
The scrotum is damp, the urine is yellow and burning, Chinese medicine: clear first and then replenish!

author:Wang Feng, the heir of the imperial physician of the court

In daily life, many male friends think about making up for it as soon as they are weak and weak and have a weak erection, but in the end, they find that the more they make up for the body, the weaker they become, which tells you that although the body is weak, the heat in the body is also very heavy, so you have to clear the heat first, and then go to straighten.

The most typical symptoms are dampness in the scrotum, yellow and burning urine, weakness, short time, impotence and premature ejaculation, etc., yin deficiency produces internal heat, so the urine is yellow and burning, and the formation of dampness and heat is mostly because the spleen and stomach are weakened, so at this time, it is necessary to clear dampness and heat, and replenish the liver and kidneys to regulate.

The scrotum is damp, the urine is yellow and burning, Chinese medicine: clear first and then replenish!

I once had a patient who had been damp in the scrotum for many years, usually rich in thoughts and sensitive, but it leaked out as soon as he did something, his erection was not strong, he felt that his urine was inexhaustible every time he urinated, he urinated a lot, his urethra was burning, his stool was sticky, his skin was greasy, he was sleepy and weak, he had no strength, he was irritable when he slept at night, he had a big temper, he was easy to get angry, he looked at the condition of the tongue coating, the tongue was red, the tongue was yellow and greasy, and the pulse was slippery.

After dialectic, he is a typical manifestation of yin deficiency and dampness, so in terms of conditioning, it is necessary to focus on clearing heat and dampness, so he prescribed medicine: Poria cocos, Zexiao, Danpi, Yamagi meat, lotus leaf, Atractylodes, Atractylodes, Sichuan hyssop and other traditional Chinese medicines.

The scrotum is damp, the urine is yellow and burning, Chinese medicine: clear first and then replenish!

For the damp heat situation, in addition to taking medicine, it is necessary to eat lightly, protect the spleen and stomach function, and exercise appropriately, after the patient takes a little time, the damp heat situation is reduced, the urine is smooth, and the mental state is also restored well.

The scrotum is damp, the urine is yellow and burning, Chinese medicine: clear first and then replenish!

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