
Don't search for 94 points and poor starts

author:Simple stardust

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In a world full of superheroes, people live seemingly happy and peaceful lives. Superheroes patrol every night, the city is guarded, and even in the face of terrorist attacks, superheroes step up to save people from the worst of the world. However, are things really that simple? Is the world really built by superheroes, and are they really selfless, desireless, greedy, free from personality flaws and psychological problems?

The Super Seven seem to be the guardians of this world, and each of their characters has their archetypes and references, such as Motherland, Queen Maeve, Transparent Man, Deep Sea, Locomotive, etc. On the surface, these superheroes are "guardians of justice", worshiped and worshipped, but in fact they are tools of capital, serving the expansion of capital and the pursuit of interests. Hundreds of people die every year as a result of superhero actions, however, their image is glamorous and unblemished.

Don't search for 94 points and poor starts

William Butcher is one of those victims, after his wife was raped by his countrymen eight years ago, and since then, he has given up his life in pursuit of revenge. He and a group of like-minded friends form a black-robed picket team dedicated to dealing with the superheroes who are wrought the world.

The Black-robed Pickets didn't rise to prominence overnight, they experienced many hardships and setbacks. However, in a world full of superheroes, they gradually realize that the best way to fight these superheroes is to become superheroes themselves. So, they injected Compound 5 and gained superpowers for a short time. In this moment, the cowardly becomes a warrior, and the powerless becomes a hero. They began to feel the taste of power, the power of life and death, and this gradually made them fall into the whirlpool of power.

Don't search for 94 points and poor starts

The existence of superheroes once made people feel reassured, however, when power is not checked, human nature gradually distorts. The story of the Black Robe Pickets is not only an entertainment work about superheroes, but also a profound exploration of power, morality, and humanity. It not only asks questions, but also tries to answer them, triggering reflection on the real world in the audience.

This series has both the spoof and violent elements of B-grade films, as well as deep thinking and moral exploration, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is both a spoof and a drama, both vulgar and noble. It challenges the audience's stereotypes of superheroes and makes people re-examine the essence of these heroes and the power they represent. The success of the series lies in the fact that it is not just an entertaining work, but also a thought-provoking work that makes the viewer think about human nature and morality after laughter and violence.

Don't search for 94 points and poor starts

In a world full of superheroes, the black-robed pickets have become representatives of ordinary people who have a deep hatred for superheroes, but are powerless to fight them. In order to change this situation, they kept trying, kept trying, and finally chose to turn into superheroes to fight superheroes. This choice made them feel the taste of power, and it also made them gradually fall into the whirlpool of power.

Superheroes are supposed to exist to protect people, but when power is left unchecked, it leads to abuse of power and the degradation of human nature. The story of the Black Robe Pickets makes people rethink the nature of superheroes and the impact of power on human nature. The success of the series lies in the fact that it is not just an entertaining work, but also a thought-provoking work that makes the viewer think about human nature and morality after laughter and violence.

Don't search for 94 points and poor starts

In this world full of superheroes, the black-robed pickets have become the opponents of superheroes, who are not just ordinary people, but also opponents of superheroes. They fight superheroes in their own way and try to change the landscape of this world. However, they also gradually fall into the whirlpool of power, discovering the impact of power on human nature.

The story of the Black Robe Pickets teaches us that power can change a person, turning an ordinary person into a superhero, or turning a superhero into evil

Villain. This state of lawlessness poses a great threat to both society and individuals. It is against this backdrop that the black-robed pickets become a force that tries to counterbalance the power of superheroes.

Don't search for 94 points and poor starts

The story of the Black Robe Pickets is ostensibly a superhero entertainment, but its deeper connotations provoke deep reflections on power, ethics, and humanity. It allows the audience to see the effect of power on people, and how power distorts the nature of superheroes, making them less like heroes and more like representatives of power. This perspective applies not only to fictional superheroes, but also to the issue of power in real society.

The story of the Black Robe Pickets also reminds us that power needs to be checked and monitored, otherwise it can abuse power and cause harm to society and individuals. In the real world, governments and societies need to establish effective systems to regulate and check power to ensure that power is not abused. This is a profound social issue, and it is also a question that the series of Black Robe Pickets wants the audience to think about.

Ultimately, the story of the Black Robe Pickets teaches us that superheroes are not omnipotent gods, and that they also have their own weaknesses and flaws. Superheroes should not be blindly worshipped, but should be seen as ordinary people who need to be held accountable and supervised. This perspective has become especially important in today's society because we live in a world full of power and authority, and we need to be vigilant to ensure that power is not abused.

In conclusion, The Black Robe Pickets is an entertaining and thought-provoking drama that challenges viewers' stereotypes of superheroes and provokes deep reflections on power, ethics, and humanity. It tells us that power needs to be checked and monitored, otherwise it will lead to abuse of power and cause harm to society and individuals. This story is not only an entertaining work, but also a thought-provoking work that deserves serious consideration and discussion by the audience. In a world full of superheroes, the Black-robed Pickets become the antagonists of the superheroes as they try to change the landscape of the world while also falling into a maelstrom of power, a story that reminds us that power needs to be checked and overseen to ensure that power is not abused. In today's society, this issue has become particularly important and needs our attention and consideration.

After watching "The Black Robe Pickets", I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. This series has a high rating of 94 on Douban, which makes me feel a little conflicted. On the one hand, it presents the superhero genre in a way full of spoofs, low-level humor, and bloody images, which makes people feel like a copycat. On the other hand, it explores power, humanity, and the true nature of superheroes on a deep level, forcing viewers to think more.

The original intention of this show was to ridicule all the superhero IPs on the market, and it raised an interesting question: what would happen if superheroes were real? In this episode, the superheroes of the Walter Corporation are not the guardians of justice as we usually understand them, they are more like tools of capitalism, used to amass wealth and expand power. This makes me wonder if there is a similar problem with power in reality, and whether power can really be effectively checked.

Each character in the Super Seven has obvious references, spoofs and under-profile versions of DC and Marvel superheroes. This creativity makes fun of the traditional image of superheroes to a certain extent, but it also makes the audience think differently about superheroes. Do superheroes also have lust, greed, personality flaws, and mental illness? If so, what impact will they have on society?

The character development in the series also made me think deeply. William Butcher's path to revenge, his black-robed pickets with a group of like-minded friends, whose fates are all influenced by superheroes. It got me thinking about the consequences of superhero behavior, and the impact of power on people in general. At the same time, the ordinary people in the play, although they have a deep hatred with superheroes, are powerless. In order to overthrow the superhero, they kept trying various methods, and finally chose to inject compound 5 to gain superpowers. It made me think about what power tastes like and whether power can really change a person.

The episode explores power, showing the deterioration of power when it is unchecked. The Motherland, seduced by power, has become more and more tyrannical, and the Walter Corporation has also reached out into the government, making the transhuman firm its lackey. This reminds me of the abuse of power and power struggles in the real world, where there are often more interests hidden behind the distribution of power.

Overall, although "Black Robe Pickets" may give people a low-level copycat feeling at first, as the plot deepens, it shows more layers of thinking. The series explores important themes such as superheroes, power, and humanity in a spoof way that makes viewers have to think deeply. Through the spoof of superheroes, it makes us reflect on the values of traditional superhero images, and at the same time, through the discussion of power, it also makes us think about the problem of power in reality. While some scenes are overly bloody and low-level, its depth and food for thought are impressive. This series made me believe that it is possible to convey deep thoughts and opinions, even in a less orthodox way.

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