
Zelensky's ending has been written, not falling under the guns of the Russian army, but dying at the hands of the Ukrainian opposition


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Introduction: On the international political stage, the Ukraine crisis continues to rage, and the counteroffensive under the leadership of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, although it seems to be full of confidence on the surface, has aroused suspicion and disfavor in the West. Scott Ritter, a retired U.S. intelligence officer, boldly predicted that Zelensky might eventually face popular opposition and an unfortunate end.

Development: Ukraine's internal and external problems are intertwined, foreshadowing the dilemma of Zelenskyy's leadership. In addition to Western suspicions of its counteroffensive, internal discord and corruption in Ukraine have highlighted the corruption and disunity of the leadership. Ukraine's high-level infighting continues, Ukraine's economic crisis is getting worse, GDP has fallen by as much as 29.1%, and foreign debt is heavy. The situation on the battlefield is equally grim, with fierce fighting between the Ukrainian army and the Russian army, heavy casualties, and the Ukrainian people's disgust with the war is gradually heating up.

Zelensky's ending has been written, not falling under the guns of the Russian army, but dying at the hands of the Ukrainian opposition

Argument: Internal discord, economic crisis and the pressure of war constitute a combination of factors that make it difficult for Ukraine to turn the situation around. News of high-level infighting in Ukraine continues to spread, and corruption is even worse. This internal turmoil will seriously weaken the overall combat capability of the Ukrainian army, and if the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive ends in failure, it will not only affect the support of the United States and the West for Ukraine, but also affect the final direction of the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

In addition, even if the Ukrainian army counterattacks, the United States and the West do not have high expectations, and only hope that Ukraine will continue to exhaust Russia's military strength through this move to achieve the strategic goal of containing Russia. Ukraine and Zelensky seem to have fallen victim to the interests of the United States and the West, and their future is not the focus of the West.

Zelensky's ending has been written, not falling under the guns of the Russian army, but dying at the hands of the Ukrainian opposition

Conclusion: The crisis in Ukraine is intensifying, and under the leadership of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, internal contradictions, corruption, economic hardship and war sacrifices are intertwined into an intractable dilemma. Although the support of the United States and the West for Ukraine exists, it is not out of concern for Ukraine itself, but out of its own geopolitical considerations. In the Ukraine crisis, the future of Ukraine and Zelensky will be the product of a multi-party game, and the final outcome of this game will affect the direction of international politics.

Putting aside the complicated chess game of international politics, let's talk about a very different scenario.

Imagine a small, faraway village where people work together to face the threat of a natural disaster. In this village, everyone works together to protect this common home, regardless of whether they are rich or low, regardless of their origins. It is because of solidarity and concerted efforts that this small village can overcome disasters and protect a better life.

Zelensky's ending has been written, not falling under the guns of the Russian army, but dying at the hands of the Ukrainian opposition

However, all of a sudden, some villagers began to quarrel over self-interest or strife. Some of them embezzled for personal gain, destroying the balance of resources in the village, and some of them grabbed the wealth of others, causing chaos in social order. Internal disharmony led to the decline and unrest of the village. Eventually, the village, which was supposed to live in harmony, fell apart and declined.

The scenario of this small village may be analogous to the current state of affairs in Ukraine. Just as villages need to come together to face disasters, Ukraine needs to be united at home to deal with external threats. However, internal strife and corruption in Ukraine have led to the weakening of the country's overall strength, making Ukraine, which is supposed to be fighting together, infighting, and the unity of unity is corroded by differences and interests.

If Ukraine, like that small village, can put aside its internal strife, unite as one, and concentrate its resources and forces on a common goal, it may be able to defuse the current crisis and get out of it. When there is unity within Ukraine to defend against external threats, the power of the country will be multiplied, and it will have a stronger resilience in the face of war and external challenges.

In the arena of international political wrestling, each country has its own role and interests. However, just like that small village, internal harmony and unity are the cornerstones on which the country depends for its survival and development. Only by achieving unity and harmony within the country can Ukraine truly gain strength and achieve long-term peace and stability in the country.

