
Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Recently, the Hong Kong Star Football Team defeated the Guizhou Village Super League with a score of 3:1, but Huang Rihua of the Hong Kong Star Football Team was controversial because he kicked the opposing player after falling on the field, which caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

After the turmoil fermented for several days, Huang Rihua, who was on the cusp of the storm, released an apology video through the account of the Hong Kong star football team.

Huang Rihua said regretfully in the video that this ball game was originally for football cultural exchanges, and the whole event was also held perfectly, but it was a pity that because of his irrational behavior, he destroyed this harmonious scene, and he felt very sorry for this.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Huang Rihua said that after seeing many videos and criticism from netizens in the past few days, he has deeply reflected on himself and felt that he did a bad job in emotional control, so he accepted everyone's criticism one by one and said that he would correct it.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Therefore, Huang Rihua expressed his apologies to the players of the Village Super League, Guizhou people, fans and netizens across the country in this video, and in order to show the sincerity of his attitude, Huang Rihua also bowed and said "I'm sorry, I was wrong".

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Finally, Huang Rihua expressed his love for football, saying that he would never allow this kind of thing to happen again in the future, and hoped that through the joint efforts of everyone, we can carry forward the football movement of our country and Hong Kong.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

At that time, Huang Rihua said in an interview after the game that he lost his temper because he was kicked to the inner thigh by the opposing player, and he had already controlled his temper the first time, and he couldn't help but fight back the second time.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

At the same time, Huang Rihua also angrily asked why he couldn't get angry when he was kicked like this, because he felt that the other party was deliberately attacking him, so he was not at fault for fighting back, but felt that he had maintained his true colors.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

After Huang Rihua's apology video was released, many netizens said that his attitude of admitting his mistakes was very sincere, and it was normal to have emotions on the court at that time, and he felt that he should not be unforgiving to Huang Rihua.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

But there are still some netizens who feel that Huang Rihua resolutely did not apologize at the time, and now he is just under the pressure of public opinion, and the kick is solid, but he did not apologize to the player he kicked out, and it looked insincere.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

But Huang Rihua's teammates expressed their support to him, and He Jiajin forwarded the apology video, praising Huang Rihua for being responsible, saying that his sincere apology was the best response.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Li Zixiong had already clarified the video released by Huang Rihua before, saying that it was the problem of the shooting angle that made everyone misunderstand Huang Rihua's actions, so of course he also forwarded his apology video this time, supporting him to be responsible and a real man.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell
Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Everyone has always had the Qiao Feng filter in "Dragon Babu" for Huang Rihua, but after the kicking on the court, everyone's filter for him was shattered, and bluntly said that his character was problematic.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Therefore, yesterday, some netizens posted a photo of Huang Rihua attending a business event in a small county, which showed the embarrassment of his popularity, in addition to a little bit of a lively audience, more people were playing with mobile phones and chatting, so some people speculated that he was in a downturn because of the kicking turmoil.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell
Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Huang Rihua's kicking at the stadium has affected a lot of people, like teammates Alan Tam and He Jiajin's comment area before, netizens shouted and commented on Huang Rihua's kicking.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

Even Huo Qigang did not escape, Huo Qigang released a long article yesterday, praising Hong Kong's sports atmosphere is very strong, especially mentioning the village super football friendly match, saying that the development of sports is of great significance.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

In this village super football friendly match, Huo Qigang and his younger brother Huo Qishan also watched the game in a low-key manner, and when facing the Hong Kong team to score, Huo Qishan waved happily, but Huo Qigang looked more calm.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

But under Huo Qigang's long article, there are still many netizens who question Huang Rihua, some ask Huo Qigang's opinion, some say that Huang Rihua's kicking is very disappointing, and some people hope that Huang Rihua will learn from Huo Qigang how to be gracious.

Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell
Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell
Huang Rihua's follow-up kick: publicly bowed and apologized, his teammates praised him for being responsible, and Huo Qigang's comment area fell

But now that Huang Rihua has publicly bowed and apologized, it can be regarded as a successful end to this matter, I hope this turmoil can subside, and everyone will focus more on football.

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