
The latest personnel appointments and dismissals in many places in Guizhou

The latest personnel appointments and dismissals in many places in Guizhou

Notice of Bijie Municipal People's Government on the Appointment and Dismissal of Comrades Gao Ruxing and Other Comrades (Bifu Ren [2021] No. 19)

The people's governments (management committees) of each county (autonomous county, city, district), the departments of the municipal government, and the directly subordinate agencies:

After the study and decision of the Municipal People's Government:

Gao Ruxing was officially appointed deputy director of the Bijie Municipal Water Bureau;

Meng Lin and Zhang Azhuo were officially appointed as inspectors of the Ecological Migration Bureau of Bijie City (deputy county governor level).

The time for the above three comrades to serve as deputy county-level leaders is calculated from May 2020.

Huang Wenbi was officially appointed as the vice president of Bijie Industrial Vocational and Technical College, and the time of his appointment as a county-level leader was calculated from May 2020.

Li Dakui was appointed deputy director of the Bijie Emergency Management Bureau (probationary period of one year);

Song Zicheng was appointed director of the Bijie Social Work Service Center (probationary period of one year);

Yan Jinhui is the vice principal of Bijie Information Engineering School (Bijie City Finance and Trade School, Bijie City Financial and Economic Cadre School) (probationary period of one year);

Zhao Delong served as the vice principal of Bijie Nationalities Middle School (probationary period of one year);

Wang Gang served as the vice president of the Second People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Red Cross Hospital) (a county-level institution), and the former president of the Second People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Red Cross Hospital) (a deputy county-level institution) was naturally relieved;

Wang Baoren is the vice president of the Second People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Red Cross Hospital);

Chen Heqin served as the vice president of the Second People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Red Cross Hospital) (probationary period of one year);

Long Xun was appointed as the vice president (presiding over the work) of the Third People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Infectious Disease Hospital) (a county-level institution), and the position of president of the Third People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Infectious Disease Hospital) (a deputy county-level institution) was naturally relieved;

Liao Yechun, Du Min and Lei Shoubin served as vice presidents of the Third People's Hospital of Bijie City (Bijie Infectious Disease Hospital) (probationary period of one year);

Xin Maorong and Luo Min are the vice presidents of Bijie Maternal and Child Health Hospital (Bijie Maternal and Child Health Family Planning Service Center, Bijie Maternity Hospital, bijie Children's Hospital) (probationary period of one year).

Xie Qinwei was appointed deputy secretary general of bijie municipal people's government;

Zuo Zhipeng served as deputy director of the Bijie Municipal Education Bureau;

Li Ningbo was appointed deputy director of the Rural Revitalization Bureau of Bijie City;

Jiang Caoxing served as the deputy director of the management committee of Bijie High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Bijie Jinhai Lake New Area).

The above 4 comrades will be suspended until January 2024, and the suspension period will expire, and the temporary position will be naturally dismissed.

Luo Lihong no longer serves as the director of the management committee of guizhou Baili Rhododendron Management Area (Guizhou Baili Rhododendron National Forest Park, Guizhou Baili Rhododendron Nature Reserve).

Bijie Municipal People's Government

August 2, 2021

(This piece is publicly available)

Notice of Bijie Municipal People's Government on the Adjustment of the Positions of Comrades An Zhongyue and Other Comrades (Bifu Ren [2021] No. 20)

Bijie Construction Investment Co., Ltd., Bijie State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd., Guizhou Weining Caohai Airport Co., Ltd., Bijie Wumeng Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd., Bijie Tourism Development (Group) Co., Ltd.:

With the research and consent of the Municipal People's Government:

It is recommended that An Zhongyue be officially appointed as the deputy general manager of Bijie Construction Investment Co., Ltd.;

It is recommended that Lu Wenmao officially serve as a director and deputy general manager of Bijie State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Co., Ltd.;

It is recommended that Yang Axis officially serve as the director and deputy general manager of Guizhou Weining Caohai Airport Co., Ltd.

Recommended Qu Bingye as a director and deputy general manager of Bijie Wumeng Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd. (probationary period of one year);

Recommended Han Qinglong as a director and deputy general manager of Bijie Tourism Development (Group) Co., Ltd. (probationary period of one year).

Please follow the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant procedures.

Source: Bijie Municipal People's Government Website

Notice of the Municipal People's Government on the Appointment and Dismissal of Comrades Zeng Zheng and Others

The people's governments of counties, autonomous counties and districts (cities), the management committees of Xinpu New District, the departments of the municipal people's governments, and the directly subordinate agencies:

The Municipal People's Government decides:

Comrade Zeng Zheng served as the director of the office of the Zunyi Municipal People's Government;

Comrade Liu Chengdong no longer holds the post of director of the office of the Zunyi Municipal People's Government.

Zunyi Municipal People's Government

July 30, 2021

Circular of the Municipal People's Government on the Appointment and Dismissal of Shi Lei and Other Comrades

Comrade Shi Lei served as deputy director of the Zunyi Veterans Affairs Bureau;

Comrade Luo Hongrong served as the deputy county-level supervisor of the Education Supervision Office of the Zunyi Municipal People's Government;

Comrade Chen Fujun was appointed as the inspector (deputy county chief) of Zunyi Rural Revitalization Bureau (Zunyi Municipal Foreign Cooperation Office), and the former inspector of Zunyi Poverty Alleviation and Development Office was naturally relieved of his duties;

Comrade Wang Nengke no longer serves as the director of the management committee of Guizhou Renhuai Economic Development Zone;

Comrade Zeng Zheng no longer serves as deputy director of the management committee of Zunyi National Economic and Technological Development Zone;

Comrade Li Ying no longer serves as the director of the Beijing Office of the Zunyi Municipal People's Government;

Comrade Feng Junfeng was naturally relieved of his position as director of the management committee of Guizhou Honghuagang Economic Development Zone (Zunyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone);

Comrade Zhu Yu no longer holds the post of director of the management committee of the Guizhou Chishui Economic Development Zone.

