
"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

author:The southern tour is hard to find

In the TV series "Ordinary World", Gao Fengge is a negative character and a representative of corrupt officials. For their own interests, they will do whatever it takes to the extreme.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

At first, he was the deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee, and after the abolition of the regional commissioner in the province, Miao Kai, the secretary of the prefectural party committee, planned to recommend him to the above to take over the post of commissioner. For this reason, he could not so, trying his best to praise Miao Kai, a full of villainous faces. Without Miao Kai's recommendation, he thought he could also be a commissioner, and in terms of qualifications and ability, he was better than several other candidates. In the case of such obvious advantages, the above did not play cards according to common sense, and Tian Fujun became a commissioner. Everyone else could accept it, but Tian Fujun was really unbearable. In terms of rank, Tian Fujun is only a small county-level cadre, even an unpopular department, and he is not the level of the county party secretary, if according to the convention, he is not within the scope of candidates, how can he be a commissioner. In addition, Tian Fujun was very unpopular with Miao Kai, so he was transferred from the position of deputy director of the former Xi County to the regional epidemic prevention station, and he was counted as a person who was hung up. Such a person should now be a regional commissioner, how could Gao Fengge bear it. I thought the commissioner was in the bag, but in the end it was the cooked duck that flew away.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

Gao Fengge wanted to be a commissioner because of his greater power. He could not do it now, and his desire for power could not be satisfied, so he opposed Tian Fujun everywhere and did not agree to the production responsibility system in the Huangyuan area, believing that the system did not conform to the actual situation in the local area. Engaging in the production responsibility system was Tian Fujun's ideal, and he wanted to do it when he was the deputy director of Yuanxi County, but the conditions at that time were not available, so he did not make the trip. Now, he is already a commissioner, and there is still the support of the big guys behind him, so he can boldly do it, how can Gao Fengge obstruct it? The controversy between the two on the responsibility system for production seems to belong to a dispute of opinions, one thinks it is appropriate, the other thinks it is inappropriate, but in fact it belongs to the power struggle. Gao Fengge once visited Miao Kai in the provincial city hospital and told him about Tian Fujun's complaint that the production responsibility system he had promoted had disrupted the economy of the Huangyuan region, but Miao Kai did not think so, and also asked him a question, if the commissioner is you, what are you going to do? Gao Fengge said with a smile that he would also engage in a production responsibility system, but it would be carried out quietly. It can be seen that Gao Fengge is not opposed to the production responsibility system, his opposition is only to gain greater power.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

Tian Fujun's practice in the Huangyuan area is bound to trigger changes in the official field. The minds of local officials will change, they will all be toward him, and now they may no longer be toward him, and officials may all stand in the ranks of Tian Fujun, which is obviously not conducive to controlling power. In addition, with the advancement of Tian Fujun's new policy in the Huangyuan area, new manpower will be needed, and those who do not change their minds may only be able to leave, and the vacated posts will be filled by cadres who support Tian Fujun. Changes in personnel will occur not only in the prefectural party committee department, but also in other counties and districts, and these were the people they had arranged by Gao Fengge before. His own people were taken away, but in their positions they became Tian Fujun's men, and he was obviously unwilling. This is why when Tian Fujun revoked the post of director of the Agricultural Bureau, Gao Fengge wanted to retaliate and insisted on not giving Tian Fujun's friend Du Zhengxian a certificate. Because of this, Tian Fujun kicked the chair in front of him.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

Gao Fengge's practice made Tian Fujun think that he was a good cadre who adhered to principles, and although the two had differences, they were both aimed at doing a good job in the Work of the Huangyuan region, so after he took over as the secretary of Miao Kai's prefectural party committee, he recommended Gao Fengge to serve as a commissioner of the bureau. After Gao Fengge took over as commissioner, his attitude toward Tian Fujun changed to a certain extent, but only on the surface, he still could not accept that the subordinates of his former subordinates surpassed him.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

In addition to being greedy for power, Gao Fengge was also greedy for money. The contractor of the Huangbei Bridge is Hu Yonghe and Hu Yongzhou brothers, and their cousin is Gao Fengge. Because of this relationship, the contracting right was successfully obtained, but it was not given in vain, but the money was given. Gao Fengge accepted money from his brother, or he helped his relatives get projects, and the others were responsible for construction. Because of this, there are many problems in the bidding and other aspects of the bridge, the control is not strict, and finally collapsed, resulting in casualties. Before receiving the money, Gao Fengge arranged for the Hu brothers to also send two cans of tea filled with money to Tian Fujun's lover Xu Aiyun, and he wanted Tian Fujun to share the responsibility. If he is investigated, then Tian Fujun will not be able to get rid of it. He wanted to bind Tian Fujun. After the accident, he used the state pension as perjury, pushed all the responsibility to Xu Aiyun, wanted to use this matter to take down Tian Fujun, the abacus played well, but unfortunately still failed to succeed, and finally was taken away by the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

In Gao Fengge's eyes, power and money are very important, and he loves power more than that.

"Ordinary World": What kind of person is Gao Fengge, deputy secretary of the Huangyuan Prefectural Committee

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