
With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

author:Thousand Emotions Room

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With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

My name is Li Mei, I am 32 years old, and I am a designer who has worked in an advertising agency for 10 years. My monthly income is about 6,500 yuan, and my life is okay. My biggest pressure comes from my 10-year-old daughter, Li Sisi.

Sisi was the daughter of my husband who had sex with a female colleague during a business trip while I was going to give birth. Speaking of my ex-husband and me, it's really a sad past. We were a sweet couple who met in college, and after graduation, we naturally entered the palace of marriage. After I got married, I concentrated on working in an advertising agency, while he often had to travel for business.

I remember when Sisi was still in my belly, one day the company suddenly notified me that I was going to work overtime until the evening, I was very anxious, and called my husband to ask him to go home and pick me up from work, but he said that he was on a business trip and couldn't rush back immediately. I had to call the supervisor again and beg for a leave of absence to go home. Who knew that the next morning, the company suddenly announced that I was fired!

I was confused, and I didn't understand what I was doing wrong. It wasn't until later that I accidentally saw my husband's phone and found him having an ambiguous conversation with a colleague. It turned out that this woman was the real purpose of his business trip, and my work was deliberately harmed by her.

I was so grief-stricken that I decided to divorce my husband. He begged me for forgiveness, but I really couldn't trust him anymore. In this way, 8 months pregnant, I began to live without my husband.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

Sisi was soon born. At first, I gave her to my husband to raise because I couldn't support two people at all. Unexpectedly, her husband didn't take good care of her daughter, and often entrusted her to her parents. I couldn't stand it, so I decided to take Sisi back and raise it myself.

"Mom, I want to eat hot pot!" Today is Saturday, Sisi excitedly ran over to me and said to me.

"Okay, let's go eat. I replied with a smile.

"Really?" Sisi happily hugged me, "Mom is the best!"

My heart warmed and I gently stroked her hair. It's been a long time since we've gone out to eat like mother and daughter.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

When I came to the hot pot restaurant, I ordered Sisi's favorite thin slices of meat and various dipping sauces, and also ordered her favorite cola. Looking at her happy little face, I felt inexplicably relieved and proud.

"Sisi, Mom is probably going to be busy these two months because she has a big project to do. You have to take care of yourself when you're home alone. I said to her in a serious tone.

"No problem mom!" Sisi stood up and gave me a salute, "I'm 10 years old, I can take care of myself, just focus on my work!"

In this way, our mother and daughter ate and drank to their heart's content, talked and laughed at the hot pot restaurant, and spent a warm and beautiful weekend.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

The next morning, I was working on a new project. This is one of the biggest projects in our company recently, and if successful, it will not only generate significant profits for the company, but also benefit my professional development. So I was determined to do my best, even if I had to work overtime.

Sure enough, the workload on this project was very large, and our team had to work overtime until 8 or 9 p.m. every day. In order to catch up, I basically have to go to the office every weekend to sprint. Finally, I was at home on a day off, and I was so tired that I became a little impatient with Sisi's words.

"Mom, look at my drawing!" Si Si Xing rushed over and wanted to hand me his sketchbook.

"Sisi, mom is very tired now, can you show me later?" I waved my hand and said with some impatience.

"Oh—" Sisi bowed her head in disappointment and turned to leave. I saw her walk away with heavy steps, and a hint of self-reproach welled up in my heart.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

In this way, I feel physically and mentally exhausted from the day-to-day work. Even at home, I constantly look at my computer and documents. I began to neglect to take care of Sisi's diet and daily life, and sometimes I got bored with her requests.

"Mom, I'm hungry," Sisi gently pushed my arm at 8 o'clock one night.

"It's okay for you to warm it up yourself, right?" I didn't look up and continued to speak into the computer screen.

"But... Dumplings for mom to cook..."

"Got it, got it, wait for me to deal with something!" I interrupted her with some irritation.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

Sisi left disappointed. I know I've been incompetent lately, but I'm just too busy at work.

In this way, as the days passed, the distance between me and Sisi became farther and farther away. One day, I finally finished working overtime, and when I got home, it was already past 11 o'clock. But Sisi is not at home!

I called her cell phone in a hurry, but no one answered. I hurriedly changed into my coat and rushed out the door to find her. I checked her classmate's home and the nearby shopping mall, but I didn't have a clue. I was so anxious that I finally found a small figure swaying gently in the swing area of the community park.

"Sisi!" I yelled and ran quickly. It's a man sitting on a swing with his head down and crying.

I hurriedly ran over and crouched down to take a closer look at Sisi's condition. She was bleeding from her knees and had abrasions on her hands, but she looked okay overall. I was so distressed that I gently took her in my arms and took out a bandage from my bag to bandage her wounds.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

"Mom, you're finally here!" Sisi sobbed and said, "I called you so many times, and you didn't answer!"

