
What are the benefits of a war in the Middle East for China? If Israel is defeated, what will be the outcome of the United States?


In the international arena, complex political dynamics are often taking place, and recent events are particularly remarkable. The United States has not yet recovered from the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war, however, the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran has become a bright spot in the global political chess game. This variable not only lifted Russia's isolation in the international community, but also completely shook the hegemony of the dollar and further pushed the EU on the path of rebellion. In this article, we'll delve into this major shift in the global political landscape and reveal the complexities behind it.

The role of the Ambassador of Peace

The rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia may seem like an unexpected move, but there are deep considerations behind it. There is an important role behind this reconciliation — ambassadors of peace. Their mission is to contribute to lasting peace and common prosperity in the world, and to repair diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia through practical actions, so that the people of the Middle East will no longer be troubled by the devastation of war. They put aside their personal grievances and are united in their commitment to eliminating imperialist distractions and bringing peace and prosperity to the Middle East.

What are the benefits of a war in the Middle East for China? If Israel is defeated, what will be the outcome of the United States?

The sound hits the west, and it blooms in many directions

However, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia is not just about achieving peace in the Middle East, it has also had a profound impact on the global political landscape. This change has put Israel in the spotlight because of the important role it plays in the Middle East. Israel's renewed conflict and fighting have both eased the pressure on Russia on the battlefield and challenged the dollar's hegemony.

The hegemony of the dollar has gradually emerged since the First World War, but its true peak came after the Second World War. The United States managed to rise to prominence as the sole superpower, establishing the Bretton Woods system. However, the foundation of the dollar's hegemony is not strong, and the long-term fiscal deficit of the US government has deprived the dollar of the gold standard, but the US has strengthened its position in the international financial system by tying the dollar to basic energy sources such as oil. The oil-producing countries of the Middle East have become a key part of maintaining the hegemony of the dollar, and Israel has played a key role in this.

What are the benefits of a war in the Middle East for China? If Israel is defeated, what will be the outcome of the United States?

The resource war and the EU's defection

Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world economy, and the international political landscape is largely based on resources. The European Union has always supported the United States against Russia, mainly because the United States has oil resources and strong military power. However, the changes in recent years have brought about tremendous changes in the international resource landscape, and the United States no longer has an absolute advantage in oil resources.

Today, oil, the most important resource, is out of the control of the United States, which is reluctant to export oil to the European Union at low prices. This has led to a decrease in the competitiveness of EU products in the international market and a weakening of their international position. EU leaders continue to follow US policies, but is this in line with the wishes of their own populations? Recent demonstrations have shown that popular support for such policies is declining.

What are the benefits of a war in the Middle East for China? If Israel is defeated, what will be the outcome of the United States?

Emancipate the mind and develop the world harmoniously

The rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia is an important turning point that could trigger a change in the global political landscape. Many countries have flocked to the Middle East, sensing the coming change. As the Ambassador for Peace mentioned, for the sake of lasting peace and common prosperity in the world, it is necessary to abandon imperialism and emancipate the minds of all mankind. The impact of this change will extend far beyond the Middle East and could have far-reaching implications for global peace and prosperity.

Finally, we cannot ignore that Israel's fate will have a significant impact on global politics. If Israel loses in the Middle East theater, the United States will lose control of oil and the hegemony of the dollar will face collapse. Thus, Israel's victory or defeat will determine the rise and fall of the United States, as well as the future of the global political landscape.

What are the benefits of a war in the Middle East for China? If Israel is defeated, what will be the outcome of the United States?

In summary, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia has not only changed the political landscape in the Middle East, but has also had a profound impact on global politics. This event will trigger changes in the global political landscape, affecting the international allocation of resources and the prospects for global peace and prosperity. How to deal with this new situation requires leaders of all countries to face it with open minds and wisdom

To ensure lasting peace and common prosperity in the world. This new situation will require the international community to work together to put aside the personal grievances of the past and to work together to solve global problems.

