
The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

author:Psychic evolution Zhang Aili
The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

The constant laws of real existence govern your life, and its operation never stops whenever, wherever, and whenever it is.

The constant law is the basis of all human behavior, and because of this, only entrepreneurs who control huge undertakings have the ability, with absolute precision, to judge in any given situation what percentage of people per hundred thousand people will respond to a certain kind.

But remember, no matter which 'effect' there is always a corresponding 'cause', and this 'effect' will in turn become a 'cause', leading to the next 'effect'. And continue to let these 'effects' evolve into another 'cause' again.

So, when you're going to start using the Law of Attraction, it's important to remember that you're starting a long chain of causality that might produce the desired result, but there could also be a myriad of other possibilities.

From time to time, we hear people say, "My life is a mess right now, not at all what I imagined." We all forget that, as in the world of the mind, the same kind of attraction, our thoughts bring us friendships and feelings of the same nature, and these relationships will then affect the situation and the environment in the future, and then they will in turn become the reason for our complaining about our present life.

The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

Where thoughts are, there is existence

Inductive reasoning is one of the objective mental faculties, and we have to compare many independent examples with each other and then sort out the common causes that cause them. Induction is a process of comparison with each other, and it is precisely by making good use of this research method that human beings have been able to discover the laws of nature's domination, which symbolize the epoch-making progress of human history.

Induction is also the dividing line between superstition and wisdom, replacing and eliminating various variable elements of human life with laws and certainty.

After understanding this principle, the world that human beings were originally accustomed to underwent revolutionary changes--- people found that the sun was actually stationary, originally thought that the flat earth was actually a sphere running around the sun; people found that active molecules could be decomposed from inert matter; people found that when we used telescopes or microscopes, whether it was the vast universe or a small corner, everywhere we could see was full of cosmic power, kinetic energy and vitality, we can't help but ask: what is the means and methods, Can the objects in this delicate cosmic form be orderly and self-correcting?

Just as the characteristics of magnetic forces 'same-sex repulsion, heterosexual attraction', this characteristic will make the same magnetic poles repulse and inaccessible to each other, this phenomenon is enough to explain why the planets, interpersonal, and two forces will always maintain a certain distance from each other;

On the contrary, just as the opposite sex attracts, acid-base neutralization, and supply and demand complement each other, people with different temperaments can mostly attract each other and complement each other. Our eyes are patrolling around, and the colors we accept with joy are mostly colors that complement the current colors; in the same way, our needs, yearnings, and desires usually follow this pattern to guide and determine our own behavior.

To understand this set of principles and act accordingly is to say that God has a great love for human beings, the French paleontologist and comparative anatomist Georges. Cuvier saw a tooth in the skeleton of an extinct animal and discovered that the tooth needed its skeleton and muscles to match it in order to function properly. It was this tooth that gave Cuvier the basis to reconstruct the skeleton of this extinct animal.

The French mathematician Auburn observed that Uranus' orbit was off, so it was necessary to find another planet in a definite location in the solar system in order to maintain the order of the solar system' movements, and Neptune appeared at a predetermined time and place.

Whether it is the instinctive needs of animals or the intellectual desires of Cuvier, the essence is similar, hence the above results. Where thoughts appear, there will be.

Behind nature's complex ways of working, there must be legitimate needs and ideas that conform to the law. When we correctly record the answers provided by nature, through the ever-changing and boundless scientific developments, and know how to make good use of the levers that drive the earth, we realize that there is such a close, changeable, and deep connection between ourselves and the external world, and we understand that our needs and purposes are closely related to the operation of the grand universe, just as the life, freedom, and happiness of citizens are all related to the existence of government.

The interests of the individual are maintained by the power of the state plus their own power, so his needs depend to some extent on whether a certain degree of supply is universal and stable. In the same way, the spontaneous and self-conscious citizens of the 'Nature Republic' will ally themselves with higher powers, thereby protecting us from the distractions of the lower media. Nature repels the basic laws of mutual attraction or exclusion between physical and chemical media, and rationally allocates the labor power needed for the interaction between human beings and the external world in order to properly realize the intentions of the Creator.

If the ancient Greek philosopher Plato could have observed the work of the sun with the power of a photographer, or imagined 100 similar pictures with inductive methods, he might have recalled the words of wisdom taught by his mentor, and he might have painted in his mind a vision of a promised land in which all the artificial, mechanical labor and repetitive work was assigned to the forces of nature.

Our desires can be fulfilled only by the movement of the mind and the operation of the spirit. As long as there is demand, there is enough supply.

No matter how far away this realm may seem, under the guidance of induction, human beings stride forward and receive feedback from various benefits, which can be said to reward past loyalty on the one hand, and inspire the future to continue to work diligently on the other hand. It also helps us to concentrate and enhance our abilities to obtain the fruits that have yet to be harvested, and it also helps us to exert the purest form of the mind in order to find answers to all the problems of the individual and the universe.

The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

Believe that your desire has been fulfilled

We find a way here, and the core spirit of this is that no matter what you want to achieve, you must first believe that you have achieved the goal you want to pursue. This method is a valuable asset among Plato's widows, a sage who has been an ancient sage for many years, and I am afraid that his ideas will come true.

This idea is also elaborated in the letters of the Swedish scientist Swedenborg. In addition, an even greater preacher once said, "Whatever you pray and ask for, as long as faith is received, you will receive it." (Mark 11:24) It is worth noting that the tense used in each passage of this passage is the present tense.

First of all, we have to believe that our desires have been fulfilled, so we must see the desires fulfilled.

If we want to make good use of creative energy, we can follow a clear path, that is, to regard a particular thing that we desire as a fact that already exists, so that it imprints its mark on the subjective mind of the universe.

