
13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

author:China Women's Daily

Some actions we inadvertently make in life, or some behaviors and habits we develop in our daily life, are quietly harming our physical health. It's a pity that many people don't know this, let's see how many of them have you won?

Mobile phones are not cleaned often

Many people can't leave their hands every day is their mobile phones, and they play with them for hours a day, but most people don't wash their hands before playing. Therefore, after touching other items with the hand, contaminated with bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, and then touching the mobile phone, these microorganisms are brought to the body of the mobile phone. After a month or two, the phone became visibly dirty to the naked eye.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

Dirty mobile phones will bring us health hazards, some people will pick up the mobile phone and stick it on their face to make a call, others will play with the mobile phone while eating with their hands, so the microorganisms on the mobile phone enter the body through the mouth, nose, ears and other channels, bringing hidden dangers to health.

Some people will wipe the screen with a paper towel containing disinfectant alcohol after the mobile phone screen is dirty, but the side, back, camera, on/off key, volume button, data cable interface, microphone interface and other parts of the mobile phone are ignored, which is not right.

It is recommended that you use wipes containing 75% disinfectant alcohol to wipe your mobile phone every three or four days;

Towels for wiping hands are not washed often

After washing your hands, do you use a dry towel to wipe your hands? So, do you wash your towels often? If the towels used to wipe your hands are not washed and dried frequently, it is easy to hide bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, and even become a transit station for microorganisms. This is because the towel is a cotton fabric, and the special structure makes it easy to get stained with various oils, sweat, dander, dust, etc., and is often placed in a humid environment, lacking direct sunlight, creating conditions for the growth of various microorganisms. Swabing your hands with a towel can expose your already clean hands to a lot of microorganisms.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

If you prefer to wipe your hands with a dry towel, it is recommended that you wash your towel often and bask in the sun often. Or you can dry your hands with disposable paper towels instead of a dry towel, or just dry your hands in the air.

Rub your eyes often with your hands

When the eyes feel uncomfortable or a foreign body is in, many people's first reaction is to rub their eyes with their hands. This behavior is highly undesirable, and you should not rub your eyes with your hands, regardless of whether your hands are clean or not.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

First of all, our hands just look very clean, but in fact there are a lot of microorganisms on them, if you rub your eyes with unclean hands, it is easy to cause eye infection, causing inflammation such as styes and chalazions.

Secondly, even if you wash your hands well before rubbing your eyes, if there is a foreign body in your eye, rubbing your eyes will aggravate the movement and friction of the foreign body on the ocular surface, which may cause damage to the cornea, conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva on the ocular surface.

Finally, even if you wash your hands cleanly and there are no foreign objects in your eyes, rubbing your eyes just because they feel uncomfortable in your eyes can pose some risks. Because the act of rubbing the eyes often puts pressure on the cornea, causing changes in the curvature of the cornea, and aggravating the degree of astigmatism.

When your eyes feel uncomfortable, the right thing to do is to rest your eyes, close them or look into the distance, or apply a warm compress to your eyes. When a foreign body is in the eye, the correct way is to yawn frequently, blink more often, or add artificial tears to let the foreign body flow out with the tears.

Feel free to touch the public facilities

Restaurants, barber shops, cinemas, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, stations, transportation, amusement parks, public restrooms, elevators, gyms, libraries and other public places, there are some commonly used public facilities or public items, which seem to be clean and harmless, but in fact may have some hidden health hazards.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

For example, handrails and tabs on public transportation, doorknobs, faucets and toilets in public restrooms, dumbbells, barbells and equipment in public gyms, books, tables and chairs in libraries, equipment and seats in amusement parks, all seem to be clean on the surface, but when one person uses them and another person continues to use them, bacteria and viruses will be transferred from one person to another through the transit of these public facilities and public goods.

Therefore, before using public facilities and public objects, we should try to wipe with wipes containing 75% disinfectant alcohol, do not rub your eyes, mouth and nose with your hands during use, and wash your hands in time after use.

Wipe the table often with a rag

Many people like to wipe the table with a damp rag, which is of course no problem, but it is also necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the wet rag. As you might not imagine, a small wet rag is an excellent medium for microorganisms.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

After a week of use, you will be amazed at the number of microorganisms that grow on the cloth. According to the White Paper on Household Kitchen Hygiene Survey in China released by the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, the number of bacteria on a rag is as high as 500 billion in a random survey.

So how do you clean a rag? A lot of people just put the rag under the faucet and wash it, twist it, and add a few drops of dish soap at most, but that doesn't clean the rag. Wipe the rag on the table frequently, you can boil it in boiling water with a little alkali for 5 minutes every three or four days, and try to replace it with a new rag every two or three months, and never use a rag for years.

Flush the toilet halfway through

Halfway through the toilet, many netizens will choose to flush the water halfway because they think the smell is too stinky. In fact, this practice poses health risks. When flushing the toilet, the toilet creates a strong upward airflow, and a large number of tiny droplets mixed with feces are ejected at an initial velocity of 2 meters per second. If the toilet lid is not closed, these tiny droplets will be sprayed up to a height of 1.5 meters above the toilet bowl and enter the air in the form of aerosols, which not only contaminates the surrounding items, but also easily enters the body through our mouth and nose, bringing health risks.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

It is recommended that you get up and close the toilet lid before flushing the toilet halfway through the toilet, which can not only ensure that dirt does not splash outside the toilet, but also avoid physical contact with aerosols that may contain pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Wrap food in paper towels

When there are no other food bags, do you choose to wrap the food in paper towels? You should know that in order to whiten the paper towel, some paper towels will use fluorescent brighteners in the production process, and the fluorescent brighteners will transfer from the paper towels to the food after contact with food (especially oil food), and the higher the temperature of the food, the more the fluorescent brightener will be transferred. Fluorescent brighteners are not easy to decompose in the human body, and after long-term ingestion, their toxicity will accumulate in the liver, producing potential carcinogenic factors.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

If you really need to use something to package food, the correct way is to choose food-grade special wrapping paper or plastic bags and crisper boxes.