My heart hurt like a knife. It turned out that during this time, I was so focused on my work that I completely ignored my daughter's needs, which made such a young child feel so lonely and sad.

"Sisi, I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault. While wiping away her tears, I blamed myself and said, "Mom is too busy this time to spend with you." But from now on, Mom will definitely correct it, and will spend more time with you, and we will do all kinds of happy things together!"

"Really?" Sisi looked at me with big watery eyes.

"Really!" I nodded solemnly, "Mom promises, absolutely do what you say!"

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

Since then, I have learned to manage my time, both to complete work tasks and to spend time with Sisi on a regular basis. I started asking her about the problems she had at school, her progress, and the new friends she had made. I also try to find mother-daughter activities that we can do together based on her interests and hobbies.

At one point, she said she wanted to learn to play the piano. I was hesitant at first because it was really expensive to hire a piano teacher. But seeing Sisi's excited and expectant eyes, I mustered up the courage to decide to save some daily expenses and use the money to hire a home teacher.

On the day of my first class, I happily watched Sisi sit on the piano bench with great enthusiasm and listen to the teacher's explanation of music theory. When she played the first simple tune of her life, I was moved to tears. At this moment, I suddenly realized that being a competent mother is far more important than work.

Gradually, the relationship between Sisi and me became inseparable. We do chores together, prepare meals together, and go for walks in the park together. Sometimes I take half a day off and take her to the movies, the playground, the zoo. She would babble and tell me interesting things that happened at school, and I would listen patiently to her when she talked about self-forgetfulness.

The days passed like this plain and warm. Watching Sisi grow from a shy little girl to a sunny and cheerful girl, I feel extremely relieved and proud. She excelled in all aspects of her studies and learned how to take care of herself and help her mother.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

I often say to her, "Sisi, no matter what difficulties you encounter in the future, your mother will be by your side to support you and encourage you." Our mother and daughter will definitely be able to go through all the ups and downs together. ”

Sisi would nod happily and give me a big hug. I believe that as long as there is a lot of understanding and love between us, her future will be great. I will continue to support her, care for her, and be her strongest backing.

In this way, with my wholehearted company, Sisi gradually grew up, and now she is a big girl. Although she still cheats on me, she has shown a mature side of independence and responsibility in many ways.

For example, I've recently been promoted and raised, and I'm busier at work. One day I needed to go on a business trip for a week, and I was worried about Sisi's life at home alone. I didn't expect her to understand my job very well and volunteered to take care of herself and everything at home. I repeated the precautions to her many times, telling her to call me immediately if she had any problems. Sisi has repeatedly promised to do everything well.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

Sure enough, during the week of my business trip, Sisi consciously planned my daily life and rest to ensure that my studies were not delayed, and I ate and slept on time. And she will also send me a message to report on the progress of the day, so that I can rest assured. I couldn't be happier with her ability to be independent.

Another time, Sisi told me that the school organizes a spring outing, which requires the parents' signature and payment of a certain fee. But I was a little short of money for the time being, Sisi understood my difficulties, and offered to use the pocket money she had saved to pay for the spring outing first, and then slowly return it to her. I was deeply touched by her empathy.

Recently, Sisi told me that she wanted to find a part-time job during the summer vacation, which could not only earn living expenses, but also train herself. After careful consideration, I agreed to let her try it on the premise that it was safe to do so. Sure enough, Sisi relied on her ability to find a job as a temporary clerk in a book store during the summer.

I would regularly ask her if she was doing well at work and if she had any difficulties. Sisi said that although the work was hard, she felt it was very meaningful. This can increase her social skills, get to know people from different walks of life, and also be an exercise in self-reliance. I am very pleased to hear this, because Sisi's growth has completely exceeded my expectations.

Recently, Sisi High School is about to graduate. Regarding her future plans, she expressed her desire to study at a university abroad. Although I was a little reluctant to let her go too far from home, I encouraged her to pursue her dreams. After all, Sisi has grown up and has the right and ability to make decisions about her own life.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

Maybe one day in the future, Sisi will fly to a distant country to pursue her dreams. But no matter where she is, she knows that there is a place to call home, and there is someone who loves her the most who has always supported her and waited for her. Looking forward to her going home to talk to her mother when she is in trouble; I look forward to going home as soon as she achieves something to share the joy with her mother.

Watching Sisi grow stronger day by day, I feel both proud and emotional. I will always love her, .

In the blink of an eye, Sisi graduated from high school. We attended her graduation ceremony together, and I watched her witty and humorous speech on behalf of the graduates, which drew applause and laughter from the audience, and the pride of being a mother was overflowing.

