
Stiff limbs, numb hands and feet? 1 Chinese patent medicine, nourishing the liver and softening tendons, and harmonizing 3 symptoms!

author:Chinese medicine liver disease Hao Yaming

When many people get older, they begin to have special stiffness in the joints of their limbs, unfavorable flexion and extension, and numbness in their hands and feet.

Why is that? In fact, it is a lack of liver blood!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main tendon, and the liver blood is sufficient, in order to fully nourish the liver tendons, and the muscles and bones can maintain a flexible state.

Today I would like to share with you a Chinese patent medicine, which can not only nourish the liver and blood, soften the liver and tendons, but also regulate 3 symptoms!

This Chinese patent medicine is Gui Paeonia Dihuang Pill

Stiff limbs, numb hands and feet? 1 Chinese patent medicine, nourishing the liver and softening tendons, and harmonizing 3 symptoms!

Gui Paeonia Dihuang pills

Although its fame is not as good as that of Liuwei Dihuang Pill, it is a good hand for nourishing liver and blood.

On the basis of the three supplements and three diarrheas of Liuwei Dihuang Pill, it has added two flavored medicines, Angelica sinensis and white peony. Angelica sinensis, with the effect of invigorating blood and replenishing blood, has the reputation of "blood tonic medicine" since ancient times, its nature is sweet and warm, spicy and good, while nourishing liver and blood, it can also drive blood to flow throughout the body; And white peony, in addition to replenishing blood and activating blood, can also converge liver yin and neutralize the greasy of angelica.

The combination of various medicines can nourish the liver and blood, soften the liver tendons, and smooth the liver qi, so it can also regulate the following three conditions.

01. Dry eyes and vision loss

Stiff limbs, numb hands and feet? 1 Chinese patent medicine, nourishing the liver and softening tendons, and harmonizing 3 symptoms!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is open to the eyes, and the blood can be seen. If the liver and blood are deficient, the eyes can not be nourished by the liver and blood, and it is easy to have dry eyes, astringent eyes, and vision loss.

02. Insomnia and dreams

Stiff limbs, numb hands and feet? 1 Chinese patent medicine, nourishing the liver and softening tendons, and harmonizing 3 symptoms!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "when a person is lying down, the blood returns to the liver", which means that when a person is asleep, the blood of the whole body will flow back to the liver for detoxification.

From one to three o'clock in the morning (ugly time), it is the most prosperous time for the liver meridian, and the blood is returned to the liver, the liver hides the blood, and the blood gives up the soul. Long-term insomnia will lead to dysfunction of various viscera, especially the liver; On the contrary, the dysfunction of the liver will aggravate sleeplessness, and so on in a vicious circle.

If it is difficult to fall asleep, dreamy, and easy to wake up, you can refer to Gui Paeonia Dihuang Pill.

03. Soreness in the waist and knees

Stiff limbs, numb hands and feet? 1 Chinese patent medicine, nourishing the liver and softening tendons, and harmonizing 3 symptoms!

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" records that "the liver hides blood, the main tendon", the tendon of traditional Chinese medicine, equivalent to the tendons, ligaments and fascia and other tissues of Western medical anatomy, and the normal operation of tendons and ligament relaxation and contraction and other activities are related to liver and blood.

If the liver blood is insufficient, it will cause joint pain, numbness of the hands and feet, stiffness of the neck and limbs, similar to tendonitis, arthritis and other diseases in Western medicine. Many clinical arthritis and joint degenerative changes can be alleviated by nourishing liver and blood.

Problems such as joint pain and stiffness are especially common in the elderly population. This is not only related to the loss of calcium in the elderly, but also caused by liver and blood disorders as we age.

Of course, I would like to remind everyone here that Gui Paeonia Dihuang Pill is not suitable for everyone, and if necessary, it is recommended to go through the dialectic of a professional doctor first.