In this new political landscape, the international community needs to rethink the path to peace and prosperity. It no longer relies on the hegemony of a single country, but on the basis of cooperation and sharing of resources, and promotes global harmonious development. It also means that the international community needs to distribute resources more equitably, eliminate the gap between rich and poor, and reduce regional conflicts in order to create a more stable and sustainable future.

What are the benefits of a war in the Middle East for China? If Israel is defeated, what will be the outcome of the United States?

The process of emancipating the mind is not easy, but this is precisely the opportunity presented by the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia. This is an opportunity to inspire global leaders to think about the future of global governance and contribute to lasting peace and shared prosperity in the world. As Newton once said, give me a fulcrum, and I can pry up the whole earth, and we now have the opportunity to change the direction of the world with a common fulcrum.

In this new era, we must put aside hatred, seek cooperation, and work for the well-being of all humanity. Lasting peace and common prosperity can only be achieved by rejecting the imperialist mindset and emancipating the minds of all mankind. We should work together to break stereotypes and fight for a more just and harmonious world.

The rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia is an encouraging sign that offers hope for a change in the global political landscape. We should cherish this opportunity and work for a more peaceful, equitable and prosperous world. As the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia demonstrates, peace and solidarity are the driving force behind our common progress, and we must keep this lesson in mind and work together for the future of all humanity.

With regard to the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia and its possible global implications, I would like to begin by emphasizing the point of neutrality. The rapprochement is seen as a positive move towards peace and prosperity in the Middle East, as well as a potential change in U.S. influence in the region. Although some see it as an anti-American move, it is clear from the reconciliation statements that both Iran and Saudi Arabia claim to be for the well-being of the people of the Middle East, not against the United States. This diplomacy strengthens the wisdom of the great powers, because through reconciliation, they are able to achieve multiple goals.

First, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia has helped to resolve tensions in the Middle East. The two countries have long supported different factions and forces, leading to conflict and instability in the region. Reconciliation creates opportunities for stability and peace in the Middle East region and reduces the likelihood of tensions.

Secondly, this rapprochement completely changed the very foundations of the dollar's hegemony. The U.S. dollar has been the world's main reserve currency, and the oil trade has always been denominated in U.S. dollars. After the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, oil supplies in the Middle East may no longer be pegged to the dollar, which will weaken the dollar's position in international trade. This could lead other countries to seek diversification of reserve currencies, posing a challenge to the dollar's hegemony.

In addition, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia has also forced the EU to reconsider its relations with the United States. The EU has always cooperated with the United States, especially on issues such as the confrontation with Russia. However, as the United States loses control of the Middle East, and diversifies its oil resources, the EU may seek a more independent stance to protect its own economic interests. This will trigger a new balance and adjustment in the international political arena.

The rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia needs to be evaluated from multiple perspectives. First and foremost, this reconciliation will help reduce regional conflicts and bring peace and stability to the people of the Middle East. However, the contradictions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have a long history, and it will take time and effort to achieve true reconciliation.

Second, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia could have a negative impact on the geopolitical interests of the United States. The United States has been dependent on the oil resources of the Middle East and has maintained its position in the region by supporting Israel. If Israel loses in the Middle East theater, the United States could lose control of its oil resources, thus undermining dollar hegemony.

Finally, reconciliation could also change the international political landscape. The EU may seek a more independent status and no longer be completely dependent on the United States. This could lead to the creation of a new pattern of international cooperation and competition with far-reaching implications for global politics.

In summary, the rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a complex diplomatic move that has significant implications for the Middle East and the international political landscape. Despite some potential negative impacts, such as the loss of U.S. geopolitical interests, reconciliation also creates opportunities for peace and stability in the region. This event requires further observation and analysis to understand how its long-term effects are shaping the global political landscape. Ultimately, a neutral and objective perspective will contribute to a better understanding of the complexity and significance of this event.

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