After the graduation ceremony, Sisi told me that she had been admitted to several prestigious foreign universities she had applied to. She decided to choose the economics department at the University of Cambridge, which was her dream major. I was stunned at first, and then happily hugged her. I knew it was a great opportunity for her to make her dream come true, and although I couldn't help but feel sentimental, I fully supported her decision.

Time flies, and Sisi is soon to leave for England. I took her to buy all kinds of items needed to study abroad, and I also carefully prepared special snacks for her hometown.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

"Mom, thank you for your continued love for me. She said, holding my hand.

"Baby, pay attention to safety in overseas life, and remember to tell your mother if you encounter any problems. I admonished lovingly.

"I will. Mom should also take care of her body and remember to eat and sleep on time. ”

"Got it, you can go with confidence, mom will take care of herself. ”

On the day of farewell, I sent Sisi to the airport. In front of the security checkpoint, Sisi suddenly turned around and hugged me, and I could feel her trembling slightly.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

"Mom, I'm going to miss you. Her voice choked.

"I will always miss you, but my mother will always support you to pursue your dreams. I stroked her hair and held back tears.

When the time of separation finally came, Sisi waved goodbye to me, pulled the box and disappeared into the security lane. I watched her departing back, and tears finally welled up in my eyes.

All kinds of clutches in life need to be faced bravely. I knew I had to let Sisi fly freely.

Soon after Sisi came to the UK, she sent me a video to report her safety. The new environment made her a little uncomfortable, but she struggled to adapt and make new friends. Seeing that she was still happy, I was also much more relieved.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

During the winter and summer vacations, Sisi would return to China to see me. Sitting around the dinner table with her, I will carefully greet her about her study and life in the UK. She would babble on and on about life abroad. I will also pass on the interesting facts about China to her, so that she will not be too homesick.

Four years passed quickly, and Sisi finally received a bachelor's degree in economics from Cambridge. I was invited to her graduation ceremony and was photographed with her on the old campus, and we were so excited that our eyes blurred with tears.

"Mom, you gave me strength in all this. Sisi hugged me tightly and said.

I know that no matter where she flies in the world, she will have a warm home in her heart. That's all I want as a mother.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

After graduating successfully, she got a job as a management consultant in the UK. This is a very desirable career for her to put her expertise to good use. I am sincerely happy and proud of her.

One day during a video chat, Sisi mysteriously told me that she had important good news to tell me. It turned out that she had a British boyfriend and a stable relationship, and now she wants to introduce him to me. I was pleasantly surprised and began to interrogate my boyfriend about various information and details of their relationship. I could see that Sisi liked him very much, and I was also very pleased, jokingly saying that I was going to send him some Chinese specialties.

After a while, I was excited to video inform me that she and her boyfriend had decided to get engaged! Looking at the happy smile on Sisi's face, I was even happier than her. I began to give her advice on all kinds of things to prepare for the wedding, and Sisi laughed as she listened.

Finally, Sisi's wedding day. I flew to the UK early to help her prepare the wedding procedures and atmosphere. The moment I put Sisi into a white wedding dress, I was so excited that I burst into tears. My little daughter has turned into a charming bride!

The wedding scene was lively. When the groom saw Sisi, he couldn't take his eyes off it. I sighed in my heart that my precious daughter had finally found someone she could trust for life.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful

After the wedding, the wedding banquet begins. The groom's parents and I hugged each other warmly and complimented each other on how many children were made in heaven. Looking at Sisi's smiling face, I knew that she had found true love, which was the result that every mother looked forward to the most.

After returning to China, Sisi would talk to me on the phone regularly. Newlywed life keeps her busy but fulfilling. I often jokingly ask her when she will let me hold my grandson. She also started talking to me about specific birth plans. I was thrilled and reminded her to pay attention to her body after work.

In this way, after another two years, Sisi finally came the good news that she was pregnant! I was so excited that I immediately began to prepare the Celestial Empire bag, trying to add some supplies to my future grandson. During this period, I will also advise Sisi to pay attention to the precautions during pregnancy. The video watched her belly bulge day by day, and I couldn't wait to hold my grandson soon.

Nine months later, Sisi gave birth to a lovely baby boy. She sent me pictures, and I burst into tears of joy – this is my sweetest grandson, and I began to wonder when I would visit the family of three in England.

Every bit of life is worth my careful management and waiting. Watching Sisi grow from an infant baby to a wife and mother, I am grateful for every beautiful fate in my life. I believe that there will be more glorious moments waiting for us in the future.

With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful
With 10 years of experience and a monthly income of 6,500, my role as a full-time daughter made me feel stressful