
With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

author:Talking about history under the eaves

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In this world, friendship is sometimes a mutual free ride, and sometimes it comes at a cost of real money.

Recently, the Israeli side has made such a decision: to bring in 100,000 Indian laborers to repay India's position in the recent Baja conflict.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

This decision has aroused heated discussions among many people, especially for the Chinese side, seeing in their eyes, thinking in their hearts, and talking about their words, some people may really begin to "deeply reflect".

First of all, I have to say that this decision may be a very good thing for the Indian side.

India has a large population and abundant labor resources, and as we all know, India's labor exports have always been a significant part of its economic development.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

With this opportunity, it can help the Indian side solve part of the employment problem, and at the same time, it is also an affirmation and reward for the Indian government.

For the Israeli side, what are their considerations?

On the face of it, it may seem like this is just a simple labor introduction.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

But it's often not that simple, and the Israeli government may be weighing its own economic interests and geopolitical choices behind this decision.

In the Baja conflict, India's position has undoubtedly given the Israeli side a lot of support, and such a return may be the beginning of closer relations between the two sides.

But a professor named Zhang Ping seemed a little stunned, as if the Chinese side had missed a precious opportunity.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

But what I want to say is, is this really a loss for the Chinese side? China's economic development is no longer at the expense of workers' rights.

The Chinese side itself is constantly improving the quality of its labor force and expanding the domestic demand market, and it may not need such an "opportunity" at all.

More importantly, the Chinese people have their own dignity and backbone.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

In fact, China is now fully capable of choosing its own international position, rather than currying favor with other countries in exchange for so-called "opportunities".

Moreover, this export of foreign labor is also a disrespect for the labor market to some extent.

It is often accompanied by harsh working conditions and a disregard for labor rights. This is not difficult to see from Israel's attitude towards foreign workers in the past.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

And the workers who go to Israel are constantly shrouded in the clouds of racial discrimination.

It is true that in today's globalized world, the labor markets of various countries are influencing each other and complementing each other.

But this does not mean that we have to abandon our positions, still less that we have to blindly pursue some so-called "international opportunity".

For China, what we need is self-confidence and independence, not "reflection" on why it has not become a bargaining chip in other countries' political games.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

In the final analysis, each country has its own interests, and each country is finding the best path for its own development.

China does not need to be uneasy about other countries' policy choices, nor does it need to "deeply reflect" about not participating in a country's labor market.

The key is to firm up our own development path in accordance with our own national conditions and win respect and status in the true sense.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

From this point of view, the Israeli side's decision-making and the Chinese professor's "deep reflection" are more of separate policies and plans.

Eventually, countries' interactions and decision-making will be constantly adjusted according to their own interests and changes in the world landscape.

It's an ever-changing world, and what we can do is find our place in this unpredictable tide rather than dwelling in the definitions and frameworks given by others.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

For any country, its true international status and influence is based on economic strength, cultural soft power, and diplomatic wisdom, not just through the single dimension of labor export.

The rise of a country should not only depend on the export of foreign labor, but also on its internal scientific and technological innovation, industrial upgrading and investment in education.

Every move of a country, no matter how big or small, is indeed part of its diplomatic strategy, and it also affects the country's international image and global positioning.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

However, this does not mean that every opportunity for international engagement must be seized, especially at the expense of domestic interests or long-term strategy.

As the largest developing country in the world, China's main task is to achieve modernization and national rejuvenation, and this requires a stable internal and external environment.

In terms of foreign policy, China emphasizes an independent foreign policy of peace and the establishment of equal and mutually beneficial relations with other countries.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

Such a stance is rooted in the consideration of long-term interests, rather than the pursuit of short-term interests.

Today, with the in-depth development of globalization, the interaction between countries has far surpassed the traditional political and military cooperation, and economic exchanges, cultural mutual learning, and scientific and technological cooperation have all become important components of international relations.

Such an international environment requires governments to be able to consider and weigh multiple aspects when making foreign policy decisions, rather than thinking about issues from a single dimension.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

Therefore, it is important for China to adhere to the development path suited to its national conditions, enhance its national competitiveness, and enhance its international discourse power in the changing international landscape.

This includes how to deal with economic cooperation with other countries, how to safeguard national interests in the international arena, and how to enhance national soft power through cultural exchanges.

To sum up, the development of a country is multifaceted, which involves not only the economy and politics, but also culture, science and technology and other aspects.

With 100,000 Indian laborers filling the vacancy in Israel, the Chinese professor lamented that China had been considered first in the past

While seeking opportunities in international cooperation, we must not forget to safeguard our own core interests and long-term development.

As for the Chinese professor's "deep reflection", perhaps we can regard it as an observation and reflection on the current international political and economic situation, without worrying too much about its impact on the country's overall strategy.

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