
Wang Ziru: Master the core technology

Wang Ziru: Master the core technology

Wang Ziru: Master the core technology

Text/Liushen Leilei

Wang Ziru continued to be on the hot search. Today, Mr. Jin Xing forwarded another one, called "With a pearl in your mouth, you can advance and retreat freely". The reason why he caused so much discussion was because he said something to his boss Dong Mingzhu in the interview: "I haven't read the salary slip that Gree gave me", "Can you give me an office close to you, I will report to you at any time" "Even if I don't do anything every day, I just watch how she holds meetings, and I feel very happy to listen to what she says and does every day." ”

These words are reminiscent of Qiao Feng's confession in "Dragon Babu": Azhu is Azhu, the countries of the four seas, for thousands of years, there is only one Azhu, how can a thousand or ten thousand beauties compare. At present, Qiao Gang Leader is just absent, Huang Rihua kicked the Guizhou Village Super Player over there, and then apologized, and after thinking about it behind closed doors, the position of Qiao Gang Leader was temporarily held by Wang Ziru. So Qiao Feng's words were changed just right, Azhu is Azhu, the countries of the four seas, thousands of years, there is only one Azhu. Then everyone saw the effect, Dong Mingzhu dragged his cheeks, smiled, very happy, and Wang Ziru looked sincere, very sincere, very comfortable.

Many people who eat melons are sighing, saying that Wang Ziru's words represent the annihilation of an idealist. EVERYONE'S REASON IS THAT WANG ZIRU USED TO BE AN ENTREPRENEUR, AND HE CAN BE REGARDED AS A STAR START-UP, HE HAS MADE A ZEALER, HAS DONE MANY INDEPENDENT EVALUATIONS, AND LUO YONGHAO, WHO IS IN THE LIMELIGHT, EVEN IF IT CAN'T BE COMPARED TO THE CONDOR HEROES AND GUO DAXIA, NO MATTER HOW YOU SAY IT, HE IS ALSO A KEZHEN EVIL WHO SPITS OUT THE EAST AND SPITS OUT THE EVIL OF THE WEST. As a result, ten years have passed, Ke Zhenwei suddenly wiped his face and said: Miss Mei, I love to see how you hold meetings, listen to what you say and do every day, it is a very happy thing, the days by your side are much happier than when I was a flying bat, do you feel that you are blind?

But I think the people who eat melons think too much. How can there be any kind of idealism annihilation? Gree has a saying, "mastering core technology." To paraphrase this sentence, Wang Ziru has just mastered the core technology of a society. If nothing else, let's talk about the Tang Dynasty, once Wu Zetian was not feeling well, and sent a subordinate named Yan Chaoyin to Shaomu Mountain to pray for himself. As a result, this Yan Chaoyin bathed, washed cleanly, "prostrated himself on the plate", put his body on the plate as a sacrifice, and prayed for the leader to live a long and healthy life. Wu Zetian was overjoyed when he heard about this and gave him a lot of rewards. This incident caused a sensation, and someone drew a cartoon for Yan Chaoyin, called "Dai Sacrifice Picture". So what do you say about Wang Ziru, isn't it the core technology that has been inherited for thousands of years?

In fact, you might as well calm down and think about it, is Wang Ziru's words really that funny. Is it really the first time you've heard something like this in your life? Obviously not, right.

How many times have you heard this in a box where your ears and temples are grinding, you have heard it in a banquet, you have heard it under the table of private teaching, you have heard this kind of thing in a large meeting in full view, and you have spoken it more freely than Wang Ziru, but have you laughed, no, you know that you can't laugh, you can't laugh, you can't laugh, you can't laugh, because that's not an occasion where you can laugh, it's not the object you can laugh at.

In Jin Yong's novel, there is only one person who laughs at this situation, this person is called Ling Huchong, and no one else laughs. If you laugh, others will laugh at you, laugh at you for being rare and weird, laugh at you for being naïve and ignorant, laugh at your lack of height, laugh at you for not being mature enough, laugh at you for not knowing life or death. So instead of laughing, you may have a more serious and serious expression, nodding your head frequently, as if these words are being spoken in your heart.

And it wasn't until this recent interview, when the person named Wang Ziru said these words again, everyone looked at each other, and suddenly found: Oh, oh, this person said these words at this moment, it is okay to laugh! People confirmed each other's eyes, it is a person who can laugh, so everyone laughed, hard hahahaha, in fact, it's not that funny, isn't it, but everyone is laughing hard, laughing out the laughter that has been held back for many years from childhood to adulthood, as if using Wang Ziru to clear the house, Detoxification is like the Jiupin Sesame Official: You borrow me to pull it after you finish pulling.

Do you know why this little is still on the hot search today, the truth is that everyone laughs at a different pace. At first, the first group couldn't hold back and laughed, then the second group laughed, then the third group laughed, and today, it is estimated that the eighth group laughed, and this is the most cautious group, and finally they couldn't hold back and laughed.

That's why the hot search of this matter has been so long, which is also Wang Ziru's contribution to the society: when you encounter similar funny things in other places in the future, someone slaps the section chief and director like this, and plays the like the main drama, tells the joke the same as the faith, and says Azhu the same as Azhu, you can hold back, sprint home after work, close the curtains, turn off the mobile phone, click on Wang Ziru's interview video, and laugh wildly:


Wang Ziru: Master the core technology

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