In this way, we can think deeply from the perspective of the absolute, beyond the appearance, and eliminate all concerns about conditions or restrictions;

We also plant a seed in the soil of the relationship, as long as it is not stirred up, one day it will sprout and grow, and bear a huge fruit.

The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

To recall: inductive reasoning is the process by which the objective mind operates, and we have to compare many independent examples with each other and then sort out the common causes that cause them. We have witnessed that in every civilized country on the planet, people obtain results in some way, but they themselves are unaware of them, so they often add some mythology to these achievements.

The purpose of our intention to find out the cause is to explore this law that enables the result to be achieved.

There is a class of lucky people who can see this thought process in action: they effortlessly acquire that other people have to trek hard to get everything. They never need to engage in a battle of conscience, for they are always on the right path; they always behave appropriately; they learn everything easily; whatever they begin to do, they always have a glimpse of it and accomplish it with ease; they maintain eternal harmony with themselves, never having to reflect on what they have done, nor having to endure difficulties or toils.

The result of this thought is indeed a gift from Heaven, but few people realize, comprehend, and value this gift. The human mind possesses this miraculous power only under heavenly, temporal, geographical, human, and sufficient conditions, and it can be used and guided to help solve all human problems, and it is of great significance to know this power and understand such facts.

Whether expounded in modern scientific terms or explained in apostolic language, the essence of all truths has never changed.

Some people are ashamed to admit that a complete description of truth requires a different statement. That is to say, there is no single human formula that can express the complete aspect of truth. People who hear novel expositions or unfamiliar ideas that differ from the truth they perceive will think that these are contrary to the truth.

This is not the case, which shows that a new relationship is being reshaped between truth and human needs, and that truth is becoming more and more widely understood by the outside world.

The truth should be told to everyone in every age in a new and different way than ever before. As the great preacher said, "Whatever you pray and ask for, whatever it is, as long as faith is received, it will be received." And Paul said, "Faith is the reality of what is desired, the assurance of unseen things," and what modern science calls "the law of attraction is the law by which thought relates to object." If one analyzes these statements, it will be found that they all contain the same truth. The only difference is the difference in the way it is expressed.

We are at a crossroads of old and new. Humanity has mastered the secrets of control, and the road to a new social order has been paved, all of which are more magical than all that has been dreamed of so far. The conflict between modern science and theology, the study of comparative religions, the enormous energy of new social movements, all of this is clearing the way for a new order. They may have destroyed the old and decaying side of tradition, but they have preserved the essence.

The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

From the point of self-contemplation, creative wisdom will be born

The birth of each new faith calls for new forms of expression, and it is through a deep understanding of the expression of energy that it manifests itself in spiritual activity at all levels.

This spirit of dormancy in minerals, in plants and vegetables, in animals, and in the human mind, is the cosmic mind, which allows us to cross the gap between theory and practice, fly across the barrier of action and purpose, and confirm our ability to grasp the authority of domination entrusted by God.

By far the greatest discovery of all centuries has been the power of thought. The importance of this discovery, though not quickly agreed upon, is being accepted, and its importance is being highlighted in various fields of research.

You may ask, what is the creative composition of the mind? It is made up of creative ideas. In turn, these ideas objectify themselves by inventing, observing, applying, identifying, discovering, analyzing, controlling, managing, synthesizing, and so on, using matter and power.

The reason why it has the above abilities is that thought is a kind of intelligent creativity, and when we enter the mysterious realm of thought, its noblest vitality bursts out, and when thought breaks through the barriers of its own limitations and passes through one truth after another, it will enter the realm of eternal light.

Here, all the present, the past. And the future will merge into a solemn and harmonious whole. From this process of self-contemplation, creative wisdom will be born, it will transcend any element, force, or law to achieve its goals, and therefore it will eventually be able to have it all.

The Law of Attraction - Thought is intelligent creativity

Wisdom is born at the beginning of reason, which is nothing more than an understanding of our knowledge and principles of the nature of things. Wisdom, therefore, is an elucidated reason that has the power to lead mankind to humility, for humility is the culmination of wisdom.

We all know that there are many people who achieve seemingly impossible achievements, many people who realize the dreams they have longed for all their lives, and many people who change everything, including their present--- and their success is the manifestation of this indestructible cosmic force. In the past we regarded them as miracles because we did not understand them, but now that everything is clear, what we should put into action is to grasp the basic laws that are unambiguous and then use them reasonably. Believing brings infinite power.

Follow the small review

1. What is "inductive reasoning"?

A: Inductive reasoning is the process by which the objective mind operates, and we compare many independent examples with each other and then sort out the common causes that cause them.

2. What are the results of this learning method?

A: We have been able to discover the laws of nature, which symbolize the epoch-making progress of human history.

3. What forces guide and determine a person's actions?

A: A person's needs, aspirations and desires will guide and determine a person's behavior.

4. What is the most appropriate solution to any problem?

A: We must first believe that our wish has been fulfilled, so that it will actually come true.

5. Which great teachers advocate this approach?

A: Jesus, Plato, and the Swedish scientist Swedenborg all advocated such an approach.

6. What are the results of this thought process?

A: We think deeply from an absolute point of view, and plant a seed in the soil, as long as we don't help it to grow one day.

7. Why is this thought process scientifically accurate?

A: Because it is the law of nature.

8. What is faith?

A: "Faith is a certainty of what is desired, and a confirmation of what is not seen." ”

9. What is the "Law of Attraction"?

A: Let what you believe become a tangible entity.

10. Understand what the "Law of Attraction" means to a person?

A: It can eliminate all kinds of uncertainty and impermanence in life, and replace it with laws, reason and certainty.

This article is serialized in 11 Universal Key