
No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

author:Attend your seat at 7 p.m

After the beginning of winter, the weather gradually turns colder, and many friends like to pickle sauerkraut at home for winter consumption. Especially after the outbreak of the "soil pit sauerkraut" incident in 315, everyone's attention to food safety has reached a new height, and the concern about the health situation has made many people choose to make it at home.

No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

Pickling sauerkraut seems simple, but many friends report that the sauerkraut produced has a poor taste or is easy to mold and spoil. In fact, pickling sauerkraut is also a science, and in order to make sauerkraut with a crisp taste and authentic taste, you need to master some small skills.

Sauerkraut is appetizing and nutritious. So, how can you properly pickle sauerkraut? Today, I'm going to share with you a few tips to help you make delicious and crunchy sauerkraut.

No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

1. Choose the right container

The container for pickling sauerkraut is very important because improper containers can cause sauerkraut to become moldy and spoiled. It is recommended to choose ceramic jars or glass jars for pickling, because these containers are not easy to chemically react with sauerkraut, which can better maintain the original flavor of sauerkraut.

No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

2. Use rice washing water to marinate

When pickling sauerkraut, we can use rice washing water for pickling. Rice water is rich in nutrients, which can make sauerkraut more crisp and delicious. At the same time, rice water can also help reduce nitrite levels, making our sauerkraut healthier.

No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

3. Add liquor

When pickling sauerkraut, adding an appropriate amount of liquor can play a role in sterilization and prevent sauerkraut from becoming moldy and spoiling. At the same time, baijiu can also increase the taste of sauerkraut, making our sauerkraut more delicious. But be careful not to add too much liquor, so as not to affect the quality of sauerkraut.

No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

Fourth, control the amount of salt

Table salt is an indispensable seasoning in pickled sauerkraut, but the amount of salt should also be properly controlled. Too much salt will make the sauerkraut taste too salty, while too little salt will not inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, resulting in sauerkraut being easy to spoil. Therefore, when pickling sauerkraut, add salt in an appropriate amount according to personal taste.

In addition to the above four tips, there are some precautions that we need to pay attention to:

No matter what sauerkraut you pickle, keep in mind 4 tips, sauerkraut is not rotten and moldy, and the taste is authentic and crisp

Wash and dry the vegetables before pickling, and avoid raw water entering the jar or jar to avoid bacterial growth.

During the marinating process, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the jar or jar to prevent the ingress of air and the deterioration caused by air inflow.

Pay attention to hygiene when handling sauerkraut, and avoid direct contact with the inner wall of the jar or jar with your hands to avoid the introduction of bacteria.

The room where the sauerkraut is stored should be kept cool and dry, avoiding direct sunlight and humid environment, so as not to affect the quality of sauerkraut.

Keep your hands clean during the production process to avoid contamination of ingredients and containers.

If you find that the sauerkraut has a peculiar smell or discoloration, it should be discarded in time and the cause should be checked so as not to affect your health.

In conclusion, there are some tips and precautions to master to pickle sauerkraut correctly. By choosing the right container, marinating it in rice water, adding liquor, and controlling the amount of salt, we can make delicious and crispy sauerkraut. At the same time, we should pay attention to the requirements of hygiene and tightness, so that our sauerkraut can accompany us through the cold winter more healthily and deliciously.