
In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

author:Qian Ding said the workplace in this life
In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

With the development of the times and the openness of thought, more and more young people in the system now choose to divorce if they are not suitable for marriage and do not live a lifetime, and they no longer live for a "suffocated" life.

According to relevant reports, in recent years, the divorce rate in some cities has even been higher than the marriage rate. On the one hand, divorce is no longer such an unspeakable thing, and the phenomenon of divorce is becoming more and more common; on the other hand, now that the legal system is sound, the cost of divorce is low, once you find that the three views do not agree, you do not plan to make do, divorce has become the norm of social life!

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

However, what is surprising is that most of the divorced women in the system, after "Hugh", do not end up with the happiness they wanted. On the contrary, many people are not as good as getting married, and their lives are getting more and more unsatisfactory, and the only way to go is to "get married". However, many second-married men are different, and the objects of their second marriages are generally younger and younger, and they live a happy life of "gnawing tender grass"!

What is the reason for this very different outcome? The reasons behind it are very realistic.

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic


Many young couples do not have an in-depth understanding of each other before getting married, and they enter the marriage hall with a beautiful vision of love, followed by various family conflicts after marriage due to different ideologies.

With the fast pace of modern life and the high pressure of work, many young people struggle to find a balance between busy work and family life, and the psychological pressure will increase. Once there is a crack in the marriage and there is no way to deal with it, both parties will fall into marital anxiety. When this contradiction cannot be resolved, the husband and wife are facing divorce.

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

In many divorce cases, women file for divorce at a much higher rate than men, a phenomenon that is completely different from the past. In ancient times, women had almost no right to file for divorce, while men had the right to divorce their wives. Now women take the lead in filing for divorce, in addition to their growing sense of independence, they are mainly "taught" by some poisonous chicken soup and some emotional bloggers: divorce if your husband treats you badly, divorce if you don't give money to spend, divorce if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not good, divorce if you don't give you independent space... After leaving, you will live a princess-like life, and you must not wronged yourself.

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

If you find another man, you will ask for his money, let him stand aside if you don't give money, and you must not be a free babysitter for others. Therefore, some women with low cognition divorced en masse, and the second marriage is all for money, they all have a high bride price after the second marriage, which is higher than the bride price of the first marriage, and it looks like a matter of course, and I say that what I want is security!

However, what they don't know (or pretend to be confused) is that you treat men as fools? If you make a man pay money and effort to get a house, you will have a shameless face? Don't you know your thorny pelvis? You don't want to know what value and security you can bring to men in the future? You can't manage your first marriage, and you still expect you to manage your second marriage?

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

In fact, men who marry for the second time are very smart and sober, and those who have no money do not want to marry, and those who have money also have to worry about it, and those who have poor character will not marry, so I am afraid that you will be distracted! A woman who is married for the second time, what exchange value do you have with others? Nanny people are not unaffordable, and there are a lot of unmarried girls, so why should you marry a second-married eight-handed goods?

In addition, there are now many divorces and competitors, and women are driving women to a dead end. There are also some people who have boys after divorce, and almost no one dares to ask for them, and no one dares to marry. It's good to be able to find someone to fall in love with for you to eat and drink, and still want to find a man as a long-term meal ticket? It's really ridiculous!

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

With the forced marriage of their parents, the age is unforgiving, and the older woman who is married for the second time is really anxious, and hurriedly looks for the "next home", looking for an ATM, looking for a meal ticket... And some divorced second-married men with children do not have much demand for marriage, and they also choose to live by themselves, and the money they earn is spent on themselves and their children, and they are living happier and happier; some divorced men don't want to fall in love at all, and they don't dare to fall in love anymore, and they don't dare to touch marriage; those who have money dare to toss it again, and those who don't have money are single; they marry second-married women, for fear that others will gossip and lose face!

Who would give a second-married woman a chance to a young man who was married for the first time? Unless the man was either a soft-married man or a second-hand man! In this way, a second-married woman would have no choice but to "marry" an old man or become a stepmother with a "drag oil bottle"!

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic


On the other hand, what about second-married men in the system? The establishment is fragrant and sweet, and the work within the system is the most powerful plus point, and there is no one.

At present, in the economic downturn, the idea of "establishment is a safe" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone's general requirement for the other half is not to make a lot of money, but to live a stable and carefree life. Especially the vast majority of ordinary people, their requirements for life are actually very simple - full of food and clothing, just don't worry about where tomorrow's food will be today!

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

Second-married men have experienced a marriage, and they already have a real sense of many aspects of marriage, no longer so young, no longer have dreamy imagination, and have some experience in managing marriages, and also know how to ask for warmth, take care of diet and daily life, have a solid economic foundation, and are deeply loved by the first-married ladies of the "father-lover" complex.

In this world, love knows no borders and ages, and sometimes, you love someone, there are not so many reasons, and you don't play cards according to common sense, you love when you love, for example, the first married woman falls in love with the second married man.

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

When choosing a marriage partner, many women do not reject second-married men, thinking that they know how to cherish them better, because they have experienced loss and know how to take care of women. As long as two people can fall in love, the first-married woman will not care about the second-married man.

In real life, whether you are happy or unhappy has nothing to do with marrying a first-married girl, and there are first-married women who marry second-married men, and they have a pretty good life everywhere.

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic


Marriage is a lifelong thing, don't make a hasty divorce decision because of impulse.

Whether it is the first marriage or the second marriage, if you are ready to enter the marriage hall, you should respect and love each other, and the stability of the relationship is the key to maintaining a healthy marriage!

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

What is happiness? Happiness is to hold a pair of hands that you want to hold, walk through the hustle and bustle together, and wait for loneliness and loneliness together. It is to accompany someone we want to be with, to laugh together when we are happy, to cry together when we are sad, to have a heart that we want, not to be bored to repeat boring days, not to be bored to do the same thing... As long as we have love in our hearts for each other, we will be happy, and happiness is in the original promise, but also in the dream of the future!

Don't forget what you once had, and cherish what you have gained! Don't give up what belongs to you, what you lose is only what you remember!

In the system, second-married women can only "get married," but second-married men marry first-married women? The reasons behind this are very realistic

Conclusion: The essence of marriage is companionship, which depends on conscience and responsibility. Whether in good times or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, we must be in the same boat through thick and thin, share weal and woe, cherish each other, carry things together, and work together to cope with the ups and downs in life!

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