
The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

author:Spring ten miles of Yangzhou Road

The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

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Foreword: The law does not tolerate the use of illegal and extreme means to attack others.

On November 2, a female lawyer in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, was hit in the head by the other party in the case she represented on the street.

The topic of this news # The female lawyer was tried by the other party with a hammer on the street # comes from the upstream news, but it seems that a lot of important content has been omitted from the news, such as the identity and motive of the perpetrator, and there is no report, the original text is as follows:

The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

At present, the female lawyer is being rescued in the ICU and is not in danger of life.

After reading this news, many people will have questions: Who is this man and why did he attack a female lawyer so brutally? But the news reports did not give reports or explanations, and it is clear that these circumstances may be something that the media is unwilling to let the public know.

What is the case that has been deliberately avoided by the media? From the reports and comments on the Internet at different levels, it can be inferred that this case should most likely be a lawsuit caused by a dispute over the collection of loans for unfinished buildings.

The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

Unfinished buildings have become a social phenomenon of great concern to the public. Many people can't afford to buy a house with their savings for a lifetime, and have to be willing to become a house slave, every year, even the cost of paying much higher than the house price with interest, and now, seeing that the unfinished building bought with a loan is far away or even hopeless, and must be sentenced to continue to repay the loan, how many people are willing to defend their legitimate rights and interests for these house slaves?

The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

The Zhejiang Lawyers Association also spoke out at the first time.

The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

The accumulation of ordinary people's lives, in exchange for a set of unfinished buildings, in the face of losing everything they have, how desperate they are in their hearts, and this despair makes him lose his due rationality, at this time, is there any expert who asked the beast to stand up for him and say that this is a crime of passion?

The female lawyer was hammered on the street, why is there a lot of applause on the Internet

The topic of "female lawyer being hammered on the street" did not enter the hot search as quickly as before, on the contrary, the reports of online media almost always avoided these two sensitive issues. Among the self-media who participated in the comments, a large number of lawyers and legal workers appeared in the self-media, and their views were all angry condemnation of the atrocities of the perpetrators. The most typical comment is that lawyers are just a profession and that women lawyers, rightly or wrongly, should not be subjected to such illegal means.