
Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

Text/Ting's mother

Adolescence is one of the most important stages in a person's life, and it has a profound impact on a person's growth and development.

However, adolescence is also the stage when a person is most prone to problems. At this stage, many children will fall into rebellious emotions for various reasons, especially for excellent children, and their problems may be more serious.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

This is because they have higher expectations, more stress, and more complex self-perceptions and self-evaluations.

If they do not receive scientific and reasonable guidance and help, they may lose their motivation to move forward or even go astray.

Therefore, as parents, we need to understand the essence of the rebellious period of adolescence and learn to use scientific methods to guide our children to help them get out of the predicament and realize their self-worth.


What is the rebellious period of adolescence

Adolescent rebellious period refers to a kind of rebellious and resistant emotions and behaviors in the process of physiological, psychological and social development, due to the ambiguity of self-awareness and insufficient cognition of the external environment.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

This emotion and behavior may manifest itself as rebellion against parents, resistance to social rules, rebellion against school rules, etc.

This stage usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 18, when children begin to explore their self-perception, values, and try to be independent of their parents and pursue autonomy. However, because their worldview and outlook on life are not yet fully mature, they are easily influenced by the external environment, resulting in large mood swings and extreme behaviors.


Science helps children through the rebellious period of adolescence

The appearance of adolescent rebellion is normal, and it is an important process of adolescent self-awareness and self-development.

However, if parents don't help them through this stage scientifically, they may be in trouble.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

For example, some excellent children may have serious psychological problems and even embark on the road of crime because they are unable to withstand academic pressure, interpersonal pressure, etc.

How should parents scientifically help their children through the rebellious period of adolescence? Here are some specific suggestions:

1. Understanding and respect

Parents need to understand their child's special needs at this stage. They need more autonomy and respect, while at the same time facing social pressures and challenges.

Parents should respect their thoughts and behaviors, even though sometimes they may not meet adult expectations. It is only when children feel understood and respected that they will be more receptive to their parents' advice and help.

2. Establish a good communication mechanism

Effective communication is the key to solving any problem.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

Parents need to take the time to communicate with their children and understand their thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Be careful to avoid criticism or accusations and instead try to communicate with your child in an understanding and supportive way. At the same time, parents should also encourage their children to express their thoughts and feelings, rather than forcing them to accept their own opinions.

For example, you could ask your child what they think about a problem and then explore possible solutions together. It can also be achieved through regular family meetings, one-on-one conversations, etc.

3. Establish reasonable expectations

Parents need to set expectations that are in line with their children's realities. Expectations that are too high or too low can be stressful and frustrating. Parents should help their children set clear, achievable goals and encourage them to pursue their dreams.

And, parents should provide appropriate support and guidance to help their children solve the problems they face: including academic problems, relationship problems, mental health problems, etc. At the same time, parents should also educate their children on how to deal with these issues and how to make the right decisions.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

In addition, it is also necessary to accept their failures and setbacks, guide them to learn from them, and exercise their willpower.

4. Provide a stable family environment

The home environment is essential to a child's development. A loving, supportive, and understanding home environment where children feel safe and comfortable can help children better cope with the challenges of the rebellious period of adolescence. This includes maintaining family harmony, providing a stable living environment, providing a healthy lifestyle, etc.

Parents should try to avoid arguing or using violence in front of their children, and at the same time give their children enough love and support.

5. Seek professional help

If a child's rebellious behavior is seriously affecting their daily life and studies, or if they start to show mental health problems, parents should direct them to seek professional help.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

A counselor or psychologist can provide appropriate guidance and support to help your child deal with the confusion and stress of adolescence.


I have a friend's child, Xiao Li, who has been very good since he was a child, and has been serving as the class president in the class, and his grades are also among the best.

However, after entering puberty, he began to exhibit intensely rebellious behavior. He often skipped classes, turned a deaf ear to the words of his parents and teachers, and even began to try smoking and drinking.

In this case, my friend did not punish or ignore his behavior in a simple and brutal way. Instead, she began to communicate more with Li, trying to understand his thoughts and needs.

They found that Xiao Li was confused and stressed about his future career choice, and he was not sure what career he wanted to pursue or how to achieve his goals.

Too many excellent children have been ruined in the rebellious period of youth, and parents must learn to help scientifically

As a result, Li's parents began to guide him to explore his interests and talents, while encouraging him to set feasible career goals. They also helped him find a professional counselor for counseling to solve his inner troubles and stress.

After a period of hard work and scientific help, Xiao Li gradually regained his self-confidence and motivation, and his academic performance began to improve significantly.


Overall, the rebellious period of adolescence is a stage that every child goes through, and it is a complex process that requires the understanding and support of parents. Parents should learn how to scientifically help their children through the rebellious period of adolescence, which is an important responsibility as a parent.

In this process, parents need to be patient and understanding, and need to give their children enough space and time to explore and grow. At the same time, parents also need to have the courage and determination to face and solve the problems that their children may have.

Only through scientific and reasonable guidance and help can children successfully pass this stage and realize their self-worth.

(Image source: Internet)

I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow together.

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