
The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

Original | Pregnancy

Having a baby is really the first thing to think about safety!

At all times, mothers should put their own safety first and not risk their lives.

But sometimes, not all mothers understand this truth.

Recently, the pregnant mother brushed up on a news: the 33-year-old mother almost exchanged her life for her 6th child, and she had 1600ml of bleeding during the operation of giving birth to the 6th child.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

A mother in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, had 5 caesarean sections in a row, and in this case, she was also pregnant with her 6th child.

At 28 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with dangerous placenta previa, a very dangerous high-risk pregnancy.

Repeated cesarean section many times, the degree of uterine injury can be imagined.

In the follow-up prenatal examination, the doctor found that her placenta was like a large octopus with rough skin, which penetrated the myometrium with teeth and claws, and the doctor said: This is because there were too many cesarean sections in the past, which led to severe abdominal adhesions.

In this case, the degree of surgical risk is really immeasurable, and in order to protect the mother and child, the hospital has formulated a perfect surgical plan and emergency plan.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

But even so, there was an accident during the operation, and after the uterus was cut, a large amount of blood gushed out, which was a dangerous hemorrhage.

The amount of bleeding was as high as 1600ml, and in order to stop the bleeding, the doctor rescued for 2 hours before the bleeding stopped.

Fortunately, the mother and baby are safe, and this result is really lucky.

Many netizens watched the news and said:

Why do you give birth to so much? Don't you think about your own body?

Is it necessary? Life is the most important thing, you still have parents and children!

I don't understand, I feel like I'm risking my life to have a baby.

Whether to give birth to a child or not, and how many to give birth, this is a personal choice, and the pregnant mother does not make any evaluation.

But as netizens said: The first consideration for having a child must be safety, don't risk your own life.

The more cesarean sections you have, the greater the risk of having a baby.

The 27-year-old mother was dissected 4 times in 6 years

Doctor: "Her uterus is as thin as paper, and she can cut it with a single stretch"

We all know that the danger of having a child is to walk through the ghost door.

And behind multiple cesarean sections, the level of risk increases exponentially.

There really is too much news like this.

A 27-year-old mother in Guangdong, from 21 to 27 years old, she had four caesarean sections in less than 6 years.

During the fourth operation, the doctor found that her uterus was as thin as A4 paper, and in this case, a violent fetal movement could lead to uterine rupture, which is very dangerous.

The 4th child was also born prematurely at 34 weeks, fortunately, the operation was safe.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

A 33-year-old woman in Jiangsu Province had four caesarean sections in 10 years, and the fourth pregnancy was less than two years after the last cesarean section.

During the fourth cesarean section, the doctor found that the walls of her uterus were already very thin, especially the scar, which had been stretched thin like paper, and even the baby's hair could be seen in the amniotic fluid.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

At this time, as long as the fetus moves a little stronger, it may kick through the uterus.

Although it is now the freedom to have children, I hope that every mother who wants to get pregnant will be sure to take her own safety as a prerequisite before getting pregnant!

What is the maximum number of cesarean deliveries a woman can have?

The pregnant mother checked the relevant information, for a woman, how many cesarean sections can be done in a lifetime, and there is no relevant literature to study.

That is, the upper limit of the number of cesarean sections is unknown.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

From the examples and news around us, we can know that it is common to dissect 2 or 3 times, and it is not uncommon to dissect 7 or 8 times.

Xiao S, her three daughters were all caesarean sections, and Xu Ziqi, the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, also had 4 caesarean sections in 9 years.

In many places abroad, it is also very common to have 8-10 children.

So, theoretically, there is no strict upper limit on the number of cesarean sections a person can do.

But pregnancy and childbirth are different for everyone.

For celebrity families, who are financially well-off, they can hire professional doctors to monitor, guide, and assess risks around the clock, looking for the best medical conditions to reduce risks.

But for most ordinary mothers, the conditions are not so good, and the risk of successive cesarean sections is greater.

Therefore, for safety reasons, most doctors will advise: it is best not to have more than 3 cesarean sections, not because it is not medically technical, but because the risk is too great!

Although many mothers who have had multiple cesarean sections eventually give birth to their babies safely, as the number of cesarean sections increases, the risk is also higher and higher each time!

Behind the multiple cesarean sections, it is the mothers who are taking their lives in Bo!

Cesarean section is a major operation to manually intervene in childbirth, and compared with normal delivery, cesarean section has an additional large incision, which requires 10 layers of dissection on the stomach.

The uterine scar left after cesarean section will bring a lot of danger to the mother's body and future delivery.

