
If you want to talk about it, you can consider it, and if you want to fight, you can also accompany it, and the PLA air and space vehicles will crush the last self-confidence of the US military

author:Lingyue CC

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Recently, the annual report of the US Department of Defense has aroused widespread attention, which overemphasizes the PLA's nuclear counterattack capability, which seems to provide an excuse for the US military to develop advanced weapons and maintain its nuclear arsenal. However, before we dive into whether the U.S. military will cross the red line and how to respond to it, let's review a series of recent developments.

Since National Day, the US military and its allies, including NATO's aircraft carrier formations, have behaved unusually aggressively. Britain's aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, the U.S.'s USS Carl Vinson, and Japan's Izumo-class helicopter carrier all play a role in the East and South China Seas. More worryingly, in September, U.S. forces demonstrated the ability to conduct two simultaneous naval battles in the Pacific, hinting at their intention to wage conflict in four areas: the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

If you want to talk about it, you can consider it, and if you want to fight, you can also accompany it, and the PLA air and space vehicles will crush the last self-confidence of the US military

These actions pose a serious threat to the security of the mainland, but fortunately, the PLA has taken a series of countermeasures. This includes 145 missions simulating attacks on U.S. aircraft carriers, as well as a simulated strike by a Type 055 large destroyer formation heading north to Alaska, and even a strategic deterrence cruise around Japan in cooperation with the Russian military. This series of actions sent a strong signal of counterattack to the US military at different levels.

However, these countermeasures are still not enough to fully contain the provocations of the US military, as the US mainland is not yet under direct threat. Even if our anti-ship ballistic missiles are capable of destroying American aircraft carriers, this will still not be enough to threaten the security of the US homeland. The US military is still likely to provoke with impunity, because their core interests have not yet been violated.

If you want to talk about it, you can consider it, and if you want to fight, you can also accompany it, and the PLA air and space vehicles will crush the last self-confidence of the US military

To effectively address this challenge, the PLA demonstrated suborbital strike capabilities and air-space vehicle technology in July-August of this year. Once the suborbital strike capability matures and is successfully missileized, it will be able to accurately strike the US military's strategic points in the western Pacific, and the US military's current anti-missile system cannot prevent such an attack. On the other hand, the use of aerospace vehicle technology to strike at the U.S. mainland from the Atlantic Ocean will pose a major threat to the U.S. mainland and weaken the confidence of the U.S. military, even though it is currently mainly from a civilian perspective.

In the long run, the PLA already has the advantage of defeating the US military in the Western Pacific. Although the U.S. military controls a number of strategic points around the world, such as the Indian Ocean Corridor and the oil shipping lines in the Strait of Malacca, as well as the maritime lanes in the Pacific Ocean, we still have a local advantage in the balance of power.

If you want to talk about it, you can consider it, and if you want to fight, you can also accompany it, and the PLA air and space vehicles will crush the last self-confidence of the US military

Recently, the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force expressed his readiness to negotiate with the PLA. For us, negotiation may be an option, but at the same time, we must also be prepared for possible conflicts. If U.S.-China relations cross a certain red line, the U.S. military will inevitably take steps to restrict our oil transportation routes. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate a weapon capable of threatening the continental United States in order to turn reactive into active at a critical moment. In this regard, aerospace vehicle technology can not only shake the confidence of the US military, but will also become an important strategic bargaining chip for us.

In summary, the PLA is taking a series of measures to respond to the provocations of the US military, including the demonstration of suborbital strike capabilities and aerospace vehicle technology. These technologies are not only capable of accurately striking strategic points of the US military, but also have the potential to launch strikes on the US mainland, thereby weakening the confidence of the US military. Despite the complexity of the situation, we must remain vigilant to ensure that national security and interests are not compromised.

If you want to talk about it, you can consider it, and if you want to fight, you can also accompany it, and the PLA air and space vehicles will crush the last self-confidence of the US military

Event recap

Not long ago, the chief of staff of the US Air Force expressed his willingness to hold a dialogue with the PLA, and this statement has aroused widespread attention. At the same time, the mainland's aerospace vehicle technology has also attracted much attention, because this technology may pose a threat to the US mainland in the future and break the self-confidence of the US military. In addition, the annual report of the US Department of Defense excessively expands the PLA's nuclear counterattack capabilities, stimulating a wide discussion of the PLA's combat effectiveness.

My opinion

First of all, the statement by the chief of staff of the US Air Force that he is willing to talk to the PLA is a positive signal. Dialogue is an important way to resolve international disputes and conflicts, and the avoidance of war is a goal that any country should pursue. In the current situation of international tensions, it is rational and pragmatic for the United States and China to seek dialogue and diplomatic solutions to their disputes. Such an attitude helps to reduce tensions, reduce misunderstandings, and contribute to world peace and stability.

If you want to talk about it, you can consider it, and if you want to fight, you can also accompany it, and the PLA air and space vehicles will crush the last self-confidence of the US military

Secondly, the development of aerospace vehicle technology has raised concerns because of its potential military applications. However, we must remain calm and rational. The technology itself is not the problem, the problem is how the technology is used. If aerospace vehicle technology is developed into a weapon, it does have the ability to pose a threat to the U.S. homeland, but that doesn't mean we will take immediate military action. The international community is generally opposed to the use of force to resolve disputes, and we should therefore actively seek diplomatic ways to resolve disputes.

In addition, the annual report of the US Department of Defense expands the PLA's nuclear counterattack capabilities. Such a situation could lead to the further development of advanced weapons and a nuclear arsenal by the US military, which not only exacerbated the arms race, but also increased the risk of the outbreak of war. The international community needs to be vigilant against this trend and call on all States to take measures to avoid an arms race and war.


In the face of this incident, we must remain calm and rational and avoid excessively exacerbating tensions. The statement by the Chief of Staff of the US Air Force is a positive sign that efforts to resolve the dispute diplomatically are still in place, and this is a sign to be encouraged. The two sides should take this opportunity to engage in dialogue and seek consensus to avoid further escalation of tensions.

The development of aerospace vehicle technology is a cause for concern, but we should not be too worried. Technology itself is neutral, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, including peaceful purposes. The key lies in how technology is used and how the international community monitors and controls its use. We should uphold the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes and seek diplomatic means to resolve potential disputes.

The annual report of the US Department of Defense expands the PLA's nuclear counterattack capabilities, which could provoke further arms races and tensions. The international community needs to be vigilant against this trend and call on all States to take measures to reduce the risk of an arms race and to strengthen international cooperation in order to maintain peace and stability.


In the current tense international situation, the United States and China should remain calm and seek ways to resolve their disputes through dialogue and diplomacy. Technological developments and an arms race could exacerbate tensions, and the international community needed to work together to avoid further escalation of conflicts. The peaceful settlement of disputes is the most ideal option, and we should strive to maintain a situation of international peace and stability. At the same time, we must also pay close attention to the development of the situation and remain vigilant to ensure the security and interests of our own countries.

The above content information is from the Internet, relevant data, and theoretical research on the Internet information, which does not mean that the author of this article agrees with the laws, rules, opinions, behaviors in the article and is responsible for the authenticity of the relevant information. The author of this article does not assume any direct or indirect legal responsibility for any of the above or related issues.

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