
I am 60 years old, and my wife is just 42 years old, but one of her actions pushed me into the abyss!

author:Retired veteran cadres 67

Text/The old days are shallow

When I was young, I blamed myself for not knowing how to cherish my family, and now it's too late to regret it.

My original wife and I divorced when I was 30 years old, we have a son and a daughter, and others look like a good life, but I don't know how to cherish it.

I am 60 years old, and my wife is just 42 years old, but one of her actions pushed me into the abyss!

At that time, I was in high spirits, I was at the peak of my life, and I always thought that I had done a small business and made some money, but I couldn't find the north.

I don't like my original wife, I think she is sloppy, she doesn't know how to dress up, and she is very spicy, and I don't respect my parents enough.

All this made me look down on her more and more, although she gave birth to a son and a daughter for me, but our relationship was getting worse and worse, and I always felt that I had no common language with her.

I couldn't resist the temptation of the fancy world outside, I was often away from home, and my relationship with my wife became weaker and weaker, and finally I took the initiative to file for divorce.

Although she was reluctant, in order to be able to dissolve my marriage with her, I took the initiative to give up my property, gave her a house, and lived with her two most important children.

I thought that I was free from the shackles, that I was free, and that I had face in the eyes of my friends, but I didn't expect that life alone would not be easy.

No one cooked for me, no one shouted at me, I lived in the company, and I suddenly felt a sense of desolation in my heart when I faced the cold room alone.

Suddenly I miss the days when I used to have a home!

After a few years of being single, I felt more and more bored, and when I was 40 years old, I began to go on blind dates all over the world, and this is when I met my second wife.

The lives of both of us began to change dramatically. She was a nurse at the hospital, and I went to see a doctor at the time. At the first glance of her, I thought she was very gentle, completely different from my ex-wife.

At that time, I fell in love with her at first sight, we don't have a lot of space here, and you can know who she is and where she lives with a little inquiry.

I asked someone to propose to her, because I had already inquired about her situation, divorced with a girl, and currently single.

I think the two of us are still very suitable, except that I was a little older than her, I was 40 years old at the time, and she was only twenty-five or sixteen years old.

She divorced after a short time of marriage, and the object was in the city, and the two of them may not be satisfactory in all aspects of their living habits, and finally divorced.

Some people say that her in-laws look down on her and think she is a rural woman.

Thanks to my best efforts, the two of us were able to date, but the results were not satisfactory.

I look old, not tall, and quite dark, and although she agrees to go on a blind date with me, she is not happy with me, and the age gap between the two of us is too big.

But none of this bothered me, and as soon as I had the first contact, I begged for her phone number, and then the two of us began to keep in touch.

After all, she is in business, and I am better at pleasing others, and I care about her in every way from life, and I know that it is inconvenient for her to have children to work, so I take the initiative to help her pick up her children.

In order to pursue her, I also bought her expensive jewelry, and I don't think any woman can resist the temptation of jewelry.

I completely satisfied her with all these things that she didn't get from her ex-husband.

I am 60 years old, and my wife is just 42 years old, but one of her actions pushed me into the abyss!

Soon the two of us fell in love, but there was still a problem, her parents disagreed, after all, I was too old, not a few years younger than her father.

In the end, I used my sincerity to get through to their house, and I came to my father-in-law's house with a lot of good wine, cigarettes that I was reluctant to smoke, and expensive sea cucumbers.

After all, we have already received a marriage certificate after the first cut.

But after marriage, I found that it was really not easy for two people to be together, both of us were more cherished in the second marriage, and the first few years were not bad.

She has no contact with her ex-husband, and I treat her daughter like my own.

The two of us also discussed that we had no plans to have any more children.

Of course, she may want it, but in fact I don't want it, I have my own selfishness, I have a son and a daughter, and I don't have much interest in having another child.

This also laid a bad foreshadowing for the future life of the two of us.

As my son grew up, I paid for my life, schooling, and later marriage.

My second wife saw some reluctance in her eyes.

Maybe I'm not good enough, the two of us don't communicate well, but my ex-wife is still so strong.

I prepared my son's wedding, but before I could see the gift money, I was snatched away by my ex-wife.

She still hated me so much.

Now that I'm not a person inside and out, I can't ignore my son, but it's not good to take care of it.

Because I always help my son pay for it, including the cost of his wedding bride price for buying a house, my second wife gradually has opinions about me.

She felt that it was the joint property of the two of us, and that she deserved the right to know, and that I shouldn't have done it secretly.

I admit that it was true that I did not do well, but I was afraid to let her know that she was reluctant.

In short, it was quite difficult for me to find a balance between my son and my second wife.

I tried to ease the relationship between them and try to make a deal, but it didn't work.

Because I bought a wedding house for my son, my second wife also insisted that I buy her a house, meaning to leave it to her daughter.

I think it's reasonable, since I bought it for my son, if I treat her daughter as my own daughter, I must have it.

I put a lot of pressure on her to make a down payment, and then I was able to pay off the mortgage on the house.

I am 60 years old, and my wife is just 42 years old, but one of her actions pushed me into the abyss!

At this time, the second wife was still not at ease, she felt that the house was the joint property of the two of us. Unlike my son's house, which can be owned on his own.

I'm afraid that my son will fight her for a house in the future.

Now I don't seem to have any use except for monetary giving, and suddenly I feel so sad, if I can't earn money now, is it useless?

If I'm sick, no one cares about me.

In fact, my second wife also has her own plans, she thinks that I don't have a good plan and don't know how to save for my own retirement.

She actually has money in her hands, and a lot of it, at least a 7-figure deposit, and she is a woman who can save money.

And our thinking is not the same.

She felt that I didn't know how to plan for my retirement, and it would definitely affect her in the future.

In addition, the house was bought after we got married, and she was afraid that the house would be divided by my son. But I know my son is a good man, and he wouldn't do anything like that.

But no matter how I say it, my second wife won't believe it.

For this matter, the two of us often quarreled, and she began to dig over old accounts, saying that I left a house for my wife, and also left all the savings, and later gave my ex-wife 300,000...

These things happened before we got married, and I don't think it had anything to do with her, but she always felt that she was too bad.

Then she began to separate from me, sleeping in separate rooms, and I endured these, but I am a normal man, don't look at the age of 60, I also have physical needs.

Sometimes I have to please her and want to sleep with her, but she always ignores me.

Later, she actually made even more excessive demands and asked the two of us to divorce. She said that it was just a fake divorce, the two were still living together, and the house belonged to her, so that she could rest assured that this house could be left to her daughter.

I understood what she meant, and she would rather divorce me for the sake of no one beating her house.

After a few fussies, I had to agree, and at first it was a fake divorce, but after living like a real divorce, she began to be more indifferent to me.

There are even times when the two of us eat and sleep in our own rooms after a fight, as if we were just strangers living under the same roof.

I'm conflicted and miserable about this life right now.

I don't have any better plans to end it, but if it doesn't end, this relationship makes me sad again.

I really feel like I'm going to be old and gone.

Now that I think about it, all of this is my own sin. A good family doesn't cherish what it is now, my ex-wife has never remarried, and my son is still trying to match the two of us.

If he had known that I was divorced, he would have persuaded me to go back to his mother.

But can I really turn back?

I am 60 years old, and my wife is just 42 years old, but one of her actions pushed me into the abyss!

The wrong path in life is the wrong one, I am 60 years old, and I have figured it out, people will be lonely in the end of their lives...