
Stop keeping an eye on Israeli agents and leaking the conspiracy to assassinate Iranian scientists, whose black hand is the United States

author:A hard-working ghost who loves to sleep

Recently, Trump has once again been in the media spotlight. The alleged assassination of Iran's nuclear scientist has sparked a flurry of speculation and controversy. The conspiracy behind the black hand gradually surfaced, and the United States seemed to be the focus of events. Against this background, many netizens expressed their opinions and put forward some interesting points. Iran seems to have consistently named Israeli agents as the number one threat, but the real culprits behind the incident may be other forces. However, the successive assassinations in Iran have revealed some troubling secrets.

Stop keeping an eye on Israeli agents and leaking the conspiracy to assassinate Iranian scientists, whose black hand is the United States

It is worth noting that the assassination of a high-ranking Iranian official is not the first time. Earlier this year, Iran's Major General Qassem Soleimani was killed in an airstrike by the U.S. military at Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. The Pentagon has publicly stated that the operation was carried out on the instructions of President Trump. Soleimani was primarily responsible for auditing Iran's training and support for all anti-Israel forces and commanded anti-American fighting in Iraq. He is also accused of orchestrating the assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the United States by sending proxies. Suffice it to say, whether in support of Israel or in defense of American authority, Trump did not tolerate Soleimani's continued existence.

Stop keeping an eye on Israeli agents and leaking the conspiracy to assassinate Iranian scientists, whose black hand is the United States

Now Iran's nuclear scientist Fakhrizadeh has also been killed in northern Tehran. While different versions of how events have occurred, current evidence suggests that the assassination was carried out by a remote automatic machine gun mounted on a scrapped car. Fakhrizadeh is one of Iran's most prominent nuclear scientists and also heads the Iranian Defense Ministry's nuclear program. His death poses a great threat to Iran's nuclear program, but it is good news for Israel and the United States. Because Iran and Israel have been in a state of hostility, Iran had been convinced that Israel had committed the assassination. However, there are indications that this may be the result of cooperation between the United States and Israel.

Stop keeping an eye on Israeli agents and leaking the conspiracy to assassinate Iranian scientists, whose black hand is the United States

Regardless of why Israel suddenly chose to expose its actions, the outgoing US President Donald Trump is likely to be behind the events in terms of combat motives. Trump has pursued a tough policy toward Iran during his presidency, including imposing oil and arms trade sanctions on Iran. Once Iran's power grows, the United States will be Iran's primary target of retaliation. Previously, Iranian missile strikes had forced the withdrawal of American aircraft carriers, suggesting that this speculation was not unfounded.

Stop keeping an eye on Israeli agents and leaking the conspiracy to assassinate Iranian scientists, whose black hand is the United States

In addition, Trump has not yet given up the presidency, having previously made a proposal to blow up Iran's vital nuclear facilities. Fakhrizadeh is also crucial to Iran's nuclear program, provoking Iran and triggering a conflict between the two countries. Trump is likely to be re-elected as a wartime president, and even if that plan fails, he may try to erect obstacles for the incoming Biden administration from restarting negotiations with Iran and returning to the Iran nuclear deal. Several White House officials have also revealed that in the final weeks of President Trump's presidency, he intends to have Israel target key figures in Iran, which was also involved in Pompeo's previous visit to Israel.

In short, if Trump is really behind the assassination of Iran's nuclear scientist, he may lose popular support even if he retains the presidency. Clearly, even though this is the last few weeks of President Trump's presidency, he doesn't intend to make it through the final moments smoothly.

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