Therefore, Ukraine is not only facing external challenges, but also internal dilemmas that need to be addressed. Only by rejecting internal strife, corruption, and discord will Ukraine be able to face external pressures and move toward a future of stability and prosperity. Internal harmony and unity are needed not only for Ukraine's own development, but also for the country's invincibility in the international arena.

Title: Counteroffensive and Political Forecasting in the Ukraine Crisis: Analysis from a Neutral Perspective

In the Ukrainian crisis, the Ukrainian army under the leadership of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is about to launch a counteroffensive aimed at retaking Crimea and the Donbas region. However, forecasters and observers are full of uncertainty about the future of Zelensky and Ukraine. Scott Ritter, a former retired U.S. intelligence officer, boldly predicted that Zelensky could face a fatal end, a prediction that provoked deep reflection on the situation in Ukraine and beyond.

Ritter's view is based on the current dire situation in Ukraine. Ukraine's economy has plummeted, with GDP falling by as much as 291% in just one year, foreign debt reaching hundreds of billions of dollars, and the fiercest fighting in decades has led to the death of tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and the displacement of millions of Ukrainian refugees. These factors have not only exacerbated the people's disgust with the war, but also made the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive face many challenges. Discord at the top of Ukraine, including disagreements within the military and corruption, may also weaken the overall strength of the Ukrainian army.

However, the United States and Western countries do not have high expectations for the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive. They are more inclined to see Ukraine as a tool to contain Russia, hoping that the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive will deplete Russia's military strength, rather than really expecting Ukraine to turn the situation around. In this context, the future of Ukraine and Zelensky does not seem to be in the West's considerations.

Looking at the Ukraine crisis requires a deep understanding of different perspectives and a combination of them. Despite the serious challenges facing Ukraine under Zelensky, the picture is not singular and not all pessimistic. The international community has a common interest in resolving the Ukraine crisis, and this may be an opportunity to push all parties to work together to find a solution. Only by respecting the positions of all parties and balancing various perspectives can we better understand and respond to the complex challenges facing Ukraine.

In the Ukraine crisis, there are many opinions about the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive and Zelensky's future, but they do not contain complete facts and future trends. The complex situation in Ukraine is multifaceted, including political, military, and economic. There are several key points that need to be explored in more depth.

First of all, predicting the future is a complex and difficult task. While the analysis by Scott Ritter et al. raises the risks and challenges that Zelensky may face, this is only an assumption based on the current situation, and future developments are full of uncertainties. The fate of the Ukrainian government and its leaders will be affected by a number of factors, including military action, international political pressure, internal struggles and external support. Forecasts may only be estimates and do not necessarily represent final results.

Second, the crisis in Ukraine is by no means a single-country issue, but an important issue in international relations. Western countries' support and involvement in Ukraine involve both moral and strategic considerations, as well as a complex context of geopolitics and confrontation with Russia. Ukraine's future is closely linked to the international political landscape, and the conflict of interests and games between all parties is a key factor to watch.

Moreover, Ukraine's internal problems, such as high-level infighting and corruption, have a negative impact on the stability of the country and the strength of the army. Internal divisions and corrupt practices not only distract Ukraine's energy and resources, but also shake people's trust in the government and exacerbate the uncertainty of the situation. Resolving internal problems is essential for the future stability of Ukraine.

Finally, the future direction of Ukraine will depend on the efforts and coordination of multiple parties. Resolving the Ukraine crisis requires the cooperation and support of the international community, including coordination at the political, economic and military levels. More diplomatic efforts, dialogue, and the search for comprehensive solutions are important tasks facing Ukraine and the international community. All parties need to work together to forge a path to a more stable, peaceful and prosperous future for Ukraine.

All in all, the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive and Zelensky's fate under the Ukraine crisis are still full of uncertainties and challenges. Discussions on its prospects need to be fact-based, take into account all perspectives, and call on the international community to work together to find a long-term and effective solution to the Ukraine crisis. Only multilateral cooperation and rational dialogue can open a brighter path for Ukraine's future.

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