
was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

author:Lele Fashion House

**The passing years of appearance: from male gods to mortals, how do they change in time**

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another


was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

Dear readers and friends, when the autumn breeze blows through the rice fields, we harvest not only the golden grain, but also the precipitation and thinking brought to us by the years. Today, on this platform of "Autumn Wind Talk", I would like to talk to you about how the "male gods" who once made countless hearts move have changed in the long river of time. If you are interested in these stars who once appeared like dazzling stars, please click "Follow" in the top right corner and count the years with me.

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

1. **Handsome and dashing to gray hair**

Do you remember that handsome and dashing young student in his prime twenty years ago? How many audiences he conquered with his black clothes and sharp eyes? Now, he has entered the age of knowing his destiny, with wrinkles left by the years engraved on his forehead, and gray hair has begun to replace the black and thick of the past. Netizens sighed: "It's really embarrassing to watch idols grow old." ”

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

2. **Pure face to mature and steady**

What about the boy who always appeared in front of the screen with a green smile and an innocent face? In the blink of an eye, he had changed into a mature and stable package—his deep eyes revealed experience and wisdom. Netizens commented: "Although it is a little less fresh when I first saw it, it is more sophisticated and calm." ”

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

3. **Sunny to the world**

There was once a star with a sunny sun and a warm smile like the warm spring sun, who won the love of countless fans. The years have not been too cruel to him - although the skin is no longer firm and smooth, the corners of the eyes have added a bit of fortitude and calmness that can only be found after the world.

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

4. **Sven scum to elegant gentleman**

It is undeniable that the star who once attracted much attention for his image of "Sven scum" - a star who challenged traditional aesthetic standards and created his own characteristic style also faced a test of appearance. Recent developments show that Edison Chen has become more elegant and gentlemanly after announcing his marriage, as if showing a new attitude towards life.

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

5. **Light to bloated changes**

Body management is often one of the problems for public figures, such as Pan Yueming, who frequently appears on the topic list because of his weight. Recently, through hard work to lose weight, he successfully returned to his previous light appearance, and this positive change has also been widely praised by netizens: "The real sense of the rebound male god!"

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

Time flies, in constant change, the face of each "male god" has recorded countless stories and emotions intertwined. "Appearance" may fade over time, but the inner charm and mental state can continue to shine across time and space.

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

Finally, remember: no matter what stage we are in, "aging" is a natural thing, not a shameful thing. Learning to accept yourself at every stage – cherishing the present and facing the future bravely is the most valuable attitude.

was handsome and chic when he was young, but he was ugly when he was old, and it was a pity that these 5 male stars were more than one another

**The article is intended to advocate positive social energy and is not intended to be an evaluation or comment on any specific individual. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete**

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