
Five secrets that rich people love to take out loans

author:Perfect Flying Chicken

Do you know why rich people like loans?

If you haven't been in contact with a large number of wealthy people and haven't helped them get loans, you really don't know what's the secret.

I have been in the financial industry for more than 10 years. Discover a pattern: that is, rich people like to take out loans, especially the richer people, the more they like to borrow. And summed up the 5 secrets they love about loans,

One is that rich people know that by taking out a loan, it is not only possible to make money quickly, but also to make a lot of money. Because they all know that it is very difficult and very slow to get rich by normal savings, and to get rich quickly and richly, you must rely on other people's money, especially bank money. For example, a salaryman earns 10,000 yuan a month, does not eat or drink, and it takes 11 years to save 1 million yuan; If you save 5,000 yuan per month, it will take 22 years. Therefore, it is difficult to get rich by relying on normal savings. However, if you encounter a reliable project with an annualized income of 20%, you can go to the bank for a loan of 2 million yuan and invest it in, and you can get more than 300,000 yuan after deducting the loan interest from the one-year income, and you can get 1 million yuan in three years. Therefore, by making money through loans, you can greatly reduce the time to make a fortune.

Five secrets that rich people love to take out loans

Second, rich people are good at exploring and seizing business opportunities, and as soon as there are business opportunities, they increase their investment and go to the bank for loans. Rich people especially like to listen to news broadcasts, like to participate in various business meetings, like to hang out with government officials and bank presidents, like to invite guests to dinner, like to run around the world, and like to make friends. They do this to find business opportunities. As soon as they find a good project, they start to figure out how to do it and how to work with people. Especially when there is a shortage of funds, I try my best to find a bank loan, get the loan down, and then invest it in it, and make a lot of money.

Third, rich people are not afraid to pay interest on loans, because this loan interest is nothing compared to the money they make with loans. Take the above case as an example, a loan of 2 million yuan, calculated according to the current bank loan interest rate of 4%, the interest paid to the bank in a year is less than 80,000 yuan, and the annualized income of the project is 20%, that is, the annualized income of the project is 400,000 yuan, so the loan interest of 80,000 yuan is nothing compared with the income of 400,000 yuan.

Five secrets that rich people love to take out loans

Fourth, wealthy people are good at revitalizing all kinds of assets at hand, including fixed assets, and are good at using these assets as leverage to borrow from banks. Wealthy people usually like to buy and save some high-quality qualifications, especially gold, large certificates of deposit, insurance policies, stocks of listed companies and high-quality real estate, etc. By holding these assets, they can not only maintain and increase their value, but also at a critical time, that is, when they receive reliable large projects, these high-quality assets can be taken out as collateral to borrow from the bank, so that they can do the big projects and make more money.

Five secrets that rich people love to take out loans

Fifth, rich people know that it is most cost-effective to borrow from banks. Because the interest rate of bank loans is fair and reasonable, it is much lower than that of private loans, and as long as you have credit, you can borrow as much as you want, and you can borrow as much as you want. And if you borrow money from relatives and friends, then the interest you have to pay must be higher than the interest rate of the bank loan, otherwise, why will relatives and friends lend you? Besides, when you borrow money from relatives and friends, you may not be able to borrow it in many cases, and sometimes even if you borrow money, you still owe them a favor. Therefore, borrowing money from the bank, not only the interest rate is low, but you can borrow as much as you want, especially if you don't owe anyone's favors.

Now, everyone knows why rich people like loans, learn from rich people, even if you learn a little, you may soon become rich.