
Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?


March 15 is the International Consumer Rights Day, also known as a holiday in the mainland, and every year on March 15, the mainland department will expose some unscrupulous enterprises.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the mainland has continuously strengthened its efforts to crack down on counterfeiting over the years. But every year, there are still many copycat businesses committing crimes against the wind, and the main reason is the high profits associated with high risks.

These fakes are very cheap to produce, so their margins are very high.

Copycat products satisfy consumer vanity

In this era of rapid development of scientific and technological information, online shopping has become the main way for young people to shop. Because of its cheap price and easy purchase, online e-commerce has become a major pillar of the mainland's sales economy.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

However, the quality of goods on the market is uneven, because consumers and sellers do not have to meet in real life. Therefore, if there is a problem, consumers can only defend their rights through the platform.

Therefore, some merchants grasp this point, even if there is any problem with their products, there will be no confrontation between consumers and sellers on the spot, and the impact on merchants is relatively low.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

And these merchants have seized the psychology of consumers who like to be greedy for cheap or blindly pursue famous brands, and have begun to make fake goods for sale in imitation of famous brands.

First of all, those whose income does not reach their own consumption level, but want to compare with famous brands, are the main purchasing power of these famous brand fakes.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

It doesn't matter to them the quality of the product they buy or the copyright of the product. They just need the brand aura that comes with these pirated products. They buy these knock-off goods, not because they are practical, but only to satisfy their vanity with these famous brands.

Therefore, many consumers will buy it knowing that it is a fake, because what he buys is not the practicality of these goods, but the additional effect of the brand of these goods.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Because a real brand needs design, product quality assurance and brand promotion. Therefore, the cost of these famous brands will often be relatively high, and their prices will often exceed the spending power of ordinary consumers.

And those fakes, only need to be based on the real thing, the quality of the product does not need to be guaranteed, as long as it can be extremely similar in appearance. And they can sell under the effect of a real brand, so the cost of a fake is low.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Although their selling prices are much higher than similar products, they are already very low prices for real brands. It's already the price at which those consumers are able to buy.

Therefore, those consumers who want to borrow brand packaging for themselves often choose to buy fakes to satisfy their vanity.

Fakes deceive consumers in the guise of brands

There is also a part of consumers who are deceived by some misleading words from merchants when they make product purchases. For example, "We take the goods directly from a brand's foundry, and it is the same as the real thing, but the sales channel is different." Or, "Because we have a partnership with a brand, the price is relatively low." and other sales words to mislead consumers.

These consumers want to be cheap, thinking that they can buy the real thing for less, so they believe the deception of those sellers.

And these consumers often have little ability to distinguish between the real and the fake, so it is difficult to tell whether they are buying the real thing or a fake? Even if one or two consumers find a problem, the merchant will solve it with a return and refund.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

For those counterfeiters, these are inconsequential, just to lose some courier fees. And these courier fees are a drop in the bucket for the money they make from selling a single order.

In the face of such a low-cost, high-profit sale of counterfeit goods, more and more unscrupulous merchants seize the opportunity to commit counterfeiting. In order to obtain higher profits, they have no regard for the rights and interests of consumers.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Therefore, there are more and more counterfeit merchants on the market, and there are more and more imitation products. These counterfeit brand-name labels flood the sales market.

Because there are more and more fakes on the market, and they are becoming more and more sophisticated in imitation technology, more and more consumers are being deceived.

Consumers choose fakes because of the high cost performance

And there are some consumers who choose to buy fakes, not for the blessing of the brand halo, nor because they have been deceived but for the pursuit of cost performance.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Because there are a lot of famous brands, their consumer groups are those who are high-spenders. For high-spending people, the things they buy are replaced extremely quickly. These consumers buy something that is used once and then put on the shelf twice.

Therefore, these famous brands, when producing products, will pay more attention to the appearance design of products. We don't invest too much in the practicality and durability of our products.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Just like a certain Nair or a certain Chi, many of their products are very novel and beautiful, but the practicality is not very strong. Just like there was a news report before, a woman bought a coat from a certain Nair, wore it once, and sent it for cleaning.

What the lady didn't expect was that the coat would fade and open the thread after it went into the water. The woman was furious and demanded an explanation from the brand.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Unexpectedly, the brand replied that they didn't expect their items to be bought, and that someone would wash them in order to wear them a second time.

