
CBA 2 big farce in one night Gao Shiyan wasted people to attack his former teammates in Liao Basket, and the coach stumbled the players

author:Confucian Ya Moon:

In a game of the Chinese Basketball Association, the behavior of Gao Shiyan of the Shandong team and Xi Relijiang, the coach and player of the Tongxi team, caused widespread attention and discussion. Gao Shiyan seemed to deliberately grab the Achilles tendon of the right leg of the opposing player's original coach in the match with the Shanxi team, which caused widespread public criticism. This kind of behavior is not only against the spirit of sportsmanship, but can also cause serious harm to the former coach. The move, which took place in front of the bench of the Shanxi team, shocked both the audience and the media.

On the same night, Xi Relijiang also showed controversial behavior in the match against Zhejiang. As a veteran player and coach, he not only deliberately tripped over the young player Yu Jiahao, but also had a verbal conflict with the opposing player, which is extremely inappropriate for a coach. Especially in the face of 19-year-old Yu Jiahao, Xirelijiang should have shown more patience and guidance.

CBA 2 big farce in one night Gao Shiyan wasted people to attack his former teammates in Liao Basket, and the coach stumbled the players

These incidents are not just isolated phenomena, but reveal the disciplinary issues and management loopholes that are prevalent in the CBA. Gao Shiyan and Xi Relijiang's behavior damaged the spirit of basketball and undermined mutual respect and professional ethics among players. Gao Shiyan's actions not only endangered the health of his opponent, but also undermined the level playing field on the court. As a player worth $25 million, he deserves a higher level of professionalism and ethics.

Xirelijiang's behavior was similarly disappointing. As a coach and a senior player, his responsibility is not only to show his skills on the pitch, but more importantly to be a role model for young players. However, in the match against Zhejiang, he acted contrary to this duty.

CBA 2 big farce in one night Gao Shiyan wasted people to attack his former teammates in Liao Basket, and the coach stumbled the players

These incidents have sparked a wide discussion about CBA management and discipline. After the match between Guangdong and Liaoning, Zhu Fangyu strongly complained about a similar incident. Despite these complaints, the CBA appears to have failed to impose effective penalties for these controversial acts, leading to a recurring of similar conduct in the league and raising public questions about the CBA's governance.

Against this backdrop, CBA officials need to seriously consider rectifying league discipline and management. Whether it is Gao Shiyan's excesses or Xi Relijiang's misconduct as a coach, they should be punished and condemned accordingly. This is not only a respect for the victimized players, but also a maintenance of the spirit of the league and basketball as a whole.

CBA 2 big farce in one night Gao Shiyan wasted people to attack his former teammates in Liao Basket, and the coach stumbled the players

As the highest level of Chinese basketball, the CBA has the responsibility to ensure the quality and fairness of the game. By strengthening management and discipline, the CBA will not only improve its image, but also provide a healthier and more positive competitive environment for young players and basketball enthusiasts. Only in this way can we truly improve the overall level of Chinese basketball and make it occupy a more important position on the international stage. The CBA needs to take stricter measures to maintain the fairness of the game and the safety of athletes. League officials should not only punish these misdeeds, but also prevent similar incidents in the future by formulating stricter rules and punishment mechanisms. In addition, for coaches and senior players, the league should strengthen professional ethics education, emphasizing their key role in shaping young players and maintaining the culture of the game.

CBA 2 big farce in one night Gao Shiyan wasted people to attack his former teammates in Liao Basket, and the coach stumbled the players

Although Gao Shiyan and Xi Relijiang's actions occurred in different games, they together exemplify the discipline and management challenges facing the current CBA. Gao Shiyan's actions, especially the malicious foul against the former coach, not only showed contempt for the competitive spirit, but also exposed the lax attitude towards the implementation of rules in the league. On the other hand, as a veteran player and coach, Xi Relijiang's actions should not only be seen as personal mistakes, but also as a lack of responsibility for young players and a neglect of the responsibility of basketball education.

In addition, these incidents also highlight the CBA's inadequacies in dealing with such disciplinary issues. While there may be some superficial penalties or statements after the game, these measures do not seem to be effective in preventing the recurrence of misconduct. This back-and-forth of problems reveals a deeper problem: the weakness of the CBA's system and management. If the league is not able to effectively manage and discipline the behavior of players and coaches, then this not only affects the quality and fairness of the game, but may also weaken public trust and interest in the league.

CBA 2 big farce in one night Gao Shiyan wasted people to attack his former teammates in Liao Basket, and the coach stumbled the players

Addressing these issues will require fundamental changes at the management level of the CBA. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the enforcement and supervision of the rules of the competition to ensure that all participants strictly abide by them. Secondly, more severe penalties should be imposed for violations as a warning to other participants. In addition, the CBA also needs to strengthen the professional ethics education of players and coaches, especially the guidance and development of young players, so as to build a healthier and more positive competition environment.

In conclusion, these challenges faced by the CBA are not insurmountable. By strengthening governance, enforcing rules, and raising ethical standards throughout the league, the CBA not only improves the quality of the game, but also sets an example of a positive basketball culture. This is not only crucial to the development of basketball in China, but also has a profound impact on enhancing China's reputation and status in the international basketball community.

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