Dig out the rotten part of the fruit and eat it again

Many times, we don't have time to eat the fruit we bought, and when we want to eat it, we find that the existing fruit is already partially rotten. It seems a pity to throw it away, and at this time, someone will use a knife to dig up the rotten part of the fruit and eat it, thinking that it will be fine.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

In fact, even if the rotten part of the fruit is dug up, the rest is not recommended to eat. When the fruit is rotting, the mold and other microorganisms produced by the rotten part will spread through the juice inside the fruit, so that the part of the fruit that still looks intact is also contaminated by mold, which will also bring health risks. For example, Penicillium chinulis infected with apples and pears can produce patulin, which is classified as a Class III suspected carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is very harmful to the human body, can lead to damage to nervous respiratory and urinary systems, and can easily cause nerve paralysis, pulmonary edema, and renal failure.

Therefore, it is not recommended to eat only a part of the fruit that is rotten, so throw it away whole. When storing fruits, it is recommended to put a separate bag for each fruit to avoid one fruit being damaged and other fruits being affected.

Rinse the raw meat under the tap

The surface of raw meat is prone to some pathogenic microorganisms, such as Salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc., which can survive for several hours to days. Rinse raw meat under the tap, as splashes from the rinsing process can carry microorganisms and splash onto sinks, chopsticks and chopping boards around the sink. If we eat with contaminated utensils, it may cause infection in the human body, causing diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

What is the correct way to wash raw meat? Soak the raw meat in a bowl or basin with water, and gently scrub the surface of the raw meat with your hands to avoid splashing. After washing raw meat, the utensils should be washed and dried with detergent in time, and finally our hands should be washed with soap and running water.

Chopsticks are not replaced for a long time

Chopsticks are the utensils that we use and clean every day. Many people know that toothbrushes need to be replaced frequently, but they don't know that bamboo and wood chopsticks should also be replaced frequently. When bamboo and wood chopsticks are used for a long time, the surface may be worn, cracked, or not cleaned. Food debris adheres to the surface of chopsticks for a long time and may become moldy in a wet environment. Some molds are not harmless to the body, but if the chopsticks are contaminated with Aspergillus flavus, the aflatoxin produced is more harmful, it is a "class of carcinogens" marked by the World Health Organization, and after reaching a certain dose, it has a strong damaging effect on the liver, and there is a risk of cancer.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

It is recommended that you usually wash the bamboo and wooden chopsticks, dry or dry them first and then put them in the cupboard for preservation, cook the chopsticks in boiling water for about half an hour every week, and replace the chopsticks once every three months or so. Of course, metal chopsticks can also be used to avoid these health hazards caused by bamboo and wood chopsticks.

Don't cover your mouth and nose when sneezing

Studies have shown that a normal person's sneeze contains about 300,000 bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, and if a person sneezes during a respiratory disease, the number of microorganisms increases exponentially. The microorganisms contained in the sneeze can attach to nearby handrails, seats, and doorknobs within 2 seconds, and these microorganisms can be transmitted to others through the touch of other people's hands.

Therefore, when sneezing, you should try to avoid crowds and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or handkerchief to prevent saliva from splashing. Do not litter the tissues after use, but dispose of them in the trash.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

Some people like to cover their mouth and nose with their hands when sneezing, but it is not recommended to do so unless you wash your hands covering your mouth and nose immediately after sneezing. This can contaminate the hands with the microorganisms in the sneeze, which can then be passed on to public objects and then to others through the touch of the hands.

In fact, if you can't find a handkerchief or tissue to cover your mouth and nose temporarily, you can also use the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth and nose, which can block the spittle on the skin of your elbow or clothing, which is relatively dry and not easy to contact with other public objects, which can effectively block the spread of microorganisms.

Cover the food with a gauze

It is not a good practice for some families to choose not to put away the tray containing the food after eating, but to cover the food with a kind of gauze to prevent flies. Because although the gauze blocks the flies and prevents them from landing directly on the food, the flies will also stay on the surface of the gauze, leaving bacteria, viruses and eggs. Eggs can easily fall through the holes in the gauze and into the plate, contaminating the food. Moreover, the gauze is usually not cleaned once for a long time, causing the gauze to become dirtier and dirtier, which in turn brings new contamination to the food.

It is recommended that after eating, cover the bowl with food or seal it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. Of course, it's best to cook less food each time and try not to leave any leftovers.

When you get up, fold the quilt

Many people fold the quilt immediately when they get up, but in addition to preventing them from falling asleep, this is harmful to their health.

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!

You must know that when people sleep, their bodies will discharge a lot of sweat and dandruff, which will attach to the quilt. If you fold the quilt as soon as you get up, sweat and dander will remain in the quilt, and the microorganisms in the sweat and dander will multiply on the residual heat of the body temperature in the bed. After a long time, not only will the bed be covered with sweat, but when you sleep and re-wrap the quilt, these microorganisms will also affect your physical health.

Therefore, the most correct way to fold the quilt is to turn over the side of the quilt after getting up, spread it for more than ten minutes, and then fold it, of course, you can also choose not to fold the quilt. In addition, it is recommended that the quilt should be dried once a week in the sun at noon.


China Women's Daily, China Women's Movement

Source/People's Daily Online Popular Science, Popular Science China Pictures/Photo Network Editor-in-Charge/Tian Yuan Huang Die, Chen Xiaobing Review/Yifan Producer/Zhifei

13 casual but very unhygienic behaviors, many people don't realize it, and treat it as very clean!