
Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

author:Xueguoxue Network
Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

November 8, 2023 is the beginning of winter, the nineteenth solar term of the 24 solar terms, and the first solar term of winter.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

Li, is the beginning of the meaning, the beginning of winter represents the beginning of winter, but also represents the beginning of "winter storage".

Winter storage

As the saying goes: spring is born and summer is long, autumn is harvested and winter is hidden. In winter, animals begin to hibernate, and humans also enter a latent and hidden state. According to the principle of timely health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine, winter is the best time for the human body to "store", and it is necessary to do a good job of "winter storage" from the three aspects of yang, spirit and energy.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

1. Tibetan Yang

According to the principle of yin and yang change, yang is nourished in spring and summer, and yin is nourished in autumn and winter. In winter, Yang Qi is latent in the body to adapt to the changing seasons. Therefore, it is necessary to keep warm in winter, prevent the invasion of cold air, protect the yang energy in the body, and avoid excessive consumption and leakage; Eating more warm foods, such as red dates, millet, yams, etc., can help promote the collection of yang energy.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

2. Tibetan God

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" contains: "The spirit is guarded, and the illness is never safe", which means that spiritual cultivation, that is, the Tibetan spirit, is very important to human health, and you can usually keep yourself relaxed by reading, listening to music, soothing exercise, etc., and keep yourself happy, and stay healthy.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

3. Hidden energy

In winter, the human body needs more energy to stay active, wear thickened cotton clothes and down jackets in winter to maintain body heat; Eat high-energy foods such as pork, beef and mutton to adapt to cold weather; Or do appropriate exercise to promote the body's metabolism and improve immunity.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

Replenish the winter

As the saying goes: "Beginning of winter to make up for winter, filling the mouth empty", winter is the best season for the body to "tonify", not only can nourish the body, but also enhance the physique, commonly known as "make up for winter".

1. Grassroots soup

According to traditional customs, at the beginning of winter, every family should boil grassroots soup, boil the root of Angelica dahurica, the root of Nim nim, the root of litsea cubeba into a rich soup, after removing the grass roots, put the chicken and duck meat, pig's trotters, etc. into the grassroots soup and continue to boil it into a delicious soup, for people who are prone to illness in winter, it has the effect of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the spleen and aphrodisiac, which can enhance the physique and spend the winter safely.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

2. Eat dumplings

According to tradition, there is a custom of eating dumplings in the north in the beginning of winter, because dumplings and "Jiaozi" are homophonic, which means that the beginning of winter is the handover of autumn and winter; In addition, because the shape of the dumplings resembles the ears, it is said that if you eat the dumplings, you will not freeze your ears in winter, which is also a kind of good expectation for people.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

3. Eat mutton

The weather turns cold immediately after the beginning of winter, and it is necessary to dehumidify the body to ward off the cold. Therefore, on the day of the beginning of winter, southerners pay attention to eating mutton soup hot pot, and northerners like to eat mutton stuffed dumplings, no matter which way it is done, the nutritional value of mutton is very high, and it has the effect of replenishing yang and driving away cold, invigorating qi and replenishing deficiency.

Lidong: What exactly is "hidden" in Dongzang? In addition to hiding it, it is the key to surviving the winter

About the beginning of winter, in addition to winter storage and winter supplement, what other customs or particularities do you know, leave a message in the comment area to discuss!