
After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

author:Wei Ke, director of traditional Chinese medicine

Once the temperature drops, no matter how thick and thick you wear, it is also snotty, sneezing, nasal congestion is not breathable, and the jade screen that has been used for a long time is useless, what is going on?

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

Some time ago, a thirty-two-year-old fan came to me, his complaint is allergic rhinitis, and it has been three years, in the past three years, he has been inseparable from paper in his hands in the autumn and winter, as soon as he receives a little wind, a little cold, the water and snot are like river water, no matter how to blow it, it is accompanied by sneezing, nasal congestion, and self-sweating. Not to mention that I am uncomfortable, it also greatly affects the life and work of the composition.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

During this period, I also bought imported rhinitis medicine, and I also saw traditional Chinese medicine, saying that it was lung qi deficiency, so I was asked to eat jade screen powder, but the time to eat was not short, but there was no obvious improvement, so I hurriedly found me.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

Then I looked at his tongue and found that the overall color of his tongue was light, the tongue coating was relatively white, and there were obvious depressions in the front and base of the tongue. So I asked him how he urinated, and he said that since he had rhinitis three years ago, he found that he had some frequent urination, couldn't hold his urine, couldn't urinate completely, and his functional time had decreased a lot. And watching him through the video, he was listless, not to speak, his face was relatively pale, and he was short of breath and low in voice when communicating with him. Therefore, the comprehensive syndrome differentiation is rhinitis caused by lung and kidney qi deficiency.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, lung qi can help us resist external evils, and if the lung qi is insufficient, it is easy to get rhinitis, cold, self-sweating, and even fever. Because the patient's lung qi deficiency has been too long, it has injured the root of the body's qi - kidney qi, kidney qi is insufficient, and the ability to fix the intake is out of balance, so frequent urination, urgency, and there is no way to continuously supply qi to the lungs.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

On the contrary, when the kidney qi is sufficient, the lung qi has the confidence, and there is a backstage, it is continuously generated, the resistance is strong, and the allergic rhinitis will naturally disappear.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

So I added rehman, ginseng, wolfberry and golden cherry seeds on the basis of Yuping Fengsan, so that while replenishing the lung qi, I also nourished the kidney qi, so as to achieve the effect of treating the symptoms and comprehensive conditioning.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

As a result, after a course of treatment, the patient reported that the condition of clear nasal discharge, nasal congestion, cold air sensitivity and frequent and urgent urination had improved a lot, but considering that the patient's condition had been for a long time, three years, I let him continue to consolidate the treatment.

After three years of allergic rhinitis, the jade screen was useless, and I started with the kidneys, and the effect was so significant!

So we don't think about rhinitis to treat the lungs, but also take into account the interaction between the whole viscera, so that the effect can be immediate, but the content I shared is only one of the syndrome types of allergic rhinitis, for popular science reference only, not universal, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time.

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