
Talking about the importance of whitening trees in winter

author:Nakatom Yunong

From late November to mid-February of the following year, the trunk can be whitened, during this period the winter temperature is low, the cold air sinks, the trunk is most susceptible to frost damage, some pests and bacteria are hidden in the cracks of the trunk epidermis for wintering, at this time the trunk whitening can achieve a targeted, twice the result with half the effort, reduce the number of pests and diseases in the coming year, and reduce the workload of pest control.

Talking about the importance of whitening trees in winter

(1) The importance of whitening trees in winter

1) Protect trees from low temperatures and frost damage

Extremely cold weather in winter can take a toll on trees, especially for some trees where shoots and seedlings are more vulnerable. Whitening agents can provide some protection and mitigate the adverse effects of temperature on trees. It helps to reduce the damage of cold temperatures to the surface of the tree, avoid the impact of frost damage on the tree, and maintain the healthy growth of the tree.

2. Prevent injuries caused by temperature changes

Temperatures can vary dramatically in winter, especially in areas with large differences between daytime and nighttime. This temperature difference can cause damage to the tree, such as cracking the bark. Applying whitening agent to the surface of the tree can help to reduce the impact of this temperature difference on the surface of the tree and slow down the damage caused by temperature changes to the tree.

Talking about the importance of whitening trees in winter

3. Prevent sun damage

Although it is winter, the sun is still somewhat destructive. Especially on sunny days after snow, the reflection of sunlight on the snow can cause additional light on the surface of the tree, causing the tree to be damaged by the sun. Brighteners reflect sunlight and help reduce this sun damage.

4. Prevent pest infestation

While the cold winter pest population decreases, some pests may still find food and habitat on trees. Whitening agents can play a certain protective role, reduce the possibility of pests laying eggs and breeding on the surface of trees, and avoid the impact of pest attacks on trees.

Overall, the importance of whitening trees in winter is to provide additional protection to reduce the impact of cold weather on trees, prevent damage caused by temperature changes and sun exposure, and help trees survive the cold season and maintain healthy growth.

Talking about the importance of whitening trees in winter

Work before painting:

Before the trees are whitened, the trees should be pruned with dead branches, diseased branches, scraped off old warped bark, and then painted white, the effect is better.

Whitening conditions:

Choose when the weather is sunny and the tree is dry. When applying, it should be meticulous and not rough, so as not to affect the effect. It can be applied with a brush or spray.

Usage Methods and Standards:

1. Method: Paint.

2. Stir the paste well before applying. Apply evenly and avoid too thick.

3. Whitening part: The height of whitening is 1-1.5 meters from the ground, focusing on whitening the root neck of the trunk (the main reason is that the root neck stops moving late, starts to move early, and the cold air is easy to sink, and the root neck position is most prone to freezing), and the canopy is not complete, the diseased tree, and the south of the trunk should be painted white. Ordinary branches and current branches should not be painted white, so as not to burn the cortex.

4. Apply evenly. Paint the trunk of the tree, and the ground diameter should not be left blank.

Precautions for whitening:

1. The powder whitening agent should be used with the mixture, not more than one, according to the amount of whitened trees for the appropriate amount of ingredients, the prepared whitening agent should be used up on the same day, do not put it for a long time.

2. Observe whether there are borers, if there are, they should be killed first and then whitened.

3. When painting, be sure to paint to the end, and do not leave the bottom blank.

4. The whitening agent cannot be mixed with the insecticide fungicide. Most insecticides and fungicides are acidic, while whitening agents are alkaline and when used together, they are prone to lose their effectiveness.

Talking about the importance of whitening trees in winter

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