
The son-in-law celebrated his birthday, and his mother-in-law gave gifts in a bold manner, and netizens were not calm when they saw the big gold chain

author:Geek Drift 2020

It is said that the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more pleasing it is, especially when the son-in-law is well-behaved and sensible, most mothers-in-law are eager to treat him as a son.

If she has to find a reason, it must be that she is willing to exchange her own good for her son-in-law's lifelong care for her daughter.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, every mother's heart is the same, as long as the child lives happily and happily, what else can the elderly ask for?

Just like this mother-in-law, her son-in-law celebrated her birthday, she gave gifts boldly, and netizens were not calm when they saw the big gold chain, and shouted: Hair clipping!

The son-in-law celebrated his birthday, and his mother-in-law gave gifts in a bold manner, and netizens were not calm when they saw the big gold chain

The information in this issue comes from a woman's life sharing.

According to the woman, the man who was trying on the big gold chain was her husband, and this day was his birthday. Originally, she planned to take her husband out for a good meal to celebrate, but she didn't expect her mother to give her husband a big gift.

After they followed their mother into the gold store, they found that their mother had taken a fancy to a gold bracelet and had to give it to her husband as a birthday gift.

She said that now the child is small, I can't go to work, and all the expenses of the family are supported by my husband alone, you see that he is reluctant to buy things for himself, and he will give him a big gift on his birthday.

The son-in-law celebrated his birthday, and his mother-in-law gave gifts in a bold manner, and netizens were not calm when they saw the big gold chain

After a few excuses, my husband asked the salesperson to help him try it on.

As can be seen from the image taken by the woman, this is a new bracelet, which is obviously different from the woman's bracelet.

Women's bracelets are more style-oriented, generally thinner, and there are not many grams in a bracelet. This bracelet is different, it's a finger's width and a finger's width!

The interface is movable, and he can take off the bracelet at any time if the occasion is not suitable for wearing it.

The man seemed satisfied, and looked at the bracelet for a long time reluctant to take it off.

The woman said that in fact, her mother's savings are not much, maybe she sees her husband's hard work over the years, and wants to take this opportunity to give him some compensation.

Mom said that now many people are teaching others how to feel sorry for women, but few people teach each other how to feel sorry for men, in fact, men also need to feel sorry.

The son-in-law celebrated his birthday, and his mother-in-law gave gifts in a bold manner, and netizens were not calm when they saw the big gold chain

Netizens saw this big gold chain but were not calm, and said: This thing has hair in it, don't bring it! Save me from jealousy. And that sentence, I was in tears! Where can I find such a good mother-in-law? My mother-in-law will cook me something delicious.

This statement was angered by netizens, saying: The mother-in-law doesn't owe you, it's love to give it, don't you want to lick your face? It's already good to make you a good meal, what have you done for her?

Some netizens also said: Every mother-in-law has a purpose to be good to her son-in-law, that is, she hopes that this man can treat her daughter well in her face. I hope that men can understand this truth, don't make the person next to the pillow sad, and don't make the mother-in-law cold.

The author agrees with this netizen's statement. With the exception of parents, everyone's kindness to others will have a certain purpose, which is not derogatory.

The son-in-law celebrated his birthday, and his mother-in-law gave gifts in a bold manner, and netizens were not calm when they saw the big gold chain

Just like this mother, she is willing to spend her few savings to buy a birthday gift for her son-in-law, or does she want their family to be harmonious?

Family harmony benefits not just one person, but the big family.

Therefore, we are glad for this son-in-law, because he met a good mother-in-law, and at the same time praise this mother-in-law, for her good intentions, and for her tolerance and generosity!

It is not easy for every elderly person, as an adult child, let them worry less and have time to spend more with them is the best reward for them. Cherish this time!