
Look for the source of awakening

author:Leader of the Iron Sword Gang

People live in a world dominated by capital and power, and gradually become numb, wanting to awaken, but not knowing where the source of awakening is. In view of this, it becomes very important to find the source of awakening.

Look for the source of awakening

The ancients were deeply influenced by the idea of the official standard, or in other words, deeply influenced by power, and had to drill into the power system. The peasants were taught to follow the rites and cultivate the land honestly, while the merchants were generally not protected by the power system unless they paid off the officials. And the officials are not all clean in their sleeves, but engage in power rent-seeking. The emperor was not unaware of the rent-seeking of power by officials, but turned a blind eye. The emperor preached the reformed Confucian morality, and demanded that people abide by etiquette and religion, and that people be loyal to the emperor and settle in their own positions. In an era when agricultural productivity is not high, this kind of thinking can easily rule people. The premise is that people should have food and a house to live in, even if the food is very poor, living in a thatched hut can still allow people to get the conditions of Gou'an. The people were mostly peasants, who farmed honestly, paid taxes every year, and fed the entire ruling class. And the emperor and officials never inspect the people, the emperor does not come out in the palace, and the officials do not come out in the yamen. What the common people are like, they can only rely on the reports of the lower-level personnel, and even they have been opposed to the common people and have become people who protect the interests of the powerful, not those who protect the interests of the people.

If ordinary people want to get a chance to turn over, they must spend more than three generations of savings to train a scholar and let the scholar enter Beijing to take the exam. And scholars are not so idealistic, and there are very few who are admitted, and there are many who can't pass the exam. They will regard the exam as the most important thing in their lives, and some even fail the exam for the rest of their lives. Some committed suicide because they failed the exam. As for the women, it is even more miserable, most of them have no names, they can only be manipulated by men at will, and they can even be bought and sold. When a woman marries a man, she will add her own surname to the man's surname, and add a "clan", which is considered her own name. If the surname Zhao marries the surname Wang, he will be called Wang Zhao, and will not have his real name. In addition, the genealogy of large families will record the names of men, not the real names of women, but only the names of Wang Zhao and the like, which is a stigmatization of women and a manifestation of indifference. It is even more difficult for women to awaken. Women were not allowed to study or take the imperial examinations. So there was the matter of Mulan men pretending to be women to join the army for their fathers, and of course, there were also women who pretended to be men as scholars and participated in the imperial examinations, but most of them could not make the trip. Before the imperial examination in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the lifters needed to take a collective bath and change their clothes to prevent entrainment. If a woman dresses up as a man, how can she participate in a group bath and change clothes? However, there are still a few talented women in history, but most of them have a bad fate, and the four beauties in history are beautiful, but they have become tools used by men, and the ending is not very good.

Now, there are conditions for awakening, but the source of awakening has been lost, and there is no driving force for awakening. In the past, there was a lack of books, the examination was not easy, and the scholars studied hard, and most of their time and energy were spent on the imperial examination, and they could not wake up. Nowadays, if a student goes from elementary school to graduate school, it takes 20 years of hard work, during which he has to spend a lot of money to buy books, room and board, etc., and go through countless exams, large and small, until he graduates from graduate school, he may not be able to find a job. Is there something wrong with the examination system? It's not just the examination system that's going wrong, it's the education system.

Look for the source of awakening

Education requires students to apply what they have learned, not to learn from practice. Many college students can't find a job for several reasons, one is that good positions are held by the powerful for a long time, and there are no vacancies for college students; One is that college students are reluctant to engage in low-end industry chain jobs that have nothing to do with their majors; One reason is that the knowledge and society of college students are disconnected and cannot meet the needs of society; One reason is the industrialization of education, which is entirely about cultivating qualified products, rather than products that are needed by society. In fact, it is the education itself that is the problem, not the college students. So, is it worth spending 20 years studying without finding your dream job? How many twenty years can there be in life?

At the social level, the number of businessmen increased, the atmosphere of worshipping businessmen and the rich also rose, and the people in the power system began to get rich, so the number of powerful people increased, and they acted recklessly, affecting people's outlook on life and values. After all, the gradual opening up of society and the gradual weakening of self-purification ability have made many speculators see the opportunity, people follow the speculators, wanting to be powerful, but in the end they are counterattacked by the magnates, becoming a group of exploited and enslaved, and even applauded if they are fooled!

In the twenties of the last century, the magazine "New Youth" was born in a devastating manner, calling for people to wake up. Lu Xun's collection of novels "The Scream" calls on people to "break the iron house" and go to "the bright state". People seem to have woken up, to oppose dictatorship, to oppose the imprisonment of ideas, and seem to have found the source of awakening. That is, democracy and science, and we must continue to promote it. However, despite successive social movements, democracy and science have not yet fully taken root in the hearts of the people. People's level of education has improved, but their superstitions about power and capital are increasing day by day, but they are not confident, and even often have to depreciate themselves in order to highlight the virtue of "modesty". In fact, most people have to work for their own welfare, and they don't have too much dedication to work for the welfare of others. Even people speculate everywhere, exercise power, and make money everywhere on the road of seeking benefits for themselves, but they do not often read books and engage in the construction of spiritual temples that transcend utilitarianism.

Capital induces people to consume, and power is endorsing. As a result, most of the people have been influenced by consumerism, and they have to surrender to the feet of capital and power, and even sing praises for capital and power, and they have to be shy of their own humility. Some people try to drill into the circle of the powerful, willing to be used, and even hunted. It seems that if the mouse wants the cat to eat it, but the cat refuses to eat it, the mouse will have a sense of loss, try to tease the cat, and make friends with the cat, isn't it ridiculous? Humble people want to awaken with the help of capital and power, but they are eaten up by capital and power. Some women can be on the throne by virtue of their appearance, but they end up becoming playthings, and when they are investigated, people are amazed at the depravity and ugliness of human nature.

Look for the source of awakening

Condemning desire does not necessarily find the source of awakening, Enlightenment recognizes the rationality of desire, while indulgence advocates the fulfillment of desire, but also the indulgence of desire. The problem is not in desire, but in the influence of history and culture advocated by the elites, the use of human selfishness and self-preservation, and the use of the psychological principle of infinite human desire, will drive most people to run for their lives———— like walking corpses, losing their personality and even their souls. Medioccrity is not necessarily ordinary, but despicable in ordinary. It is necessary to overcome the ignorance and humility of the soul, read more, practice more, think more, let the mind cross the ancient and modern China and foreign countries, and build a great spiritual palace, in order to become a real person, a person with a capital letter, a person who is free from low-level interests, and of course find the source of awakening.