzi has found Wen Li's traces - she is about to attack the next prey.

The news was revealed by Sun Huading, who is serving a prison sentence.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Luo Yingzi found Xiao Yuan, who was also separated by Wen Li, and after some understanding, the two reached an agreement to bring Wen Li to justice.

Wen Li, who didn't realize that danger was coming, was stretching out her claws to the son of Sun Huading's good friend, Boss Ding.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

And Liu Ming has already suffered retribution, hasn't he?

With infinite longing for the future, I went abroad with my lover, thinking that I was about to start a new life with my wife and children, but I suddenly found that Wen Li was gone.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Like Sun Huading in prison, Liu Ming was coaxed into a daze, obediently waiting for Wen Li's letters in the so-called love nest once a week at first, and then once a month.

There was no news until later...

What's more, Sun Huading's current situation is Liu Ming's upcoming ending.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Chen Shuo has many girlfriends, and Luo Yingzi has seen them more than once.

Lawyer Xue said that he had never seen him so attentive to any girl, and that the girls in the past were just friends, or were they just friends?

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Chen Shuo is a person with a great sense of boundaries, and he plans to pursue Luo Yingzi, and those warblers and Yanyan are probably going to stand aside.

Luo Yingzi called Chen Wuliang on his lips, and he didn't have the slightest doubt about his character and professional ability in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have sent Lan Lan to work beside him, let alone introduce Xiao Yuan's case to him.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

You must know that the evidence in Xiao Yuan's hand is directly related to Wen Li's conviction and sentencing.

However, judging from the direction of the plot, there is a high probability that Chen Shuo and Luo Yingzi will not have a clear result, after all, there will be a second and third seasons next, and the relationship between the hero and heroine will be settled now, what will be played later?

The biggest mystery is Mei Daliang's case.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Mei Daliang, formerly known as Mei Qin, and her husband Yu Daliang were not only the founding partners of Liangcheng Law Firm, but also the actual controllers, and they were also star lawyers in the criminal defense industry at that time.

Because of a case, their fate changed irreversibly: In a criminal defense case, Yu Daliang thought that he had enough testimony for the nature of the case, but when he went to court, the witness insisted that he had instigated them to give false testimony, and thus was prosecuted on suspicion of committing a crime.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

On the day of the trial, Yu Daliang fainted in court, and a famous lawyer passed away like this.

Mei Qin, who was revoked from practicing qualifications, changed her name to her current name, Mei Daliang.

She told Luo Yingzi that some people didn't want them to be good and didn't want them to continue to stay in Liangcheng.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Who could this person be?

Is it Han Zhitong?

The harassment of Qiu Hua and the suppression of newcomers, in addition to showing that this person has a dark heart, there is also a very key factor, that is, he knows how Mei Daliang and his wife, who were once surging in the legal industry, fell off the altar overnight because of one thing.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

He didn't allow something like that to happen a second time.

In this way, there is a reasonable explanation why a case is broken down into parts, and why new appointments are not given a chance.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

He is afraid that these people will be the same as himself back then, once their wings are stiffened, they will not be satisfied with the status quo, and they will have the ability to use the means behind their backs to get what they want.

- Only when we have experienced cruelty ourselves will we do everything we can to avoid cruelty from happening again.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

However, when he was still a first-year lawyer, did he have the ability to stir up the situation?

The answer can only be: others do, and he was used as a gun.

Whoever is the biggest beneficiary is most likely to be behind it.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Did you think of Fang Lihong?

From the beginning of the story to the present, Fang Lihong has always felt comfortable, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is Luo Yingzi's confidence, and even the source of workplace security.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Every time there was a crisis, it was Lawyer Fang who stood up to protect her and Qiu Hua, which allowed the two people who had no foundation to have their current achievements and status in just one year.

When Luo Yingzi was taken away, and the others had to fire her without asking, it was Fang Lihong who tried her best to keep her.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Mei Daliang came to the law firm, and the most welcome person was Fang Lihong, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a person with means behind her.

It's as if she is the most righteous person in the entire law firm.

However, there are two details that betray her warmth, such as when Luo Yingzi showed her edge for the first time, she said that she couldn't give too much space to young people.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

For example, when Luo Yingzi and Qiu Hua won a big victory in a criminal case for the first time, it was she who arranged Xia Shu over.

Even, even such a serious matter as Han Zhitong's harassment of Qiu Hua was suppressed by her.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

There is never really black and white in the workplace, there are only interests.

For the sake of interests, Han Zhitong can go upstairs and downstairs to persuade other partners to stir things up together;

For the sake of interests, Fang Lihong can keep Luo Yingzi, or she can remove the stumbling blocks in front of her.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Mr. Mei and his family happened to be standing in that position.

What's even more coincidental is that the young and vigorous Han Zhitong happens to have enough ambition and a little bit of temperament.

Two people, or more people, hit it off, and Mei Daliang and his family were unlucky.

After chasing 36 episodes of "Fearless" in one go, I know who framed Mei Daliang

Thinking about it carefully, what is very scary is that if Luo Yingzi and Qiu Hua don't know how to converge their edge, they will definitely encounter Mr. Mei's crisis in the future, otherwise what will they play in the next two seasons?

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