First: an increased risk of uterine rupture

Cesarean section is a major surgery, and there will be scarring as long as the operation is performed, and the key words of a scarred uterus are: heavy bleeding, hysterectomy, and life-threatening.

Because during pregnancy, the uterus is stretched out, and the muscles in the scar become thinner and weaker, causing uterine rupture due to labor pains, pressure, or fetal movements.

Once the uterus ruptures, it is a major event: abdominal pain, hemorrhage, shock, death, which is for adults, for the fetus, if the uterus is not rescued in time, it may cause suffocation.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

Multiple cesarean sections mean that the same wound is opened and opened again and again, and the incision and healing again and again are more likely to lead to the proliferation of scar tissue, fibrosis, and decreased elasticity of the incision, which also means that the risk of uterine rupture will be higher.

Second: an increased risk of scarred pregnancy

The pregnant mother has a friend, the first child was delivered by cesarean section, and then she wanted a second child but never succeeded, although she was pregnant twice, but both times the fetus was implanted on the scar of the previous cesarean section.

The doctor only gave her one option, and that was to terminate the pregnancy because scar pregnancy was too dangerous!

Ran Yingying gave birth to three children, all three of them were cesarean sections, and when she was pregnant with three children, it was a scar pregnancy, and before giving birth in the morning, the doctor told her to be psychologically prepared to remove the uterus.

The 33-year-old mother almost gave birth to her sixth child, and the doctor: there were too many cesarean sections, and the uterus was close to being scrapped

Due to structural abnormalities, the tissue at the uterine scar is weaker than the normal tissue, and as the fetus continues to grow, the scar on the uterus is easily stretched open and torn, and serious complications such as heavy bleeding and uterine rupture may occur if the pregnancy continues.

In addition, scar pregnancy can also easily lead to placenta implantation, causing heavy bleeding during childbirth, and in severe cases, the uterus may be removed, at that time, not only the fetus can not survive, the mother's uterus is difficult to preserve, and the mother's life will also be threatened.

Third: increased risk of pelvic-abdominal adhesions

Regardless of the type of uterine surgery, there is an increased risk of adhesions, including dilation and curettage after abortion surgery. This is a condition that can easily occur during wound healing, which can cause the pelvic organs to stick together, and even the pelvic organs and uterus to stick together, and this can lead to severe pain.

Fourth: Complications of childbirth multiply

One of the largest case series showed that women had a greater than 1% risk of blood transfusion, bladder cut, placenta accreta, and hysterectomy after a third caesarean section, and the incidence of these complications continued to increase with the number of cesarean sections.

At the 6th cesarean section, the risk of placenta accreta was 6.74%, the risk of hysterectomy was 8.99%, the risk of bladder incision was 4.49%, and the risk of blood transfusion was 15.73%.

Although there is a risk does not mean that it will happen, but once it appears, it is 100% and dangerous!

Please strictly abide by the safety node!

Although the risk of multiple cesarean sections is very high, most mothers still do not choose multiple and frequent cesarean sections, and the common ones are only 2 or 3 times, and 7 or 8 cesarean sections are still rare.

It is necessary to remind the mother of cesarean section that no matter how many cesarean sections there are, it is best to go to the hospital for examination before preparing to get pregnant, and ask the doctor to judge the risk of repregnancy.

At the same time, the interval between reconceptions after cesarean section is strictly adhered to.

Remember: do not get pregnant 18-24 months after cesarean section, although the external wound will heal quickly, the degree of uterine scar muscleization can only be achieved after 2~3 years after cesarean section, so it is recommended to wait more than 2 years.

But it's not always safer. If the caesarean section lasts longer than 6 years, the scar from the uterine incision will gradually thin, the muscle fibers will turn into connective tissue, and the tone will deteriorate.

The last thing to say is: if you are a mother who is pregnant after cesarean section, you must do the following to protect yourself and your baby.

●Regular prenatal check-ups are important. This is especially true for mothers who have had a caesarean section, and must check the implantation position of the embryo at 6~8 weeks of pregnancy to confirm that the gestational sac does not grow on the scar of the first operation.

●Do not miss any prenatal examination, especially in the third trimester, 36~38 weeks of pregnancy color ultrasound to check the healing of uterine scars.

●A macrosomia increases the risk of a lot, so it is important to control your weight during pregnancy, you don't need to eat two servings, you can eat a balanced diet.

●Seek medical attention promptly if necessary, sudden abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal heartbeat, be sure to seek medical attention promptly.

Hope moms are doing well!

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