Notice of the Municipal People's Government on the Appointment and Removal of Liu Caicheng and Other Comrades

Comrade Liu Caicheng served as the deputy director of the Zunyi Academician Work Center (Zunyi Advanced Research Institute, Zunyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Research Institute, East-West Collaborative Talent Workstation) (presided over the daily work, zheng county level), and the former deputy director of the Zunyi Academician Work Center (Zunyi Advanced Research Institute, Huzun Talent Poverty Alleviation Collaboration Workstation) was naturally dismissed;

Comrade Jia Jun served as the deputy director of the Zunyi Academician Work Center (Zunyi Advanced Research Institute, Zunyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Research Institute, East-West Collaborative Talent Workstation), and the former deputy director of the Zunyi Academician Work Center (Zunyi Advanced Research Institute, Huzun Talent Poverty Alleviation Collaboration Workstation) was naturally dismissed;

Comrade Wang Zhongxin served as the deputy director of the Zunyi Academician Work Center (Zunyi Advanced Research Institute, Zunyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Research Institute, and East-West Collaborative Talent Workstation), and the former deputy director of the Zunyi Academician Work Center (Zunyi Advanced Research Institute) was naturally relieved of his position.

Circular of the Municipal People's Government on Comrade Li Kaiguo's formal appointment

Comrade Li Kaiguo was officially appointed as the director of the management committee of Zunyi Municipal Affairs Zhengdao Coal, Electricity and Aluminum Circular Economy Industrial Park.

The comrade's term of office shall be counted from the date of his trial appointment.

Notice of the Municipal People's Government on the Appointment and Dismissal of Comrades Lu Zhuxin and Others

Comrade Lu Zhuxin was appointed deputy director of the management committee of Zunyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Guizhou Honghuagang Economic Development Zone), and the former deputy director of the management committee of Guizhou Honghuagang Economic Development Zone (Zunyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone) was naturally relieved;

Comrade Zhou Guoqiang was appointed deputy director of the management committee of Zunyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Guizhou Honghuagang Economic Development Zone), and the former deputy director of the management committee of Guizhou Honghuagang Economic Development Zone (Zunyi High-tech Industrial Development Zone) was naturally relieved;

Comrade Guo Zenan was naturally relieved of his position as deputy director of the management committee of Guizhou Renhuai Economic Development Zone;

Comrade Long Bin was formerly the director of the management committee of the Guizhou Loushanguan Economic Development Zone, and the director of the management committee of the Guizhou Loushanguan High-tech Industrial Development Zone was naturally relieved of his post;

Comrade Mi Liang served as deputy director of the management committee of the Loushanguan Economic Development Zone (Guizhou Loushanguan High-tech Industrial Development Zone), and the former deputy director of the management committee of the Guizhou Loushanguan Economic Development Zone was naturally relieved;

Comrade Zhang Tingwei served as the deputy director of the management committee of the Loushanguan Economic Development Zone (Guizhou Loushanguan High-tech Industrial Development Zone), and the former deputy director of the management committee of the Loushanguan Economic Development Zone in Guizhou was naturally relieved;

Comrade Luo Yuanfeng served as the deputy director of the management committee of the Loushanguan Economic Development Zone (Guizhou Loushanguan High-tech Industrial Development Zone), and the former deputy director of the management committee of the Guizhou Loushanguan High-tech Industrial Development Zone was naturally dismissed;

Comrade Xiang Xiantao was naturally relieved of his post as deputy director of the management committee of the Loushanguan High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Guizhou.

Source: Zunyi Municipal People's Government Website

Circular of the People's Government of the Liuzhi Special Administrative Region on the Appointment and Dismissal of Comrades Li Xianghui and Others

The people's governments and subdistrict offices of all townships (towns), the management committees of all parks, the working departments and units of the people's governments of the special administrative zones, and the administrative enterprises and institutions under the district and the provinces and cities stationed in the territory:

After being nominated by the Standing Committee of the Liuzhi Special District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party Group Meeting of the People's Government of the MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION on July 19, 2021 decided to:

Comrade Li Xianghui was officially appointed as the deputy director of the Yinhu Subdistrict Office of the Liuzhi Special Administrative Region (the term of office is calculated from January 2020);

Comrade Jiang Fuzhu was officially appointed as the vice president of the Liuzhi Special Economic Zone People's Hospital (the term of office is calculated from March 2020);

Due to institutional reform, Comrade Chen Hong was naturally relieved of his position as deputy director of the Management Committee of Liupanshui Luxi Circular Economy Industrial Park;

Comrade Li Xiang no longer holds the post of deputy director of the Development and Reform Bureau of the Liuzhi Special Administrative Region;

Comrade Zheng Yongmou no longer holds the post of director of the Department of Dermatology of the Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City.

July 26, 2021

Source: Liuzhi Special Administrative Region People's Government Website

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