Therefore, some businesses have seized the psychology of these pragmatic consumers to imitate the design and appearance of famous brands. And the goods they imitate are much more practical and durable than the original brand.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Because many pragmatist consumers, they choose to buy this product not because they like a certain brand, but because they like the design of this product. So when they buy, they will choose copycat products that are more practical.

Just like the Huaqiangbei Business Circle in Shenzhen, the mainland and the Zhejiang Obligation Commodity City. Huaqiangbei, formerly known as an industrial zone for electronic communications and other products, has now become the largest commercial circle in mainland China in terms of electronic commodity sales. The most impressive thing about Huaqiangbei is its extremely high imitation technology of electronic products.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

As long as some electronic brands release new electronic products, they will soon be able to find high imitations in Huaqiangbei. Huaqiangbei high imitation of electronic products, in terms of appearance and those brands are not bad, although in terms of function can not completely replace the brand's goods, but the core function is also very different.

The price of these goods is only 1/10 of the original goods, if the original goods are sold at 2,000 yuan, then in Huaqiangbei 200 yuan can buy cost-effective imitations.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Zhejiang Yiwu Commodity City is the largest wholesale and retail base of small commodities in the mainland, and more than 90% of the small commodities in the mainland are from Yiwu, Zhejiang. Not only that, the small commodities of Zhejiang Yiwu are also exported to home and abroad, and have a high reputation in the world.

Some businesses in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province have extremely efficient imitation capabilities, and netizens have laughed and commented that as long as a new product appears, imitations will appear in Yiwu within two days. This is also known as the "speed of obligation".

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

The counterfeiting and counterfeiting industry in these places is developing extremely rapidly, not only because it captures the psychology of consumers who love vanity and love to buy cheap. On the other hand, because of their high quality and cost-effectiveness, they can attract a large number of pragmatic consumers to buy.

Counterfeit goods are harmful and infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

But these imitation sales of famous brands, no matter how good your goods are, no matter how low your price is, are illegal in the final analysis.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Because the sales of famous brands are often systematically guaranteed, and these imitation things have no brand and no after-sales guarantee, once there is a problem, consumers can only suffer dumb losses.

For some small commodities or clothes, bags, etc., problems with imitation products will not cause much loss. For consumers, just some money is lost.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

However, for those goods that may affect the safety of consumers' lives, such as food, drink or some necessities.

For example, some health care products that were very popular some time ago, some merchants sold some three-no products under the banner of brands, such as diet pills, bird's nest and other things that consumers will enter.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

These imitations are sold through consumers' trust in the brand. And in order to get more profits, they often reduce costs and use low-quality raw materials at low prices for production.

The production conditions do not meet the regulations, and the things they imitate have not been tested by the national legal and safe conditions, so many consumers will have vomiting, diarrhea and other problems after eating, and even more because of the problems of eating these three-no products and being sent to the hospital.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

Therefore, although some copycat products are low in price, the cost performance is relatively high. But we have to see the darkness behind these copycat industries. You must know that the main reason why these unscrupulous merchants imitate these products is to make money and make huge profits from consumers.

Therefore, these imitation products actually hurt consumers and the consumer market, once consumers buy these textile products problems, then their basic rights and interests are not guaranteed.

To support genuine products is to support the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

And for the consumer market, if these imitation products are not controlled. If copycat merchants make a lot of money by imitating other people's scientific research results, then it will lead to the real serious brand of goods will not be profitable, so they will not have the money to invest in newer production.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

And if they don't invest in newer production, there will be no new products on the market. Once bad money drives out good money, then the consumer market will be full of copycat brands. Once the fairness of the consumer market is undermined, it is the consumers themselves who ultimately lose.

Therefore, although copycat brands can meet our consumer needs to some extent, everyone still has to support genuine products. Whether it is for the healthy development of the consumer market, or for everyone's own rights and interests not to be infringed.

Almost all of them are fakes, with profits as high as 650%, why do consumers still "desperately" buy?

In recent years, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of developers. The mainland has introduced a series of anti-counterfeiting policies, and has also increased the punishment for those copycat merchants. At the same time, a series of laws and regulations on the protection of consumer rights and interests have been revised to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers to the greatest extent.

I hope that everyone can work together to drive out bad money and jointly create a fair and harmonious consumer market. This is for the development of the whole business, but also to protect our own consumer rights.

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